
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Week 13 Review: Tattoo

From Goodreads:

In an environmentally fragile world where human and animal genes combine, the rarest mutation of all—the Trader—can instantly switch genders. One such Trader, the female Sorykah, is battling her male alter, Soryk, for dominance and the right to live a full life.

Sorykah has rescued her infant twins from mad Matuk the Collector. Her children are safe. Her journey, she believes, is over, but Matuk’s death has unleashed darker, more evil forces. These forces, led by the Collector’s son, cast nets of power that stretch from the glittering capital of Neubonne to the murky depths below the frozen Sigue, where the ink of octameroons is harvested to make addictive, aphrodisiacal tattoos. Bitter enemies trapped within a single skin, Sorykah and Soryk are soon drawn into a sinister web of death and deceit.

My Review:
Yeah, it was hard enough to get through Ice Song, this book, I read bits and pieces, and then yeah, the ending. Which wasn't quite what I expected, but it was a pretty good ending, considering everything! I liked it.

I really don't have much to say about this book, I mean, the whole struggle between Sorykah and Soryk, well, yeah, that was pretty interesting, and makes me wonder how the Traders would be accepted now. And how would they think of themselves.

And yeah, the fact that Soryk was the one that ended up with the control, even though it was born her body, yeah, not sure that I liked that, but oh, well. I had enough that I didn't like/was just not caring about, and yeah.

Yeah, that's about all that I can think of to say about this book. It just didn't inspire much in me, it was just there, and I just barely got through it. Yep. Bye, bye!

Author: Kirsten Imani Kasai
Series: Ice Song #2
Read: March 31st, 2012
Source: Library/NetGalley
Reason Why: Sounded interesting!
Publisher: Del Ray
Published: July 26th 2011
3/5 Hearts
3/5 Books
3/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: The Diamond of Darkhold

From Goodreads:
It’s been several months since Lina and Doon escaped the dying city of Ember and, along with the rest of their people, joined the town of Sparks. Now, struggling through the harsh winter above ground, they find an unusual book. Torn up and missing most of its pages, it alludes to a mysterious device from before the Disaster, which they believe is still in Ember. Together, Lina and Doon must go back underground to retrieve what was lost and bring light to a dark world.

My Review:
I enjoyed this book! There was a great mystery, and it forced the characters to go back to Ember, which dredged up some memories, and yeah, I just really enjoyed it a lot! Though Lina and Doon are just a little bit too young for my tastes, to read about!

This treasure stuff was mentioned in the last book with Lina and Doon, and yeah, it was really nice to really explore it, and find clues, and then start on the journey! I mean, this world has been through hell, and it's really starting to rebuild, but it's hard!

I enjoyed this ending, it was really good, and just made things easier for these characters, and they were just about as happy as they can be, and it was a lot of fun to read about that! It was just a really great ending to the series!

Yeah, I really enjoyed this book, and now to read books that are more my age, because this was just more a middle grade-young high school age book, mostly!

Author: Jeanne DuPrau
Series: Books of Ember #4
Read: March 29th-30th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: I really liked the first 3 books! And it's a 2012 Dystopian novel!
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Published: August 28th 2008
3/5 Hearts
3/5 Books
3/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Legend

From Goodreads:
What was once the western United States is now home to the Republic, a nation perpetually at war with its neighbors. Born into an elite family in one of the Republic's wealthiest districts, fifteen-year-old June is a prodigy being groomed for success in the Republic's highest military circles. Born into the slums, fifteen-year-old Day is the country's most wanted criminal. But his motives may not be as malicious as they seem.

From very different worlds, June and Day have no reason to cross paths - until the day June's brother, Metias, is murdered and Day becomes the prime suspect. Caught in the ultimate game of cat and mouse, Day is in a race for his family's survival, while June seeks to avenge Metias' death. But in a shocking turn of events, the two uncover the truth of what has really brought them together, and the sinister lengths their country will go to keep its secrets.

Full of nonstop action, suspense, and romance, this novel is sure to move readers as much as it thrills.

My Review:
I enjoyed this book so much! I kinda thought that if our world turned out like that, well, yeah, there are pros and cons. But seeing as we only saw a portion of the world, I'll have to wait out to form my opinion of this world!

I enjoyed these characters, and their back and forth narration! June and Day have a lot in common, and then there's the things about them that are the opposite, like their scores. But then there's something up with that, because Day was really smart! And yeah, I enjoyed reading about these characters!

Oh, that ending! That was a bit hard to read, that Day's brother died so Day could escape, and that Metias was murdered by his friend, the guy that he sponsored to be an officer. And that their government was testing various infectious stuff on their population, that was just vile!

Yes, this was such a great book, I loved it so much, and I can't wait to read Prodigy!

Author: Marie Lu
Series: Legend #1
Read: March 30th, 2012
Source: Library/Bought
Reason Why: It sounded really good, and it's a WTC book! And a 2012 Dystopian novel!
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Published: November 29th 2011
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Tiger's Quest

From Goodreads:
Back in Oregon, Kelsey tries to pick up the pieces of her life and push aside her feelings for Ren. But danger lurks around the corner, forcing her to return to India where she embarks on a second quest--this time with Ren's dark, bad-boy brother Kishan, who has also fallen prey to the Tiger's Curse. Fraught with danger, spellbinding dreams, and choices of the heart, TIGER'S QUEST brings the trio one step closer to breaking the spell that binds them.

My Review:
Reading this book, well, it was a much faster then the first. Because I was invested in this book, in these characters, this world. And yeah, things pretty much jumped right into things, and I just enjoyed that a lot!

So this book was Kishan's book, the one where Kelsey spends time with Kishan to solve the curse, and all the obstacles in their path. I just enjoyed them going on that journey, pretty much going on the same path as the first, but different, because a) different path, and b) different brother.

These brothers are hurting my heart, because Kelsey is getting conflicted between the two of them! And I mean, they're both pretty great guys. But they've gone through this before, and yeah, it didn't end so well the first time! I mean, look where they are!

I really enjoyed this book so much, and I can't wait to read more!

Author: Colleen Houck
Series: The Tiger Saga #2
Read: March 30th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: Wanted to continue the series!
Publisher: Sterling Publishing
Published: June 7th 2011
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Saving Juliet

From Goodreads:
Manhattan meets Verona in this time-bending twist on Shakespeare. 

When Mimi is magically thrust into the middle of Shakespeare’s Verona, she must find a way to help Juliet fight for her future happiness. Will she be able to give this classic tragedy a happy ending?

My Review:
Yeah, this was a really great book! I mean, it could kinda be told by the cover, with her of times dress, but then having the sunglasses in the bodice. That kind of sass, was just so adorable, and fun to read!

I enjoyed to watch Mimi on this journey, to have a modern girl in those times, yeah, just the idea of it is a little bit scary, because one of the first rule, or the very first, is to not mess with the timeline. And being out of time in that extreme, and a teenaged girl, to boot, well, more chance of some messing around!

When we found out the cause of the feud-that Romeo's father had rejected Juliet's mom, well, yeah, it seems a bit much, that over a broken heart that this feud was going on, one that was costing people their lives. It wasn't worth that!

This was a really great book, I enjoyed it a lot!

Author: Suzanne Selfors
Read: March 29th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: I wanted to, and it's a YAHFC novel!
Publisher: Walker and Company
Published: January 22nd 2008
4/5 Hearts
3.5/5 Books
3.5/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: She's So Dead to Us

From Goodreads:
Ally Ryan would rather be in Maryland. She would rather be anywhere, in fact, than Orchard Hill, site of her downfall. Well, not hers exactly—but when your father’s hedge fund goes south and all your friends lose their trust funds, things don’t look so sunny for you. Her mother moved her to Maryland to flee the shame, but now they’re moving back. Back to the country-club, new-car-every-year, my-family-came-over-on-the-Mayflower lifestyle that Ally has outgrown. One bright spot, however, is gorgeous, intense Jake Graydon. But it won’t be easy for the two of them to be together—not if his friends (her former friends) have anything to say about it. Is Ally ready to get thrown back into the drama of the life she left behind?

My Review:
I enjoyed this book so much! It was a bit awkward, because she falls in love with the guy who moved into her old house. And it's the first time she's been back since her dad lost these people's money. And their kids aren't quite welcoming to her, even her old friends

So I learned, that one of my very favourite books, The Tourist Trap, was written under an alias of Kieran Scott, which is why I enjoyed this book a lot, the voice that she has, it's just so awesome, and I just wanted to read more of it!

All was just really amazing! She stood up to Jake, what with all the stereotypes around of the two of them, to be outside of the box, and yeah, I just wanted to read more about her! Jake, I was iffy on. He was pretty much an asshole, especially in the end!

I enjoyed this book so much, it was just so good, and now I want more!

Author: Kieran Scott
Series: He's So/She's So #1
Read: March 29th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: It sounded interesting!
Publisher: Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing
Published: May 25th 2010
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Dreamland

From Goodreads:
Riley’s finding that the afterlife can be a lonely place when all you do is focus on work. So she goes to the place where dreams happen, hoping to find a way to contact her sister, Ever. She meets the director, who tells her about the two ways to send dreams. As a Dream Jumper, a person can jump into a dreamer’s dream, share a message, and participate. As a Dreamweaver, an entire dream can be created in a studio and sent to the dreamer. But Dreamweaving was outlawed decades ago, and the studio was boarded up. Thinking it’s her only way to reach out to her sister, Riley goes in search of the old studio. There she finds a ghost boy, who’s been creating and sending nightmares to people for years. In order to stop him and reach out to Ever, Riley is going to have to confront and overcome her own fears.

My Review:
This book, for me, is Riley's down point in the series. It's in this book that she makes some decisions, that I, from the outside, can tell are wrong. But she does learn some things from this, so yeah, that was really good!

I can't tell if this is during, or after, the Evermore series. I mean, I know Riley contacted Ever in that series. But I don't remember the specifics of that, so yeah, this could be that stuff lining up, or it could be new stuff. I just don't remember.

Yeah, Riley made some not so good choices, for good reasons, but she still made the wrong choices. And there's going to be some consequences for that. But yeah, things are better, and looking up, and I can't wait to read more!

I enjoyed this book, it was nice and quick, though it's not really for my age group, so not recommended for high schooler's, except maybe grade 9'ers, And lower!

Author: Alyson Noel
Series: Riley Bloom #3
Read: March 29th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: wanted to read the series!
Publisher: Square Fish
Published: September 13th 2011
3/5 Hearts
3/5 Books
3/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Dragonswood

From Goodreads:
Wilde Island is not at peace. The kingdom mourns the dead Pendragon king and awaits the return of his heir; the uneasy pact between dragons, fairies, and humans is strained; and the regent is funding a bloodthirsty witch hunt. Tess, daughter of a blacksmith, has visions of the future, but she still doesn't expect to be accused of witchcraft.

My Review:
I just loved this book so much! It was just so good, and entertaining, and I just wanted to read more! I loved the sections, as things are told to us, and yeah, to the ending, which was really great! And apparently it's part of a series or something, or connected books, and now I want to read those!

Tess hasn't had it easy. Her dad, or as we find out, her step dad, is pretty awful, and yeah, not nice to her at all. Including the witchcraft thing. When it actually turns out that it's fairies, and their magic, seeing as she's half fae.

I loved the action, and the twists, and the romance, and the reveals! This book, pretty much had it all, and I just wanted to have more and more and more! It was just so freaking good! Which is why I'm so excited for those companion books or whatever!

I enjoyed this book so much! It was just so good, and I want more now!

Author: Janet Lee Carey
Read: March 28th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: I wanted to, it looked really great, it's a YAHFC book, a WTC book, and a RR book!
Publisher: Dial
Published: January 5th 2012
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Ultraviolet

From Goodreads:
Once upon a time there was a girl who was special. 

This is not her story. 

Unless you count the part where I killed her. 

Sixteen-year-old Alison has been sectioned in a mental institute for teens, having murdered the most perfect and popular girl at school. But the case is a mystery: no body has been found, and Alison's condition is proving difficult to diagnose. Alison herself can't explain what happened: one minute she was fighting with Tori -- the next she disintegrated. Into nothing. But that's impossible. Right?

My Review:
This book was so awesome! I enjoyed it so, so much! First off, that synopsis where Alison believes she killed the special girl, Tori? That's a pretty big hook, and it got me! Just so unique and different, and just totally enjoyable!

Alison was a really fantastic character to read about! She had this enormous guilt, and yet, there was something nagging about the situation, and then when it turns out that big twist, well, yeah, that was pretty awesome! And when you add in the synesthesia, just so good to read!

There was an absolutely wonderful mystery in this book, one that kept me reading, one that I had to keep reading! The suspense was always there, but it grew as the book went on, and when discoveries are made, and then that ending, oh! Such a fantastic book!

I enjoyed this book so much, it was really so great, and I can't wait for the sequel! I need it!

Author: R.J. Anderson
Series: Ultraviolet #1
Read: March 28th, 2012
Source: Library/NetGalley
Reason Why: It sounded really creepy, and I had it requested on NetGalley, and it's a WTC book!
Publisher: Orchard
Published: June 2nd 2011
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Glass Houses

From Goodreads:
From the author of the popular Weather Warden series comes the debut of an exciting new series set in Morganville, Texas, where you would be well advised to avoid being out after dark. 

College freshman Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation. When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life, but they'll have Claire's back when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood.

My Review:
I really enjoyed this book a lot! There was a bit of a mystery in it all, and things got pretty complicated, and a bit confusing, but yeah, I really enjoyed these characters and this world! I can't wait to read more!

From the synopsis given, it made me thing that her new room mates were the vampires. But nope, it's just a good portion of the town, and that her room mates are the ones that know, and don't really like the fact of the vampires.

That was just such a cliffhanger ending! I want to read more, now! There was just a lot of action at that ending, reveals, and yeah, just a really great ending, that is really sparking off a fire in me to have more!

I enjoyed this book so much, it was really entertaining (and short!) and I want more!

Author: Rachel Caine
Series: The Morganville Vampires #1
Read: March 28th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: It sounded really good!
Publisher: NAL Jam
Published: October 1st 2006
5/5 Hearts
4/5 Books
4/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Unraveling Isobel

From Goodreads:
Isobel’s life is falling apart. Her mom just married some guy she met on the internet only three months before, and is moving them to his sprawling, gothic mansion off the coast of nowhere. Goodbye, best friend. Goodbye, social life. Hello, icky new stepfather, crunchy granola town, and unbelievably good-looking, officially off-limits stepbrother.

But on her first night in her new home, Isobel starts to fear that it isn’t only her life that’s unraveling—her sanity might be giving way too. Because either Isobel is losing her mind, just like her artist father did before her, or she’s seeing ghosts. Either way, Isobel’s fast on her way to being the talk of the town for all the wrong reasons.

My Review:
I absolutely loved this book! There was mystery-in whether she's coming into the genetics that her dad passed on for her to potentially have schizophrenia, she's seeing ghosts, or her stepfather, Dick the dick, was being a dick and trying to alienate Isobel from her mom, and become her mom's center of attention, because he's a dick like that by leaving the piles of sea shells around. Yep.

So Isobel's been taken from her home so her mother can remarry this guy that she's only known for 3 months, from the big city to this island with a small town, and then she finds out that her stepfather, and stepbrother, depending on the source, killed the wife/mother and daughter/sister. And while she doesn't get along with her stepbrother at first, he is cute, and before long, they talk, and develop quite a relationship!

And as the mystery develops, with the annoyances, and the ghost in the library being one of the girls who disappeared, and who turns out to be at the bottom of the well, and then finding out that Dick had let the girl die, he left her there, broken, because the house was worth more to him then someone's life, and when his wife found out he was using the money sued from the hospital to care for her daughter to fix said house, well, she went out to the boat with her daughter. But Dick took away the life-vests. And claims it was her fault for not checking, and then diving in the water even though her daughter was most likely already dead, and yeah. He was horrible. But the ending where he's arrested, and Isobel and Nate could be together, and yeah, that was a really great ending!

This was an awesome book, quick and addictive, and a page-turner, I could not read this book any faster! Loved it! Must check out her other books! And now you guys have to read it!!! Yep.

Author: Eileen Cook
Read: March 28th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: I read the first few chapters on the publisher's website, and they were so good, I had to keep reading!
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Published: January 3rd 2012
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: The Unspoken

From Goodreads:
"In five years' time, your greatest fear will consume you. It will rob you of your last breath."
Five years ago six children who lived with their families in Jacob Crawley's Divine Path religious cult escaped by burning the compound to the ground. They are reunited at the funeral of Jacob's son, Harold. Harold died of drowning -- his worst fear -- even though his body was found miles from any water. And it seems that each of the teens is marked for murder -- as Crawley had predicted years earlier. Can any of these teens save themselves?

My Review:
This book was really creepy. I mean, the fact that this group, when they were kids, had to burn down the cult they were in to escape it, is bad enough. But to be apparently cursed with dying by your worst fear? And then having it happen? Even worse!

I really felt for these characters. They escaped a bad situation, and then were living pretty much better lives, all around. And then this catches up with them, and it's like their lives are put on pause, because they have to deal with this. Or they might die. Not fun.

I kinda wish that this could be a series. I mean, that would mean that these characters would be under further threat, but a) then we'd get to spend more time with them, and b) we could figure out more of what was going on!

This was a really fantastic book, I enjoyed it a lot, and I'd really love this to be a part of a series!

Author: Thomas Fahy
Read: March 28th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: It sounded really scary and good!
Publisher:  Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Published: February 5th 2008
3/5 Hearts
3/5 Books
3/5 Stars

Week 13 Review: Jessica Rules the Dark Side

From Goodreads:
It’s one thing to find out you're a vampire princess. It's a whole other thing to actually rule. Newly married Jessica Packwood is having a hard enough time feeling regal with her husband, Lucius, at her side. But when evidence in the murder of a powerful elder points to Lucius, sending him into solitary confinement, Jessica is suddenly on her own. Determined to clear her husband’s name, Jessica launches into a full-scale investigation, but hallucinations and nightmares of betrayal keep getting in her way. Jessica knows that with no blood to drink, Lucius's time is running out. Can she figure out who the real killer is—and whom she can trust—before it’s too late?

My Review:
This book was just so fantastic! I'm so glad that I read it, it had the humour of the first book, mostly, and we learned more of the world, and yeah, there was the mystery about the death, but we also had alternating POV's, which was nice!

Jessica wasn't the strong girl that she was in the first book at first, but that's not really her fault, she's been put into this leadership role, and she hasn't prepared her whole life for it, like Lucius. And she was being drugged. But she grows into, and became her strong self again!

I felt really bad about who the bad guy was. Because they're Jessica's only blood family, basically. The only close ones, anyways. Pretty much her only link to her birth parents. She still has the Packwood's, but that her birth family betrayed her like that? Not fun!

This was a really great, awesome book, I enjoyed it so much, and I can't wait for more Beth Fantaskey books!

Author: Beth Fantaskey
Series: Jessica #2
Read: March 27th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: I had to read it, I loved Jessica's Guide to Dating the Dark Side, and the short story!
Publisher: Harcort's Childrens Books
Published: January 10th 2012
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars