
Stats of 2021 Wrap Up

Time to do my stats wrap up for 2021! Again, I'm splitting things up, and this is just the wrap up, but this year, I'm able to compare to last year, so that's a bonus! 

-Total read in 2021 - 674, up 15
-How many books I read that were stand alones and that were series-I read 93 books that were stand alones which is down 29, and I read 581 books that were in series which is up 45.
-How many books I reread this year - 108 books, up 13
-Series I started in 2021 and completed - 22, up 2. 
-Series I started in 2021 and caught up to what's been currently published - 41, down 21
-Series I started in 2021 and didn't finish - 31, same.
-Series I started prior to 2021 and completed - 50, up 10
-Series I started prior to 2021 and continued - 96, up 19 
-Series I started prior to 2021 and didn't finish - 13, down 9
-Total series I read in 2021 - 254, up 2
-How many books I bought in 2021 - I bought 195 new, read 129, and haven't read 66, I bought 234 used, read 131, and haven't read 103. For a total of 429 books, with 260 read, and 169 unread
-Where I got the books from
-What format I read the books in

In 2021, I had the usual suspects, as to what formats I read-physical book, and ebooks. But this year, I also started reading audiobooks, so there were a few of those sprinkled in there! 

Hardcovers: 48, down 18
Paperbacks: 61, up 1 
Mass Markets: 24, up 6
Ebooks: 453, up 9
Audiobooks: 13
Graphic Novels: 23, up 16

Books that I Bought After Read:
Bought Hardcover: 9, up 3
Bought Paperback: 13, up 8
Bought Mass Market: 23.5, up 11.5

Where I Got the Books From 2021

The sources of where I got books are primarily bought in 2021, owned previous to 2021, NetGalley, Edelweiss,, and then a few tour books, and one or two review books.

Bought in 2021: 15
Bought After Read: 36.5
Owned Prior to 2021: 119.5
NetGalley: 91
Edelweiss: 86 247 
Online: 52
Tour Books: 4  
Review Books: 4
Miscellaneous: Won: 1, Library: 19

I have 2 books that I own as a physical book that are collection of 28 stories that I counted just once each, even though there's the 28 stories. 

I had 5 books that I got though Edelweiss, and 6 books that I got through NetGalley but that I owned prior to 2021, so I put them in both sources.

I had 8 books that I got through NetGalley, and 5 books that I got through Edelweiss, and 21 that I got through, that I bought in 2021 that I read before I bought, so I put them in both sources. 

I had 1 books that I got through NetGalley, and 2 books that I got through Edelweiss, that I bought in 2021 that I bought before I read, so I put them in both sources.

I had 1 books that I got through NetGalley, and 5 books that I got through Edelweiss, that I got through the library, so I put them in both sources.

I had 1 book that I got through Edelweiss and the Library, that I owned prior to 2021, so I put it in all 3 sources.

I had 1 book that I got through Edelweiss, that I won, so I put them in both sources. 

I had 1 book that I bought in 2021 before I read it, and I read it twice in 2021 so I only counted it once. 

I had 0 NetGalley Books, and 2 Edelweiss Book, and, 1 book that I owned prior to 2021, and 1 book that I bought in 2021 before I read it that had a short story in the back, which counted as 0.5

I bought 1 book as an ebook, the rest I got as physical books. 

Books I Bought in 2021 Stats

So the books I bought in 2021 for myself (I'm not counting gifts) that I paid for this year, I'm glad that I added every book that I purchased in 2021 in a spreadsheet, and I can't wait to continue in 2022!

Books Bought New: 159 from Store 1, 5 from Store 2, 2 from Store 4, 6 from Store 5, 16 from Store 8, 2 from Store 10, 2 from Store 13, 3 from Store 14, for a total of 195 which is down 102. Of those, I had or have read 129, and haven't read 66. 

Books Bought Second Hand: 48 from Site 1, 6 from Site 2, 111 from Store 7, 20 from Store 9, 26 from Store 11, 23 from Store 12, so 234 total which is down 18. Of those, I had or have read 131, and haven't read 103.

So total, I bought 429 books which is down 119, with 260 read which is down 52, and 169 unread which is down 67. Compared to last year, I bought less, but this year I was tracking it, so maybe I did buy less in 2020, but just didn't know it. But again, my bought read books outnumber my bought unread books, which is always good! Especially since I bought less unread books this year than read ones! And I bought way less new books, and a few less used books, so I'm happy with that decrease! But again, I hope this balance stays about the same in 2022!

Series Continued and Unfinished 2021 Stats

So the series I started prior to 2021 and haven't caught up to what's been currently published are:
Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare (Rereads) 6
The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa 9
Cursebreakers by Brigid Kemmer 12
Twisted Tales by Liz Brazwell, Jen Calonita, and Elizabeth Lam 52
The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid 81
The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski 89
Heart of Thorns by Bree Barton 97
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst 118
Smith's Shifter's World by Shelly Laurenston 130
The Queen of Tearling by Erika Johansen 138
Lords of the Underworld by Gena Showalter (Reread) 204
Lord John Grey by Diana Gabaldon 213
Goddess War by Kendare Blake 247 

14. So there were not many series that I continued on this year that I didn't finish which is great! And it's down from last year's 22, so I'm happy with that!  

Series Continued and Current 2021 Stats

So the series I started prior to 2021 and am current on are:
InCryptid by Seanan McGuire 2
The Cosmere by Brandon Sanderson 4
The Eldest Curses by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu 5
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon 8
Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore 10
Villains by V.E. Schwab 11
House-Flipper Mystery by Diane Kelly 19
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 23
The Black Jewels by Anne Bishop 24
All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness 26
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert (Series May Be Finished) 27
The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson 31
The Cosmere by Brandon Sanderson 32
Killian Delaney by Kate Kessler 36
Highlander Brides by Lynsay Sands 41
In Death by J.D. Robb 42
Gaming the System by Brenna Aubrey 43
Torpedo Ink by Christine Feehan 44
A Court of Thorns and Roses 48
Alpha & Omega by Patricia Briggs 50
Aunare Chronicles by Aileen Erin 53
The Hollows by Kim Harrision 58
Aldebarian Alliance by Dianne Duvall 59
The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells 60
Mercy Thompson by Patricia Briggs 61
Elemental Assassin by Jennifer Estep 62
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson 63
The Witchlands by Susan Dennard 67
Argeneau by Lynsay Sands 68
Lady Darby Mystery by Anna Lee Huber 72
Chronicles of Elantra by Michelle Sagara 75
Sunshine Vicrum by Darynda Jones 76
Psy-Changeling Trinity by Nalini Singh 79
Psy-Changeling by Nalini Singh 80
The Carter Archives by Dan Stout 84
Dark Shores by Danielle L. Jensen 88
Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout 91 
The Eldest Curses by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu 94
The Case Files of Henri Davenforth by Honor Raconteur 99
Heirs of Chicagoland by Chloe Neill 101
The Others by Anne Bishop 102
Krewe of Hunters by Heather Graham 104
Cursed Luck by Kelley Armstrong (Series Might Be Finished) 106
Shadow Riders by Christine Feehan 111
Dauntless Path by Intisar Khanani 115
Archives of the Invisible Sword by Maria V. Snyder (Series Might Be Finished) 121
Fifty Shades by E.L. James (Series Might Be Finished) 122
Fifty Shades as Told by Christian by E.L. James (Series Might Be Finished) 123
Nadia Stratford by Kelley Armstrong (Series May Be Finished) 124
Simon Snow by Rainbow Rowell 127
Eric Carter by Stephen Blackmoore 128
Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews 134
Night Huntress Universe by Jeaniene Frost 140
Raised by Wolves by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Reread) 143
Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore 147
Ria and Rani by Sarena Nanua and Sasha Nanua 149
Elder Races by Thea Harrison 153
Guild Hunter by Nalini Singh 157
Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron 161
Honey Badger Chronicles by Shelly Laurenston 163
Eve Duncan by Iris Johansen 165
Strange Truth by Maggie Thrash (Series Might Be Finished) 168
Kinsmen by Ilona Andrews 169
Koslov Universe by Ilona Andrews 170
Immortal Guardians by Dianne Duvall 172
Demonica by Larissa Ione 173
Temperance Brennan by Kathy Reichs 174
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes 175
Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff 176
Charley Davidson by Darynda Jones 177
The Peri Reed Chronicles by Kim Harrison 189
October Daye by Seanan McGuire 181
Rockton by Kelley Armstrong 182
Married to Magic by Elise Kova 186
Dorina Basarab by Karen Chance 187
Cassandra Palmer World by Karen Chance 189
The Scholomance by Naomi Novik 189
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder 193
Chronicles of Ixia by Maria V. Snyder 194
Rolling in the Deep by Mira Grant (Series Might Be Finished) 197
A Stitch in Time by Kelley Armstrong 199
The Wallflowers of West Lane by A.S. Fenichel (Series Might Be Finished) 201
Little Bridge Island by Meg Cabot 205
Glass Series by Maria V. Snyder 207
Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson 208
Soulfinders by Maria V. Snyder 214
Amaranthine Saga by Forthright 215
Rise of the Warlords by Gena Showalter 216
Dream-Hunters by Sherrilyn McQueen 221
Hunter Legends by Sherrilyn McQueen 222
Finlay Donovan Mystery by Elle Cosimano 223
Dark by Christine Feehan 227
Wayward Children by Seanan McGuire 228
Wolves of Elantra by Michelle Sagara 229
A Hundred Names for Magic by Rin Chupeco 234
GhostWalkers by Christine Feehan 240
Cormac & Amalia by Carrie Vaughn 252

96. That's up from last year's 77, so that's great! I'm glad to have kept up with these series! 

Series Continued and Completed 2021 Stats

So the series I started prior to 2021 and completed are:
White Sand by Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin, and Julius Gopez, Fritz Casas 3
Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare (Reread) 14
Weather Warden by Rachel Caine 15
Alex Price by Kalayna Price 18
The Folk of the Air by Holly Black 22
The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco 25
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare (Reread) 28
The Lady Janies by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand and Jodi Meadows 30
Fracture by Megan Miranda 33
Even the Darkest Stars by Heather Fawcett 34
The Omte Origins by Amanda Hocking 37
Trylle 'verse by Amanda Hocking 38
Sanctuary by Caryn Lix 45
Empirium by Claire Legrand 46
The Folk of the Air by Holly Black 47
Forgotten Empires by Jeffe Kennedy 51
Infinion by Kathy Bell 57
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins 64
Ink in the Blood by Kim Kim Smejkal 65
Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (Reread) 78
The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, and Maureen Johnson (Reread) 82
Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, and Maureen Johnson (Reread) 86
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau 92
Legacy of Tril by Z Brewer 93
Fever by Karen Marie Moning 96
Spectral City by Leanna Renee Hieber 103
The Harbingers by Jennifer L. Armentrout 107
The Betrothed by Kiera Cass 108
Gilded by Christina Farley 117
The Wrath & the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh (Reread) 132
House of Furies by Madeleine Roux 134
Monsters of Verity by Victoria Schwab 143
Crier's War by Nina Varela 146
The Tomes of Kaleria by Honor Raconteur 148
Shades of Magic by V.E. Schwab 150
Chronicles of Rhyacia by Thea Harrison 151
A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown 153
The Cerulean Duology by Amy Ewing 154
Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto 155
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson 160
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong 162
The Nahx Invasion by G.S. Prendergast 166
The Rain by Virginia Bergin 167
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi 183
The Similars by Rebecca Hanover 185
Hell's Library by A.J. Hackwith 191
The Aurora Cycle by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman 236
Clue Mystery by Diana Peterfruend 239
The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine 248
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi 253

50. So I finished more this year than last year, it was great to finish these series off, compared to last year's 40. 

Series Started and Unfinished in 2021 Stats

So the series I started in 2021 and didn't finish are:
Hibiscus Daughter by Lana Popović 16
Trust Me by Mary Elizabeth Summer 20
The Hades Trials by Eliza Raine and Rose Wilson 29
Frostblood Saga by Elly Blake 39
The Old Kingdom by Garth Nix 55
Abhorsen by Garth Nix 56
Sirantha Jax by Ann Aguirre 66
The Diviners by Libba Bray 70
Zodiac by Romina Russell 73
A River of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy 74
Cape Charade by Christina Dobb 77
The Lawful Time by Daniel B. Greene 83
Fable by Adrienne Young 93
Illusive by Emily Lloyd-Jones 95
The Dreamer by Maggie Stiefvater 100 by Juliet Lyons 112
Nil by Lynne Matson 113
The Androma Saga by Sasha Alsberg & Lindsay Cummings 114
The Once and Future Queen by Clara O'Connor 120
Magnus Pack by Shelley Laurenston 129
The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence 137
Follow Me Back by A.V. Gieger 164
Providence Falls by Jude Devereaux and Tara Sheets 192
Maggie O'Dell by Alex Kava 210
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade 219
The Tide Child by R.J. Barker 224
Survival Instincts by Adriana Anders 225
Peryn & the End of Days by Susan Ee 230
Off-Campus by Elle Kennedy 241
To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han 244
The Feuds by Avery Hasting 250

31. Which is not great, but it is the exact same as last year so that's a little bit crazy! 

Series Started and Current in 2021 Stats

So the series that I started in 2021 and caught up to what's been currently published:
Lady Dunbridge Mystery by Shelley Noble 7
Aurelia Ryder by Ilona Andrews 13
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong 17
A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth 21
The Bright & The Pale Duology by Jessica Rubinkowski 35
Married to Magic by Elise Kova 40
Fractalverse by Christopher Paolini 49
Dark One by Brandon Sanderson 69
Havenfall by Sara Holland (Series Might Be Finished) 85
Realm Breaker by Victoria Aveyard 90
The Elementae by A.C. Gaughen 98
Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe 105
Rise of the Warlords by Gena Showalter 110
Immortal Enemies by Gena Showalter 116
Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart 119
Southern Homebrew Mystery by Diana Kelly 135
Saga by Brian K. Vaughan, Illustrated by Fiona Staples 136
Faery Bargains by Melissa Marr 139
Hard Play by Nalini Singh 145
Moonfall by James Rollins 156
The Duke Hunt by Sophie Jordan 158
Blood Like Magic by Liselle Sambury 159
Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson 179
Imagineer by Honor Raconteur (Series Might Be Finished) 180
Wickery by Dana Swift 190
Zaniel Havelock by Laurell K. Hamilton 196
Dark Olympus by Katee Robert 198
Junkyard Cats by Faith Hunter 200
Skyward Flight by Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patterson (Series Might Be Finished) 209
Flesh & Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout 212
Austen Expert Mystery by Katie Oliver 217
Fix-It Witches by Ann Aguirre 218
Section 47 by Jennifer Estep 220
The Bones of Ruin by Sarah Raughley 226
Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend 237
Little Thieves by Margaret Owen 238
A Rip Through Time by Kelley Armstrong 242
Lore Olympus Volumes by Rachel Smythe 243
Gilded by Marissa Meyer 245
Beacon Bakeshop by Darci Hannah 246
Jane Ladling by Gena Showalter and Jill Monroe 251

41 series. That's way less than 2021, with 62 but let's see how the rest of the numbers turn out.

Series Started and Completed in 2021 Stats

So the series that I started in 2021 and completed are: 
Parasitology by Mira Grant 1
The Initial Insult by Mindy McGinnis 54
Tattoo by Jennifer Lynn Barnes 71
The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen 87
Wings of Ebony by J. Elle 109
Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer 125
The Wicker King by K. Ancrum 126
Outcast Season by Rachel Caine 131
Rock Kiss by Nalini Singh 141
Monsters by Amy Tintera 142
Bright Breaks the Dawn Duology by Sara B. Larson 171
Wicked Villians by Katee Robert 184
Green Valley by T.J. Klune 195
Ephemera by Anne Bishop 202
Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye 203
Familiar and the Mage by Honor Raconteur 206
The Mirror Visitor by Christelle Dabos 211
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia 231
These Hollow Vows by Lexi Ryan 232
Earth & Sky by Megan Crewe 233
Frostheart by Jamie Littler 235
The Morganville Vampires Extras by Rachel Caine 249

22 series started and finished in one year, that's a pretty good number, and 2 more than last year! 

What I Wanted to Read in 2021

Honestly, I didn't put many books on my What Am I Reading Weeklies, because my various sources of TBR's meant that I didn't want to add many more new books on. But there were still some books that I just had to put on there, so I'm going to be continuing, and yeah, I'm pretty pleased with how well I stuck to reading these books! 

Week 52:
The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon

Week 51:
Nothing Planned!

Week 50:
Nothing Planned!

Week 49:
Heartsong by T.J. Klune, Brothersong by T.J. Klune

Week 48:
Nothing Planned!

Week 47:
These Hollow Vows by Lexi Ryan, These Twisted Bonds by Lexi Ryan, An Unreliable Magic by Rin Chupeco 

Week 46:
Nothing Planned!

Week 45:
Nothing Planned!

Week 44:
The Immortal by Gena Showalter 

Week 43:
Nothing Planned!

Week 42:
A Shadow in the Ember by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Week 41:
No Words by Meg Cabot

Week 40:
Nothing Planned!

Week 39:
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder, Assassin Study by Maria V. Snyder, Magic Study by Maria V. Sndyer, Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder, Power Study by Maria V. Snyder, Ice Study by Maria V. Snyder, The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik, Mile High with a Vampire by Lynsay Sands

Week 38:
Nothing Planned!

Week 37:
When Sorrows Come by Seanan McGuire

Week 35:
Nothing Planned!

Week 34:
True Dead by Faith Hunter

Week 33:
Nothing Planned! 

Week 32:
The Duke Goes Down by Sophie Jordan

Week 31:
The Midnight Girls by Alicia Jasinska 

Week 29:
Nothing Planned!

Week 28:
Nothing Planned!

Week 27:
Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell, Hex on the Beach Anthology, The Kiss & The Killer by Melissa Marr

Week 26:
Nothing Planned!

Week 25:
Nothing Planned!

Week 24:
Nothing Planned!

Week 23:
Nothing Planned!

Week 22:
The Eyes of Tamburah by Maria V. Snyder, The City of Zirdai by Maria V. Snyder, Heartless by Gena Showalter

Week 21:
Nothing Planned! 

Week 19:
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

Week 18:
Shadowed Steel by Chloe Neill, Sightwitch by Susan Dennard 

Week 17:
Firestorm by Rachel Caine, Thin Air by Rachel Caine, Ladies' Night by Rachel Caine 

Week 16:
The Crown of Gilded Bones by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Week 15:
The Lost Book of the White by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu 

Week 14:
Breach of Peace by Daniel B. Greene, A Danger to Herself and Others by Alyssa B. Sheinmel, Windwitch by Susan Dennard 

Week 13:
Nothing Planned! 

Week 12:
Nothing Planned!

Week 11:
Nothing Planned!

Week 10:
The Diviners by Libba Bray, Grimspace by Ann Aguirre

Week 9:
The Box in the Woods by Maureen Johnson, Dark One, Volume 1 by Brandon Sanderson, Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Nathan C. Gooden, Kurt Michael Russell, Last Strand by Jennifer Estep, Million Dollar Demon by Kim Harrison, A Wicked Conceit by Anna Lee Huber

Week 8:
Kingdom of Shadow and Light by Karen Marie Moning, The Promised Queen by Jeffe Kennedy 

Week 7:
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas, To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

Week 6:
Faithless in Death by J.D. Robb, For the Holidays by Brenna Aubrey, Highland Treasure by Lynsay Sands

Week 5:
Call of Vultures by Kate Kessler, Red Wolf by Rachel Vincent

Week 4:
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon, The Power of Hades by Eliza Raine and Rose Wilson

Week 3:
A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth, The Girl Who Wasn't There by Penny Joelson, Trust Me, I'm Lying by Mary Elizabeth Summer

Week 2:
Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews, Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Week 1:
Symbiont by Mira Grant, Chimera by Mira Grant, A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer, White Sand, Volume 2 by by Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin, and Julius Gopez 

Magical Readathon: Orilium Update 64 and Wrap Up

So I read my final book for Magical Readathon: Orilium, and it was Fall of Night which was for the prompt Character 3 Province! And that's a wrap! I do wish that I'd read more of the main primps while I could, but I've finished all the extras before the next full length month, so I'm happy with that, so I can't wait for that month of reading! 

My Reading Journey:

A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Province
Started On: September 1st
Finished On: September 1st, 9:21 PM
Pages Read: 384

Dark Breaks the Dawn by Sara B. Larson 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 2nd
Finished On: September 2nd, 5:28 PM
Pages Read: 320

Bright Burns the Night by Sara B. Larson
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Heritage
Started On: September 2nd
Finished On: September 2nd, 9:12 PM
Pages Read: 307

Cliff's Descent by Dianne Duvall 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 3rd
Finished On: September 3rd, 4:38 PM
Pages Read: 290

Bond of Destiny by Larissa Ione
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 5th
Finished On: September 5th, 10:48 AM
Pages Read: 207

The Bone Code by Kathy Reichs 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 5th
Finished On: September 5th, 4:41 PM
Pages Read: 368

Finding Felicity by Stacey Kade
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 5th
Finished On: September 5th, 8:52 PM
Pages Read: 304

Cape Storm by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 6th
Finished On: September 6th, 6:01 PM
Pages Read: 320

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 6th
Finished On: September 6th, 10:50 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 7th
Finished On: September 7th, 6:38 PM
Pages Read: 400

Forgotten in Death by J.D. Robb
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Background
Started On: September 7th
Finished On: September 7th, 11:19 PM
Pages Read: 384

Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 8th
Finished On: September 8th, 10:47 PM
Pages Read: 752

The Gravedigger's Son by Darynda Jones 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 10th
Finished On: September 10th, 4:01 PM
Pages Read: 103

The Operator by Kim Harrison
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 10th
Finished On: September 10th, 10:02 PM
Pages Read: 468

Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 11th
Finished On: September 11th, 5:12 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 11th
Finished On: September 11th, 7:41 PM
Pages Read: 224

Imagineer by Honor Raconteur
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 12th
Finished On: September 12th, 2:29 PM
Pages Read: 313

Excantation by Honor Raconteur
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 12th
Finished On: September 12th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 227

Master of Tomes by Honor Raconteur
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 12th
Finished On: September 12th, 9:30 PM
Pages Read:  268

When Sorrows Come by Seanan McGuire
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Province
Started On: September 14th
Finished On: September 14th, 5:27 PM
Pages Read: 384

The Last Laugh by Mindy McGinnis
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 15th
Finished On: September 15th, 6:37 PM
Pages Read: 384

The Deepest of Secrets by Kelley Armstrong 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Background
Started On: September 16th
Finished On: September 16th, 8:47 PM
Pages Read: 352

Unknown by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 17th
Finished On: September 17th, 9:39 PM
Pages Read: 305

American Street by Ibi Zoboi
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 18th
Finished On: September 18th, 8:44 AM
Pages Read: 352

The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 18th
Finished On: September 18th, 5:03 PM
Pages Read: 368

The Bronzed Beast by Roshani Chokshi
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 18th
Finished On: September 18th, 11:34 PM
Pages Read: 400

Desperate Measures by Katee Roberts 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 10:44 AM
Pages Read: 230

Learn My Lesson by Katee Robert
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 2:50 PM
Pages Read: 253

A Worthy Opponent by Katee Robert
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 5:06 PM
Pages Read: 302

The Beast by Katee Roberts
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 8:09 PM
Pages Read: 284

The Sea Witch by Katee Roberts
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 10:01 PM
Pages Read: 275

Queen Takes Rose by Katee Roberts
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Background
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 11:49 PM
Pages Read: 294

Wicked Villains Shorts by Katee Roberts
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 11:56 PM
Pages Read: 134

The Pretenders by Rebecca Hanover
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Orilium Academy Arc
Started On: September 21st
Finished On: September 21st, 4:04 PM
Pages Read: 416

Unequal Affections by Lara S. Ormiston 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 21st
Finished On: September 21st, 10:24 PM
Pages Read: 352

Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 22nd
Finished On: September 22nd, 9:40 PM
Pages Read: 325

A Dance with the Fae Prince by Elise Kova
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 23rd
Finished On: September 23rd, 3:20 PM
Pages Read: 344

Queen's Gambit by Karen Chance
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Province
Started On: September 23rd
Finished On: September 23rd, 10:02 PM
Pages Read: 648

Unseen by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 24th
Finished On: September 24th, 6:17 PM
Pages Read: 304

Unbroken by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 24th
Finished On: September 24th, 11:29 PM
Pages Read: 308

Better Together by Christine Riccio
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 25th
Finished On: September 25th, 7:20 PM
Pages Read: 448

A List of Cages by Robin Roe
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Heritage
Started On: September 25th
Finished On: September 25th, 11:30 PM
Pages Read: 310

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 26th
Finished On: September 26th, 9:57 PM
Pages Read: 352

Lirael by Garth Nix
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 27th
Finished On: September 27th, 9:37 PM
Pages Read: 464

Mile High with a Vampire by Lynsay Sands
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 28th
Finished On: September 28th, 8:05 PM
Pages Read: 384

The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Orilium Academy Arc
Started On: September 28th
Finished On: September 28th, 10:59 PM
Pages Read: 400

Cast in Firelight by Dana Swift
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 29th
Finished On: September 29th, 5:53 PM
Pages Read: 448

The God of Lost Words by A.J. Hackwith
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 29th
Finished On: September 29th, 10:50 PM
Pages Read: 336

Chance of a Lifetime by Jude Deveraux and Tara Sheets
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Background
Started On: September 30th
Finished On: September 30th, 12:32 PM
Pages Read: 336

Poison Study by Mara V. Snyder
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 30th
Finished On: September 30th, 3:31 PM
Pages Read: 409

Magic Study by Mara V. Snyder
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Orilium Academy Arc
Started On: September 30th
Finished On: September 30th, 7:20 PM
Pages Read: 440

Fire Study by Mara V. Snyder
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 30th
Finished On: September 30th, 10:34 PM
Pages Read: 441

A Shadow in the Ember by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Background
Started On: October 20th
Finished On: October 20th, 11:31 PM
Pages Read: 710

These Hollow Vows by Lexi Ryan
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Province
Started On: November 27th
Finished On: November 27th, 10:39 PM
Pages Read: 464

These Twisted Bonds by Lexi Ryan
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Background
Started On: November 28th
Finished On: November 28th, 4:59 PM
Pages Read: 496

An Unreliable Magic by Rin Chupeco
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Province
Started On: November 29th
Finished On: November 29th, 6:51 PM
Pages Read: 432

Dead Girls Can't Tell Secrets by Chelsea Ichaso
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Heritage
Started On: November 29th
Finished On: November 29th, 11:18 PM
Pages Read: 336

The King of Koraha by Maria V. Snyder
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Heritage
Started On: December 2nd
Finished On: December 2nd, 10:26 PM
Pages Read: 419

Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Heritage
Started On: December 8th
Finished On: December 8th, 9:48 PM
Pages Read: 432

Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Background
Started On: December 9th, 2021
Finished On: December 9th, 3:06 PM
Pages Read: 480

They Never Learn by Layne Fargo
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Province
Started On: December 14th
Finished On: December 14th, 10:40 PM
Pages Read: 352

The Unquiet Past by Kelley Armstrong
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Heritage
Started On: December 21st 
Finished On: December 21st, 1:26 PM
Pages Read: 264

Fade Out by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Heritage
Started On: December 30th
Finished On: December 30th, 5:00 PM
Pages Read: 256

Fall of Night by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Province
Started On: December 31st
Finished On: December 31st, 8:10 PM
Pages Read: 352

Prompts Left: None Left!
Read: 64
Pages Read: 23314

A-Z Reading Challenge Update 62

So I read my next book for 2021, and it was Feuds.

Here's the link to this year's post with my journey.

How it Works: 
Read 27 books this year (easy right) One for each letter of the alphabet and one starting with an Arabic number. If there aren't any unread books for the difficult letters, then a book that has a title with that letter in it counts.

Once all the letters and the number have been read, it's time to start again! 

21 Books to Read in 2021 Update 16

Yeah, I read my next book for the 21 Books to Read in 2021 Challenge! 

So I read Feuds by Avery Hastings from the NetGalley List! 

Yep. Happy reading!

Here's the link to this year's post with my journey.

But to recap, I wanted to do a version of These Books Will Self Destruct in 12 months without the self destruct. I wanted to read books that I've had for a while, that I really needed to get read, but maybe I forgot about them or that I had them. So I made 3 lists, one for each way I have them, as physical books, as an NetGalley ARC, and as an Edelweiss ARC.

Book Blogger Hop #221, December 31st

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer's permission, Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the meme on February 15, 2013. Check out the hop here

Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

The Question of the week is: What bookish things did you receive for Christmas? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

I got a package of magnetic bookmarks! But I usually don't get bookish things during Christmas. Besides what I buy myself, always! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

First Lines Friday #555, December 31st

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. We encourage all of our fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.

-Grab your current read(s)
-Share the first line(s)
-Include the title and author so that other FLF participants can add the book to their TBR Lists!

"Shane's lips felt like velvet against the nape of her neck, and Claire shivered in delight as his breath warmed the skin there. She leaned back against him with a sigh. Her boyfriend's body felt solid and safe, and his arms went around her, wrapping her in comfort. He was taller than she was, so he had to bend to rest his chin on her shoulder and whisper, 'You sure about this?'" -Last Breath by Rachel Caine

This is very suggestive! I've continued, and it's not what this implies what it is about! Must read more now! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Bout of Books 33.0 Sign Up

The Bout of Books readathon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It’s a weeklong readathon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 3rd and runs through Sunday, January 9th in YOUR time zone. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are reading sprints, Twitter chats, and exclusive Instagram challenges, but they’re all completely optional. For all Bout of Books 33 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

Another round missed, though this time I didn't sign up and didn't participate, I just didn't know that it was going on. Oh, well, I know this time! Can't wait to participate! As always, my goal is 10 books!

What about you guys? Happy reading!

Page-a-Thon January 2022 Sign Up

So I'm signing up for the Page-a-Thon again, this time taking place during the month of January. Check out the Google Form here! I'm part of Team Air, because I'm a Gemini. 

I'm on the ball for this! I official signed up with their form pretty close to when it opened up, and I'm just posting about it now, but it's still December 2021, so I made it in time! 

And again, my goal is 25 books, or more! 

Magical Readathon: Orilium Update 63

So I read my next book for Magical Readathon: Orilium, and it was Fade Out which was for the prompt Character 6 Heritage, and I'll be reading Fall of Night next! 

My Reading Journey:

A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Province
Started On: September 1st
Finished On: September 1st, 9:21 PM
Pages Read: 384

Dark Breaks the Dawn by Sara B. Larson 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 2nd
Finished On: September 2nd, 5:28 PM
Pages Read: 320

Bright Burns the Night by Sara B. Larson
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Heritage
Started On: September 2nd
Finished On: September 2nd, 9:12 PM
Pages Read: 307

Cliff's Descent by Dianne Duvall 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 3rd
Finished On: September 3rd, 4:38 PM
Pages Read: 290

Bond of Destiny by Larissa Ione
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 5th
Finished On: September 5th, 10:48 AM
Pages Read: 207

The Bone Code by Kathy Reichs 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 5th
Finished On: September 5th, 4:41 PM
Pages Read: 368

Finding Felicity by Stacey Kade
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 5th
Finished On: September 5th, 8:52 PM
Pages Read: 304

Cape Storm by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 6th
Finished On: September 6th, 6:01 PM
Pages Read: 320

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 6th
Finished On: September 6th, 10:50 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 7th
Finished On: September 7th, 6:38 PM
Pages Read: 400

Forgotten in Death by J.D. Robb
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Background
Started On: September 7th
Finished On: September 7th, 11:19 PM
Pages Read: 384

Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 8th
Finished On: September 8th, 10:47 PM
Pages Read: 752

The Gravedigger's Son by Darynda Jones 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 10th
Finished On: September 10th, 4:01 PM
Pages Read: 103

The Operator by Kim Harrison
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 10th
Finished On: September 10th, 10:02 PM
Pages Read: 468

Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 11th
Finished On: September 11th, 5:12 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 11th
Finished On: September 11th, 7:41 PM
Pages Read: 224

Imagineer by Honor Raconteur
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 12th
Finished On: September 12th, 2:29 PM
Pages Read: 313

Excantation by Honor Raconteur
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 12th
Finished On: September 12th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 227

Master of Tomes by Honor Raconteur
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 12th
Finished On: September 12th, 9:30 PM
Pages Read:  268

When Sorrows Come by Seanan McGuire
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Province
Started On: September 14th
Finished On: September 14th, 5:27 PM
Pages Read: 384

The Last Laugh by Mindy McGinnis
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 15th
Finished On: September 15th, 6:37 PM
Pages Read: 384

The Deepest of Secrets by Kelley Armstrong 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Background
Started On: September 16th
Finished On: September 16th, 8:47 PM
Pages Read: 352

Unknown by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 17th
Finished On: September 17th, 9:39 PM
Pages Read: 305

American Street by Ibi Zoboi
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 18th
Finished On: September 18th, 8:44 AM
Pages Read: 352

The Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 18th
Finished On: September 18th, 5:03 PM
Pages Read: 368

The Bronzed Beast by Roshani Chokshi
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 18th
Finished On: September 18th, 11:34 PM
Pages Read: 400

Desperate Measures by Katee Roberts 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 10:44 AM
Pages Read: 230

Learn My Lesson by Katee Robert
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 2:50 PM
Pages Read: 253

A Worthy Opponent by Katee Robert
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 5:06 PM
Pages Read: 302

The Beast by Katee Roberts
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 8:09 PM
Pages Read: 284

The Sea Witch by Katee Roberts
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Ashtorn Tree
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 10:01 PM
Pages Read: 275

Queen Takes Rose by Katee Roberts
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Background
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 11:49 PM
Pages Read: 294

Wicked Villains Shorts by Katee Roberts
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 19th
Finished On: September 19th, 11:56 PM
Pages Read: 134

The Pretenders by Rebecca Hanover
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Orilium Academy Arc
Started On: September 21st
Finished On: September 21st, 4:04 PM
Pages Read: 416

Unequal Affections by Lara S. Ormiston 
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 21st
Finished On: September 21st, 10:24 PM
Pages Read: 352

Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 22nd
Finished On: September 22nd, 9:40 PM
Pages Read: 325

A Dance with the Fae Prince by Elise Kova
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 23rd
Finished On: September 23rd, 3:20 PM
Pages Read: 344

Queen's Gambit by Karen Chance
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Province
Started On: September 23rd
Finished On: September 23rd, 10:02 PM
Pages Read: 648

Unseen by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 24th
Finished On: September 24th, 6:17 PM
Pages Read: 304

Unbroken by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 24th
Finished On: September 24th, 11:29 PM
Pages Read: 308

Better Together by Christine Riccio
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 The Mist of Solitude
Started On: September 25th
Finished On: September 25th, 7:20 PM
Pages Read: 448

A List of Cages by Robin Roe
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Heritage
Started On: September 25th
Finished On: September 25th, 11:30 PM
Pages Read: 310

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Obsidian Falls
Started On: September 26th
Finished On: September 26th, 9:57 PM
Pages Read: 352

Lirael by Garth Nix
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 27th
Finished On: September 27th, 9:37 PM
Pages Read: 464

Mile High with a Vampire by Lynsay Sands
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 28th
Finished On: September 28th, 8:05 PM
Pages Read: 384

The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 2 Orilium Academy Arc
Started On: September 28th
Finished On: September 28th, 10:59 PM
Pages Read: 400

Cast in Firelight by Dana Swift
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 29th
Finished On: September 29th, 5:53 PM
Pages Read: 448

The God of Lost Words by A.J. Hackwith
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Ruin of the Skye
Started On: September 29th
Finished On: September 29th, 10:50 PM
Pages Read: 336

Chance of a Lifetime by Jude Deveraux and Tara Sheets
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Background
Started On: September 30th
Finished On: September 30th, 12:32 PM
Pages Read: 336

Poison Study by Mara V. Snyder
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 The Novice Path Entrance
Started On: September 30th
Finished On: September 30th, 3:31 PM
Pages Read: 409

Magic Study by Mara V. Snyder
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Orilium Academy Arc
Started On: September 30th
Finished On: September 30th, 7:20 PM
Pages Read: 440

Fire Study by Mara V. Snyder
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Tower of Rumination
Started On: September 30th
Finished On: September 30th, 10:34 PM
Pages Read: 441

A Shadow in the Ember by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Background
Started On: October 20th
Finished On: October 20th, 11:31 PM
Pages Read: 710

These Hollow Vows by Lexi Ryan
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Province
Started On: November 27th
Finished On: November 27th, 10:39 PM
Pages Read: 464

These Twisted Bonds by Lexi Ryan
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Background
Started On: November 28th
Finished On: November 28th, 4:59 PM
Pages Read: 496

An Unreliable Magic by Rin Chupeco
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 5 Province
Started On: November 29th
Finished On: November 29th, 6:51 PM
Pages Read: 432

Dead Girls Can't Tell Secrets by Chelsea Ichaso
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 4 Heritage
Started On: November 29th
Finished On: November 29th, 11:18 PM
Pages Read: 336

The King of Koraha by Maria V. Snyder
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Heritage
Started On: December 2nd
Finished On: December 2nd, 10:26 PM
Pages Read: 419

Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Heritage
Started On: December 8th
Finished On: December 8th, 9:48 PM
Pages Read: 432

Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Background
Started On: December 9th, 2021
Finished On: December 9th, 3:06 PM
Pages Read: 480

They Never Learn by Layne Fargo
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 7 Province
Started On: December 14th
Finished On: December 14th, 10:40 PM
Pages Read: 352

The Unquiet Past by Kelley Armstrong
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 1 Heritage
Started On: December 21st 
Finished On: December 21st, 1:26 PM
Pages Read: 264

Fade Out by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 6 Heritage
Started On: December 30th
Finished On: December 30th, 5:00 PM
Pages Read: 256

Fall of Night by Rachel Caine
Prompt Fulfilled: Character 3 Province
Started On: December 31st
Currently On: Page 0 of 352

Prompts Left: None Left!
Read: 63
Pages Read: 22962

Random Reads #528, December 30th

Random Reads is a monthly meme (that I'm going to do weekly) hosted by I'm Loving Books to read some books that have been on our TBR piles for a long time. Using, I got 1169 which turned out to be Ink, Iron and Glass by Gwendolyn Clare! It's been on my TBR pile since September 14th, 2017, and I added it because it sounded really great! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

Third Sentence Thursday #542, December 30th

Create your own banner at!

Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme which likes to watch fireworks especially while eating a cookie!
1) Take the book you are currently reading and open it to a random page. Share the third full sentence on that page. (If there isn't a third one – like at the end of a chapter or a blank page – you can share the third sentence of the book or just choose another random page.) Feel free to share more than one sentence, if you feel the need to do so.
2) Review this sentence anyway you want (funny and silly reviews encouraged)
3) Post a link to your sentence at Words I Write Crazy (This Blog)
4) Visit one or two of the other blogs to check out their third sentences!

"I'm not leaving you." -Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine, page 19.

That could be good or bad, depending on where they are! Need to read more now! What are your guy's 3rd lines? Link up below!

Will the Time Come #552, December 30th

Every Thursday I am going to list a book which I really want to read/keep meaning to get to. These are mostly books which have been on my shelf for awhile now but don't have to be, maybe you got it two weeks ago and really want to read it! Thanks to Jodie from Books for Company for this meme!
Want to Join?
-Pick a book you have been meaning to read
-Do a post telling us about the book    
-Link the post up in the linky  
-Visit the other blogs

From Goodreads:
In twelfth-century England, St. Jude's Abbey is no ordinary sanctuary of prayer and ritual. Established by Eleanor of Aquitaine, it trains young women in the knightly arts. In times of trouble, these formidable women are called upon to protect the royal family and England.
Isabella de Montfort's talents lie not in the knightly arts, but in science. So she's surprised when Queen Eleanor assigns her the task of retrieving some incriminating papers that could destroy the prince and start a brutal war.

To help Isabella on her journey, the abbess of St. Jude's sends along her nephew, Jordan le Courtenay, a knight who lost his lust for battle when his best friend was killed in a joust. But soon Isabella inspires in Jordan a passion for the world around him — and a dangerous longing for her.

Why the time hasn't come yet...
I still haven't read book 3, and it's been a long time since I read the first two books, so I might need a reread, but I'm pretty sure that I own it, so I really need to read it! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Book Battle January 2022 TBR

Well it's time to choose my January TBR for Book Battle. So here are the books that I've picked this month: 
5pts-Book about temptation-Criminal by Terra Elan McVoy
5pts-Series book-Killman Creek by Rachel Caine 
5pts-Alternate reality book-Death Beyond the Garden Wall by Honor Raconteur
5pts-Book about siblings-A Relative Murder by Jude Deveraux
5pts-CRITERIA CHOICE 1-Book that starts with a M-Miss Moriarty, I Presume by Sherry Thomas
5pts-CRITERIA CHOICE 2-Book you meant to read in 2021-Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine
10pts-CLUB READ 1-Brimstone & Roses by Speremint 1-10 
10pts-CLUB READ 2 -Brimstone & Roses by Speremint 11-20
10pts-Book with a selfless act-Nightrender by Jodi Meadow
15pts-Symbolic book-All Rights Reserved by Gregory Scott Katsoulis 
20pts-Book with your team in it*-A Battle-Jade Fire Gold by June C.L. Tan
*a magician, a horse, a ship, a battle

How did I do last month?
5pts-Anticipated book-The King of Koraha by Maria V. Snyder-Read!
5pts-Book that warms you up-Escape From Aurora by Jamie Littler-Read!
5pts-Wintery title-Conceal, Don't Feel by Jen Calonita-Read!
5pts-Cozy book-Frostheart by Jamie Littler-Read!
5pts-CRITERIA CHOICE 1-2021 book-Rise of the World Eater by Jamie Littler-Read! 
5pts-CRITERIA CHOICE 2-Book that starts with a L-Little Thieves by Margaret Owen-Read!
10pts-CLUB READ 1-Gilded by Marissa Meyer-Read!
10pts-CLUB READ 2-Murder at the Beacon Bakeshop by Darci Hannah-Read!
10pts-Book about a competition-Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend-Read!
15pts-Baker's POV-Murder at the Christmas Cookie Bake-Off by Darci Hannah-Read!
20pts-Book with cookies in it-To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han-Read!

Another month down, and another TBR completed! There were some gem this month that I absolutely loved, and yeah, I can't wait for January! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

NetGalley November Update 29

So I've read my next book for the NetGalley November, and it was Gallant which is for the prompt Edelweiss A Hyped Book, and I'll be reading Nighrender next! 

My Reading Journey:

ExtraOrdinary by V.E. Schwab
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss An Author You Have Read Before
Started On: November 2nd
Finished On: November 2nd, 9:54 PM
Pages Read: 112

The Immortal by Gena Showalter
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A Highly Anticipated Book
Started On: November 3rd
Finished On: November 3rd, 10:03 PM
Pages Read: 384

Pride, Prejudice, and Peril by Katie Oliver
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A Character You Relate To
Started On: November 4th
Finished On: November 4th, 10:57 PM
Pages Read: 320

Witch Please by Ann Aguirre
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A 2022 Release
Started On: November 5th
Finished On: November 5th, 10:15 PM
Pages Read: 363

Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A 2022 Release
Started On: November 6th
Finished On: November 6th, 10:35 PM
Pages Read: 320

I Hope You Get This Message by Farah Naz Rishi
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss An Author of Colour
Started On: November 7th
Finished On: November 7th, 6:40 PM
Pages Read: 448

Shadow Fallen by Sherrilyn McQueen
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A Highly Anticipated Book
Started On: November 12th
Finished On: November 12th 11:56 PM
Pages Read: 320

Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead by Elle Cosimano
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A Book in a Series
Started On: November 12th
Finished On: November 12th, 11:21 PM
Pages Read: 368

The Bone Ships by R.J. Barker
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A Book You Started and Didn't Finish
Started On: November 13th
Finished On: November 13th, 11:15 PM
Pages Read: 512

Whiteout by Adriana Anders 
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A Book That is Already Published
Started On: November 14th
Finished On: November 14th, 7:29 PM
Pages Read: 352

Romancing the Throne by Nadine Jolie Courtney
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A Book You Started and Didn't Finish
Started On: November 14th
Finished On: November 14th, 10:15 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Bones of Ruin by Sarah Raughley
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley An Author You Have Read Before
Started On: November 15th
Finished On: November 16th, 10:57 PM
Pages Read: 496

Dark Tarot by Christine Feehan
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley Buddy Read an ARC
Started On: November 17th
Finished On: November 17th, 10:16: PM
Pages Read: 512

Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A Hyped Book
Started On: November 18th
Finished On: November 18th, 11:57 PM
Pages Read: 208

Sword and Shadow by Michelle Sagara
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A 2022 Release
Started On: November 19th
Finished On: November 19th, 9:24 pm
Pages Read: 512

Angelfall by Susan Ee
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A Debut Author
Started On: November 20th
Finished On: November 20th, 2:04 PM
Pages Read: 284

We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A Debut Author
Started On: November 21st
Finished On: November 21st, 9:14 PM
Pages Read: 384

We Unleash the Merciless Storm by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss An Audiobook
Started On: November 22nd
Finished On: November 22nd, 10:57 PM 
Pages Read: 400

Ashes of Gold by J. Elle
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley An Author of Colour
Started On: November 26th
Finished On: November 26th, 10:42 PM
Pages Read: 416

These Hollow Vows by Lexi Ryan
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A "Read Now" Book
Started On: November 27th
Finished On: November 27th, 10:39 PM
Pages Read: 464

These Twisted Bonds by Lexi Ryan
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A Book in a Series
Started On: November 28th
Finished On: November 28th, 4:59 PM
Pages Read: 496

Earth & Sky by Megan Crewe
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley Pick an ARC with a Random Number Generator
Started On: November 28th
Finished On: November 28th, 9:07 PM
Pages Read: 308

An Unreliable Magic by Rin Chupeco
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A book You Requested Because of the Cover
Started On: November 29th
Finished On: November 29th, 6:51 PM
Pages Read: 432

Dead Girls Can't Tell Secrets by Chelsea Ichaso
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley A "Read Now" Book
Started On: November 29th
Finished On: November 29th, 11:18 PM
Pages Read: 336

Poor Little Dead Girls by Lizzie Friend
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley The Oldest Book on Your TBR
Started On: November 30th
Finished On: November 30th, 2:35 PM
Pages Read: 288

With You All the Way by Cynthia Hand
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A Character You Relate To
Started On: November 30th
Finished On: November 30th, 7:21 PM
Pages Read: 336

Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Prompt Fulfilled: NetGalley An Audiobook
Started On: November 30th
Finished On: November 30th, 9:43 PM
Pages Read: 352

Dreams Lie Beneath by Rebecca Ross 
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss Buddy Read an ARC
Started On: December 28th
Finished On: December 28th, 9:26 PM
Pages Read: 496

Gallant by V. E. Schwab
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A Hyped Book
Started On: December 29th
Finished On: December 29th, 3:05 PM
Pages Read: 352

Nightrender by Jodi Meadows
Prompt Fulfilled: Edelweiss A book You Requested Because of the Cover
Started On: January
Currently On: Page 0 of 368

Prompts Left: Edelweiss The Oldest Book on Your TBR, Edelweiss A Book That is Already Published, Edelweiss Pick an ARC with a Random Number Generator
Books Read: 29
Pages Read: 10235

Waiting on Wednesday #555, December 29th

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating!

Death Over the Garden Wall by Honor Raconteur
Expected Publication: January 14th, 2022
From Goodreads:
Three modus operandi to die. Four employees, six house guests, and not a single witness.

Confusing clues and no helpful leads cloud the death of Countess Giada Barese, who washed up on shore two weeks after her mysterious disappearance. Henri and Jamie have no idea if her death is a homicide, suicide, or accidental death, for nothing adds up.

There is something strange going on, though, Jamie’s sure of that. The countess was found wearing mismatched slippers, her lover disappeared the next day, and everyone is acting shifty.

Jamie feels like she’s playing a game of Clue, one she’s determined to win. Where’s a candlestick when you need one?

Beyond the End of the World by Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner
Expected Publication: January 18th, 2022
From Goodreads:
Perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson and Laini Taylor, this sequel to New York Times bestselling authors Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner’s genre-bending fantasy The Other Side of the Sky takes us to the grand sky-city of Ciel, where danger and mystery await.

Time to stop Inshara. Time to find a way between worlds. Time to find each other again.

Nimh still holds on to her divinity, if only by a thread.

In her final confrontation with Inshara, the woman determined to take her place and rule Nimh’s kingdom, both Nimh and her enemy were sent to the world above, in the cloudlands.

Now North looks to the sky, left behind on the surface world.

Desperate for a chance to join the girl he loves and save his world, North will stop at nothing to find a way back to his home in the sky-city of Ciel. Before it’s too late to save anyone.

But more awaits them in the world above than North or Nimh could ever expect. And as they come together and team up with allies from above and below, they face an ultimate test of their bond, their abilities, and their belief in each other in a quest to save their worlds.

Vivid, compelling, and absolutely magnetic, this much-anticipated sequel to New York Times bestselling authors Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner’s The Other Side of the Sky has something for every reader: a star-crossed love full of tantalizing longing, unique and immersive new worlds to explore, and nonstop thrills that escalate into an unforgettably electric conclusion. 

The Purveli by Dianne Duvall
Expected Publication: January 18th, 2022
From Goodreads:
Ava has always been different. Born with strong telepathic abilities, she lives a very isolated life until she is offered a job with an obscure network that aids powerful Immortal Guardians in their quest to protect humanity from the psychotic vampires who prey upon them. Suddenly, she doesn't feel so different. For the first time in her life, Ava has found a place where she belongs. She's happy. Life is good. And when her employers invite her to join a group of other gifted ones and a handful of Immortal Guardians on a journey to another planet, it becomes absolutely fantastic.

In no time at all, she is speeding across the galaxy aboard a Lasaran warship manned by two amazing alien races. It's the dream of a lifetime... until a vicious attack by a mutual enemy of Lasara and Earth lands her alone in an escape pod with no habitable planet in sight and only one ship within range: one that carries the enemy who wants to know why the bioengineered virus they released on Earth long ago didn't exterminate humanity and leave the planet ripe for their claiming.

Jak'ri doesn't know how long he has been a prisoner aboard the Cebaun, but he fears the enemy's twisted experiments will soon lead them to a virus that will eradicate the Purveli people. Despair grips him until a female from Earth is taken captive and reaches out to him telepathically. The gift that Ava said caused her such misery in the past soon becomes his salvation as the two of them form a fast friendship. Determined to distract each other from the horrors of their existence, they immerse themselves in telepathic communion during the day, then seek solace and adventure together in shared dreams. As their friendship deepens into love, the two hatch a daring plot to escape their captors. But the enemy will not let them go without a fight.

Can Ava and Jak'ri stand against so many and emerge victorious?

Seven Mercies by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May
Expected Publication: January 18th, 2022
From Goodreads:
After an ambush leaves the Novantae resistance in tatters, the survivors scatter across the galaxy. Wanted by two great empires, the bounty on any rebel’s head is enough to make a captor filthy rich. And the seven devils? Biggest score of them all. To avoid attacks, the crew of Zelus scavenge for supplies on long-abandoned Tholosian outposts.

Not long after the remnants of the rebellion settle briefly on Fortuna, Ariadne gets a message with unimaginable consequences: the Oracle has gone rogue. In a planned coup against the Empire’s new ruler, the AI has developed a way of mass programming citizens into mindless drones. The Oracle’s demand is simple: the AI wants its daughter back at any cost.

Time for an Impossible to Infiltrate mission: high chance of death, low chance of success. The devils will have to use their unique skills, no matter the sacrifice, and pair up with old enemies. Their plan? Get to the heart of the Empire. Destroy the Oracle. Burn it all to the ground. 

Bound by Firelight by Dana Swift
Expected Publication: January 18th, 2022
From Goodreads:
The heart-pounding sequel to Cast in Firelight, perfect for fans of epic, sweepingly romantic fantasy by Sabaa Tahir, Susan Dennard, and Mary E. Pearson.

After a magical eruption devastates the kingdom of Belwar, royal heir Adraa is falsely accused of masterminding the destruction and forced to stand trial in front of her people, who see her as a monster. Adraa's punishment? Imprisonment in the Dome, an impenetrable, magic-infused fortress filled with Belwar’s nastiest criminals—many of whom Adraa put there herself. And they want her to pay.

Jatin, the royal heir to Naupure, has been Adraa’s betrothed, nemesis, and fellow masked vigilante . . . but now he’s just a boy waiting to ask her the biggest question of their lives. First, though, he’s going to have to do the impossible: break Adraa out of the Dome. And he won’t be able to do it without help from the unlikeliest of sources—a girl from his past with a secret that could put them all at risk.

Time is running out, and the horrors Adraa faces in the Dome are second only to the plot to destabilize and destroy their kingdoms. But Adraa and Jatin have saved the world once already. . . . Now, can they save themselves?

Electric Idol by Katee Robert
Expected Publication: January 18th, 2022
From Goodreads:
He was the most beautiful man alive.
And if I wasn't careful, he was going to be my death.

*A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Psyche and Eros that's as sinful as it is sweet.*

In the ultra-modern city of Olympus, there's always a price to pay. Psyche knew she'd have to face Aphrodite's ire eventually, but she never expected her literal heart to be at stake...or for Aphrodite's gorgeous son to be the one ordered to strike the killing blow.

Eros has no problem shedding blood. But when it comes time to take out his latest target, he can't do it. Confused by his reaction to Psyche, he does the only thing he can think of to keep her safe: he marries her. Psyche vows to make Eros's life a living hell until they find a way out of this mess. But as lines blur and loyalties shift, she realizes he might take her heart after all...and she's not sure she can survive the loss. 

Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover
Expected Publication: January 18th, 2022
From Goodreads:
A troubled young mother yearns for a shot at redemption in this heartbreaking yet hopeful story from #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover.

After serving five years in prison for a tragic mistake, Kenna Rowan returns to the town where it all went wrong, hoping to reunite with her four-year-old daughter. But the bridges Kenna burned are proving impossible to rebuild. Everyone in her daughter’s life is determined to shut Kenna out, no matter how hard she works to prove herself.

The only person who hasn’t closed the door on her completely is Ledger Ward, a local bar owner and one of the few remaining links to Kenna’s daughter. But if anyone were to discover how Ledger is slowly becoming an important part of Kenna’s life, both would risk losing the trust of everyone important to them.

The two form a connection despite the pressure surrounding them, but as their romance grows, so does the risk. Kenna must find a way to absolve the mistakes of her past in order to build a future out of hope and healing. 

Yeah, some more really great, excellent books! I love these authors, and I can't wait to see where these series go,  I love the Henri Davenforth series, and where the stand alone goes! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

WWW Wednesday #559, December 29th

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you'll read next?

Thanks to MizB of Should Be Writing now A Daily Rhythm for starting this meme! And thanks now to Taking on a World of Words for reviving it! 

I'm currently reading Gallant, and I'm really enjoying it! 
I read Dreams Lie Beneath, and it was a fantastic read! 
I'm going to be reading Romancing the Grave, and I can't wait, it sounds like a cozy murder mystery! 

What about you guys? Happy reading!