
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Week 50 Review: Sapphique

From Goodreads:
The only one who escaped . . . And the one who could destroy them all.

Incarceron, the living prison, has lost one of its inmates to the outside world: Finn's escaped, only to find that Outside is not at all what he expected. Used to the technologically advanced, if violently harsh, conditions of the prison, Finn is now forced to obey the rules of Protocol, which require all people to live without technology. To Finn, Outside is just a prison of another kind, especially when Claudia, the daughter of the prison's warden, declares Finn the lost heir to the throne. When another claimant emerges, both Finn's and Claudia's very lives hang on Finn convincing the Court of something that even he doesn't fully believe.
Meanwhile, Finn's oathbrother Keiro and his friend Attia are still trapped inside Incarceron. They are searching for a magical glove, which legend says Sapphique used to escape. To find it, they must battle the prison itself, because Incarceron wants the glove too.
My Review:
I really enjoyed this book. Claudia and Finn are in the outside and she's trying to have him be the heir to the throne and he doesn't really want it, he wants to work o getting Keiro and Attia out of Incarceron, even thought Claudia's "Dad" pretty much destroyed everything. Meanwhile, Attia and Keiro are looking for this glove so they can find their own way out. There's a lot of conflict, and there are people coming in and out, and then we find out how crappy things are in the Outside, without power, at the end. Yep.

We don't really learn who Sapphique is, but we got to talk to a hallucination of him which was pretty neat. So I really enjoyed that! But I would've liked to have a clear answer, who was he, or if he was real or not, and if he was, what parts of the story really were true.

The ending with the potential big fighting, and then the power going out to get everyone out of Incarceron, and showing the true conditions of Outside was rather shocking, how bad it actually was. But it kinda made sense, they did have to send all these people into a tiny cube so they would have less people, and wouldn't have to worry about the dregs of society.

What we found out about the making people small, and all that, it was really amazing, and it makes me hope that we can have a better future, because if we could actually do this, and had the power to do it, then we wouldn't have to use as much as we do if we were that small.

This was a really great book, and I really enjoyed it, and yeah. Hope you guys check it out! Check it out on Amazon!

Author: Catherine Fisher
Series: Incarceron #2
Read: December 13th, 2011
Source: Library
Reason Why: Really enjoyed Incarceron, wanted to read more!
Publisher: Dial
Published: December 28th 2010
5/5 Hearts
3/5 Books
1/5 Stars

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