
Friday, January 13, 2012

2012 Dystopian Reading Challenge Update 2

The 2012 Dystopian Reading Challenge is hosed by The Non-Relunctant Reader!

I have an update, I read Bumped and The Pledge, and both are dystopian, Bumped is dystopian with the virus that makes people unable to conceive after their teens, so humanity is slowly dying with only teens who can get pregnant. The Pledge is dystopian because it has mention of Brooklyn, from NY, at that it was long gone, and the world was pretty bad with classes being separated by classes, and there was magic in Queens and their family lines. Yep. I now have 4 of 20 dystopian books (at least) read!


  1. I recently read Matched by Ally Condie. Also the sequel Crossed. I anxiously await the third. I have Bumped on my TBR and will have to look into The Pledge. Have you read the Giver? Its a really good dystopian novel. It is a trilogy.

  2. Matched is amazing :) I still have to read Crossed, though :( Library is taking forever! But Bumped and THe Pledge are awesome! I loved them! Can't wait for Thumped and The Pledge #2 :) And no, I haven't, but I'm going to, I have a copy that was discarded from the library :)

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