
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

YA Historical Fiction Challenge Sign Up

YA Historical Fiction Challenge 2012 is hosted by YA Bliss, and it's a challenge to read a chosen amount of historical YA books. 

  • All Historical Fiction books must be YA or MG
  • Books don't have to be 2012 releases.
  • Anyone can join. Please link to a public (web) place I can find you.
  • You can join at anytime. The challenge runs from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012
Choose your level:
Level 1: 5 books
Level 2: 10 books
Level 3: 15 books

I'm signing up for level 1, since I have quite a few books to read, and since some of them are going to be historical YA, well, why not? I like joining new challenges! Yep. Happy reading!

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This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!