
Friday, February 3, 2012

Follow Friday #13, February 3rd

Follow Friday is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers. Follow Friday is hosted by 2 hosts, Parajunkee's View and  Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs! For more rules and how to participate, visit one of the hosts. Now for this week’s question:

Q: Define what characteristics your favorite books share. Do they all have a kickass heroine or is the hot love interest the Alpha Male?

A: Interesting characters, great plots, and I can be a pretty big sucker for a pretty cover!!!  Yep. Happy hopping and reading!


  1. i love pretty covers..I've actually missed out on some great books because i didn't like the cover, haha!

  2. Same here. Well, minus the characters and plots. I never know if the characters or plot is going to be something I love, even if I read reviews from people I usually agree with. I read them anyway, because if they mention stuff I normally have problems with, I'll pass, but yeah.. I'm shallow. Most of the times it needs a great cover for me to even read the blurb or reviews. *deep sigh*

    Happy Friday!


  3. I'll be more tempted to read book with a pretty cover although a bad cover won't stop me from reading a book. But, if a book has a bad and/or embarrassing cover, I might just read it at home and take a nicer looking book out with me. Haha.

  4. Pretty covers are the first thing that I notice about a book. They definitely help to get a reader's attention. Interesting characters and great plots are key to a favorite book of mine.

    New Follower
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
    My FF
    Fever Giveaway

  5. I LOVE pretty covers so much!! Hope you have a great Friday :)

    Here's my FF!

  6. Yeah, pretty covers can definitely be something to watch :) And I know we're not supposed to judge, so I don't really, but yeah, I hide a cover if it's not something people at school see every day :)

    And for characters and plots, I'll read the description, and if it sounds good, then I'll read it, so it's more on the flaps that I let influence me :) But for my favourite books, characters and plot are important :)

  7. I totally agree with you!
    And I love beautiful covers. The most beautiful books have a special place in my house :D

    My FFF

  8. My beautiful covers are all YA, and they have 2 stacks, hardcover and paperback, so unfortunately, I can't see the covers, but I know what they look like when I look at the titles :)

    Yeah :) I like new followers :)


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