
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Henry Wood Detective Agency: Guest Post; Brian Meeks

Today I'd like to welcome over Brain Meeks, author of Henry Wood Detective Agency, over for a guest post!

My Writing Brain

The moments just before my fingers begin to bang on the keyboard like an angst filled howler monkey, the quiet of my surroundings become serene.  It matters not if I’m alone at home, with the television off, or in a crowded dinner surrounded by the din of diners, silence comes.

I can’t say exactly how it happens, but my writing sessions create a world of tranquillity that is conducive to word smithing. I love it there.  Every moment on the keyboard is one filled with contentment and joy.  The stress of “Life” is never permitted.  I rarely encounter the beast called “writers block”.  It is as if there is a whole section of my mind that just sits there waiting for me to tell a story.

It says, “Hey, Brian, lets paint a picture.”

“Okay, what shall we put on the canvas?”

“I was thinking an exotic local might be nice.  How about the Amalfi coast?”

“But our hero, Henry, lives in New York?”

“It’s okay, we can use one of the other characters.  I can be part of their back story and it is really fun to say “Amalfi Coast”, so it is probably fun to read, too.”

“You make an excellent point.”

“It is a very visceral place, you will want to mention the blue water lapping against the boats moored in the harbour.”

“Lapping is a good word choice, because it sounds like the sound.  Excellent suggestion writing brain.”

“Thanks.  Now, let’s not forget out friend Le Nez.”

“I’m not sure my nose is French.”

“Do you remember 1995?  Every time you were within nose shot of a boulangere, your nez forced you inside for a pain au chocolate.”

“Ah, yes, pain au chocolate.  That summer in Lyon was great. You are right, my nose is French.”

“Right then, let’s put in something about the fresh sea air and how it wakes the little grey cells.”

“Nice, it both smells good and makes a literary reference to Agatha Christie.”

“I thought you’d like that.”

At this point, I usually give my noggin a little pat of appreciation and then get to work.  My last book, a bit of non-fiction, was entirely written on my ipad, with a blue tooth keyboard.  Much of it was written in public.  That is how I write.  I can’t say it would work for everyone, or anyone for that matter, but it works for me.
From Goodreads:
Henry Wood is a private detective in 1955. It is January, a new year, and before he can recover from celebrating it's arrival, a woman wonders into his office, she needs to hire him. She isn't the only one. He is in New York, loves the Brooklyn Dodgers, enjoys woodworking, and will soon find that he has gotten in over his head with his new case.

Author: Brian D. Meeks
Published: July 24th 2011

Brian D. Meeks is the author of the Henry Wood Detective series and a book about the 1986-87 Iowa Hawkeye Men’s basketball team.  He discovered his love of writing, quite by accident, when he was bored and wrote a blog piece.  It was about his woodworking foibles and a number of people said they really enjoyed it.  None of those people were his mother, so he decided to write a second piece.  He has written every day since Jan 2, 2010.  His blog, which is where he writes the Henry Wood series, as a serial, is Extremely Average.  He can be reached at or @ExtremelyAvg on Twitter.  There is also a Henry Wood page on FB.

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