
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 12 Review: Once Dead, Twice Shy

From Goodreads:
My name is Madison Avery, and I'm here to tell you that there's more out there than you can see, hear, or touch. Because I'm there. Seeing it. Touching it. Living it. 

Madison's prom was killer—literally. For some reason she's been targeted by a dark reaper—yeah, that kind of reaper—intent on getting rid of her, body and soul. But before the reaper could finish the job, Madison was able to snag his strange, glowing amulet and get away. 

Now she's stuck on Earth—dead but not gone. Somehow the amulet gives her the illusion of a body, allowing her to toe the line between life and death. She still doesn't know why the dark reaper is after her, but she's not about to just sit around and let fate take its course. 

With a little ingenuity, some light-bending, and the help of a light reaper (one of the good guys! Maybe . . . ), her cute crush, and oh yeah, her guardian angel, Madison's ready to take control of her own destiny once and for all, before it takes control of her. 

Well, if she believed in that stuff.

My Review:
I enjoyed this book so much! It was really quite awesome, Madison was just such a likeable and awesome character! I just wanted to know more about her, and spend more time in this world, and I'm glad that we get 2 more books! Plus the short story of her prom night that started it all!

That one mention of the stone hedge, yeah, that was just like, what I loved about this book, that there were all these connections that led to this world, and the reapers, and it added depth to the world, with just a matter of words, that could be picked up, or not! Just loved that!

Yeah, having that amulet, and then finding out the reason why it's working for her, yeah, that was something of an ending! And it's going to add some conflict later on, I can just tell! And I can't wait for that, it's going to be awesome!

Such a great book, I enjoyed it (though it was short!) and I want more!

Author: Kim Harrison
Series: Madison Avery Trilogy #1
Read: March 21st-22nd, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: It sounded good!
Publisher: Harper Collins
Published: May 22nd 2009
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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