
Friday, April 27, 2012

Follow Friday #25, April 27th

Follow Friday is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers. Follow Friday is hosted by 2 hosts, Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs! For more rules and how to participate, visit one of the hosts. Now for this week’s question:

Q: Have you had a character that disappointed you? One that you fell in love with and then "broke up" with later on in either the series or a stand-alone book? Tell us about him or her.

A: Nope. If a character was going to do that, then most likely I wasn't that invested in them before that point, so I didn't care, so they couldn't disappoint me. Yep. So since I don't have that, I'll do the opposite, a character that I really didn't like, and then redeemed himself through the books, as that are out right now. And that's Steldor from Legacy, and Allegiance, by Cayla Kluver. In Legacy he's mean, nasty, and just over all, not a nice person. But he changes, and becomes a bit nice throughout the books, and *short spoiler so highlight* not really forcing the whole marriage thing, and letting her go, well, he redeemed himself, so I hope he gets someone that's good for him in Sacrifice, of which we got a cover for last week! Whoo! Happy reading!


  1. I have yet to read Cluver's series, but I am like you - I think I know more characters that grew on me although I didn't like them at first. Thanks for stopping by and following! I'm doing the same!

  2. I haven't that series, but it's also hard for a character to really disappoint me. :)

    I'm a new gfc follower. :)

  3. Oh, it's such a great series! Read it while listing to "Waiting on the World to Change" by John Mayer, so good! :)

    Yep :) thanks!

    And the characters just have to do something really, really bad, to make me dislike them, but they don't, so yeah :)


I love comments, so comment away! I'll comment back if you leave a post-specific link for me to visit! If you leave that link, I'll always comment back, even if it's like, a month late!

This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!