
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week 17 Review: Bloodrose

From Goodreads:
Calla has always welcomed war.

But now that the final battle is upon her, there's more at stake than fighting. There's saving Ren, even if it incurs Shay's wrath. There's keeping Ansel safe, even if he's been branded a traitor. There's proving herself as the pack's alpha, facing unnamable horrors, and ridding the world of the Keepers' magic once and for all. And then there's deciding what to do when the war ends. If Calla makes it out alive, that is.

My Review:
I can see why people are upset with the ending of this book, what with how the love triangle between Calla, Shay, and Ren is resolved. I'm a bit unhappy with it myself, but we are getting more books, so yeah, that's a bit of a positive!

Seeing all the different creatures like Calla? The different animals humans were merged with, besides wolves? Yeah, that was really interesting, as they were collecting bits and pieces of what will become their victory!

Up to the last 50 or so pages, this book, I absolutely loved. And then we got to those last 50 pages, and things happened that I didn't enjoy too much, like Ren's death, and that moved this book from absolutely loved, to a pretty great book, but annoyed at. Yeah.

This was a great book, I just wish that it had ended differently, and myself? I would've picked human, not wolf!

Author: Andrea Cremer
Series: Nightshade #3
Read: April 21st, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: I wanted to finish the series, which I'm sad is over, and it's a WoW book, and a WTC book!
Publisher: Philomel
Published: January 3rd 2012
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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