
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bottled Abyss: Review

From Goodreads:

Herman and Janet Erikson are going through a crisis of grief and suffering after losing their daughter in a hit and run. They've given up on each other, they've given up on themselves. They are living day by day. One afternoon, to make a horrible situation worse, their dog goes missing in the coyote-infested badlands behind their property. Herman, resolved in preventing another tragedy, goes to find the dog, completely unaware he's on a hike to the River Styx, which according to Greek myth was the border between the Living World and the world of the Dead. Long ago the gods died and the River dried up, but a bottle containing its waters still remains in the badlands. What Herman discovers about the dark power contained in those waters will change his life forever... 

My Review:
This was a very creepy, thrilling, and pretty darn scary book! My arms still have the goosebumps! And it was a compelling tale, and pretty darn unique with the dried out river Styx, and yeah, I really enjoyed this book!

I have to admit that the first few pages were a bit hard to get through, because while you do feel sorry about the death of their 2 year old daughter, they've pretty much let it ruin everything else left in their lives. But once past that part (and it is short) then it gets really, really good! That's where the creepy and the scary and the thrilling come from!

The ending is bittersweet, in that there are sacrifices, and not everybody makes it out, but it's still sad, and a little bit depressing, but it is horror, and it reminds me a little of the Forest of Hands and Teeth series by Carrie Ryan, in that the bad guy is most likely never going to be defeated, and that he's going to be a constant threat  and that you'll never be safe again. Which sucks. But it just makes us hope more that it never happens!

Yep, this was a really great book, I really enjoyed it, so I hope you guys check it out!!

Author: Benjamin Kane Ethridge
Read: October 15th, 2012
Source: Review Copy for Tour
Reason Why: Enjoyed Black & Orange, and wanted to read it!
Publisher: Redrum Horror
Published: June 1st 2012
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
3/5 Stars

Benjamin Kane Ethridge is the Bram Stoker Award winning author of the novel BLACK & ORANGE (Bad Moon Books 2010). For his master's thesis he wrote, "CAUSES OF UNEASE: The Rhetoric of Horror Fiction and Film." Available in an ivory tower near you. Benjamin lives in Southern California with his wife and two creatures who possess stunning resemblances to human children. When he isn't writing, reading, videogaming, Benjamin's defending California's waterways and sewers from pollution.

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Stops on the Tour:
Monday, August 6
Guest blogging at Allvoices

Wednesday, August 8
Interviewed at Broowaha

Friday, August 10
Interviewed at American Chronicle

Tuesday, August 14
Interviewed at Literal Exposure

Thursday, August 16
Interviewed at Examiner

Monday, August 20
Interviewed at Blogcritics

Wednesday, August 22
Interviewed at Divine Caroline

Friday, August 24
Interviewed at Review From Here

Monday, September 3
Guest blogging at Jess Resides Here
Guest blogging at Great Minds Think Aloud

Tuesday, September 4
Interviewed at Jess Resides Here

Thursday, September 6
Guest blogging at Cuzinlogic

Monday, September 10
Book reviewed at Ginger Nuts of Horror

Tuesday, September 11
Interviewed at Examiner
Interviewed at Ginger Nuts of Horror

Wednesday, September 12
Guest Blogging at Ginger Nuts of Horror

Thursday, September 13
Interviewed at Pump Up Your Book

Monday, September 17
Book reviewed at Bloggin’ Bout Books

Tuesday, September 18
Guest blogging at Idea Marketers

Thursday, September 20
Guest blogging at A Book Blogger’s Diary

Friday, September 21
Book reviewed at Cheryl’s Book Nook

Monday, September 24
Interviewed at The Writer’s Life

Tuesday, September 25
Guest blogging at Reviews From the Heart

Wednesday, September 26
Book reviewed at The Bookworm

Thursday, September 27
Book reviewed at Reviews From the Heart

Friday, September 28
Book reviewed at Booksie’s Blog

Monday, October 1
Book Reviewed at Miki’s Hope

Tuesday, October 2
Book spotlight at My Devotional Thoughts
Book reviewed at Book Angels

Wednesday, October 3
Interviewed at Book Angels

Thursday, October 4
Guest blogging at Ice Fairy’s Treasure Chest

Friday, October 5

Monday, October 8

Tuesday, October 9
Book spotlight at Life in Review

Wednesday, October 10
Book reviewed at Review From Here

Thursday, October 11
Interviewed at Blogher

Friday, October 12
Guest blogging at The Paperback Pursuer
Guest blogging at Saaphyria’s Book Reviews

Monday, October 15
Guest blogging at Words I Write Crazy

Tuesday, October 16
Book reviewed at Words I Write Crazy

Wednesday, October 17

Thursday, October 18
Guest blogging at Baking Beauty

Friday, October 19
Guest blogging at Digital Journal

Monday, October 22
Book reviewed at Celtic Lady’s Reviews
Guest blogging at Old Musty Books

Tuesday, October 23
Book reviewed at Jersey Girl Book Reviews

Wednesday, October 24
Book spotlight at Margay Leah Justice

Thursday, October 25
Book reviewed at Great Minds Think Aloud

Friday, October 26
Interviewed at Newsvine
Book reviewed at Cabin Goddess

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