
Friday, October 19, 2012

Water: Review

From Goodreads:
Shayna's first surfing session of the summer is interrupted by the screams of a mother who has lost her little boy in the water. Without regard to her own safety, Shayna swims out, rescues the boy, but must escape the clutches of something far worse than she could have ever imagined – mermaids.

Compelled to answer the sirens' call, the boys of Shayna's town are drawn to the sea, but when they return are afflicted by an unknown illness, a sickness which is draining them of their life force. Unable to tell anyone about the mermaids, Shayna and her friends are forced to solve the mystery before it's too late, and in doing so, Shayna will finally have to face the full force of her powers. Whether she’s ready or not, she will have to face her true nature.

My Review:
My, oh, my, how did I enjoy this book? From seeing Shayna and the gang again, to all the new things that have happened, well, this was a very great, welcome book! I especially loved the cover, as it's tying with the whole "person per element" theme of the covers, like the cover for Fire, has a guy, who I'm pretty sure is Steven, and yeah, it was very creepy, and wonderful! Love it!

Others have commented that this book is more action packed, and I can see why-in those ones, they were trying to find out who the bad guy was, or trying to find him. In this one, they pretty much know the bad guy and how to find them from the get go. Thus, more time for the action scenes! So yeah, for this book, because I so very much love the action scenes, they give you energy, especially good when it's 1 AM and you're writing this review knowing you'll be up in 6 more hours and that you're cranky if you get less then 8. Yeah. So those action scenes were very, very, very welcome!!!

As for the plot elements of this book, well, the above paragraph gives a some of plot, but not all of it, and yeah, I just enjoyed all the elements that the plot had, with all the powers that keep building up, with Shayna, and with the gang, well, I can't wait to see more of this unfolding!

Water was a pretty darn fantastic book, I really, really enjoyed it, and I can't wait for Fire, and the 5th book (Who thinks it's going to be called Spirit?)

Author: Shauna Granger
Series: Elemental #3
Read: October 18th, 2012
Source: YA Bound Review Copy for Tour
Reason Why: Really enjoyed the first 2 books, had to read more!
Published: May 21st 2012
5/5 Hearts
4/5 Books
3.5/5 Stars

I don't do well talking about myself. So as basics go, I have recently self-published the first two books in my Elemental Series, Earth and Air, Young Adult Urban Fantasy novels. Look for the third installment, Water, coming in 2012!

I have been working on the Elemental Series for the last four years and plan for it to be a 5 book series. It was a hard decision to self-publish but it's been an exciting and terrifying ride.

And to my readers (or fans of my covers), I have beautiful bookmarks that I would love to share with you. If you'd like one, drop me a note with your contact info and I'd be happy to send you one!

Contact and Buy AKA Links:

 Stops on the Tour:
October 15:
A World of Mine - Review – Earth/Air
Chocolate Coated Reviews – Review - Earth
Reading with ABC – Review - Earth
Beesleybuzz - Promo Post

October 16:
Kissed by Ink - – Review - Earth
I Am A Reader, Not A Writer - -Promo Post
The Book Rogue - – Promo Post
A Reader's Devotion - – Review – Earth
Pink Polka Dot Book Blog - – Review - Earth
Imaginary Reads - –Review - Earth

October 17:
Black Lilies Are Deadly - - Review – Earth/Air
Behind A Million And One Pages - - Promo Post
Turning the Pages - - Promo Post
Splash of Our Worlds - - Promo Post
Unputdownable Books - - Promo Post
A Soul Unsung - - Promo Post

October 18:
The Reading Diaries - - Review – Earth/Air/Water
The Book Life - – Review – Earth/Air/Water
Library of a Book Witch - http: // - Promo Post
Books and Swoons - - Promo Post
RuteCanhoto - – Review – Earth

October 19:
My Chaotic Ramblings - - Promo Post
Book Nerd Canada - – Review – Air/Water
Ever and Ever Sight - -Review – Earth/Air/Water
Words I Write Crazy - - Review – Water
Step Into Fiction - – Review – Earth
Every Free Chance Book Reviews - - Review – Earth/Air/Water
Mr. Book Wonder - - Promo Post
Books and Coffee with Creamer - - Promo Post

October 20:
Lovely Reads - - Review – Earth/Air/Water
Michelle Shouts Random - - Promo Post
JennReneeRead – - Review - Earth
TeenyReader - - Review - Earth
Comfort Books - - Promo Post

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