
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 49 Review: Gravity

From Goodreads:
In the future, only one rule will matter:

Don't. Ever. Peek.

Seventeen-year-old Ari Alexander just broke that rule and saw the last person she expected hovering above her bed — arrogant Jackson Locke, the most popular boy in her school. She expects instant execution or some kind of freak alien punishment, but instead, Jackson issues a challenge: help him, or everyone on Earth will die.

Ari knows she should report him, but everything about Jackson makes her question what she's been taught about his kind. And against her instincts, she's falling for him. But Ari isn't just any girl, and Jackson wants more than her attention. She's a military legacy who's been trained by her father and exposed to war strategies and societal information no one can know — especially an alien spy, like Jackson. Giving Jackson the information he needs will betray her father and her country, but keeping silent will start a war.

My Review:
This was such a fantastic book! Just everything about it was interesting, captivating, the words just pulled you in until you were done, and wanted more! Now it's over, and we have to wait for the next book! And that wait is going to take forever! Gah, why can't they publish short series one book a day or something? We readers would love that!

All the characters in this book were so awesome! From Ari, such a strong, kick ass female, Jackson, the hot alien spy dude, their friends, her parents, and like, everyone around them, had their own little things that made each character different from the others!

Strategy, which became a pretty big part of the book, annoyed me a bit. It felt to me, like it'd just pop up, and then be gone, and it felt random and strange, and while that might be a good thing for training soldiers, it felt weird for me as a reader!

Oh, that was a really packed ending! But oh, those people, that were deemed less then what the greater good, and could be sacrificed to the plan. At least they could get away to Loge! Which is probably going to cause some problems! I can't wait for more!

Such a great, fantastic book, and I just want more!

Author: Melissa West
Series: The Taking #1
Read: December 5th-6th, 2012
Source: NetGalley
Reason Why: Sounded like a fantastic book, and it's a DAC Book, and a 2012 Dystopian Book!
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Published: October 30th 2012
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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