
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 50 Review: Haunted

From Goodreads:
Is it possible to be haunted by someone who isn't even dead?

Suze is used to trouble, but this time she's in deep: Ghostly Jesse has her heart, but Paul Slater, a real flesh-and-blood guy, is warm for her form. And mediator Paul knows how to send Jesse to the Great Beyond. For good.

Paul claims he won't do anything to Jesse as long as Suze will go out with him. Fearing she'll lose Jesse forever, Suze agrees. But even if Suze can get Jesse to admit his true feelings for her, what kind of future can she have with a guy who's already dead?

My Review:
It was another fantastic time reading this book! I loved reading it the first time, and it was just as good, if not better, reading it this time, mostly because I know a bit more about US geography, and know where both California and New York are, which I didn't the first time!

So being blackmailed to go out on a date, that sucks. Especially when you pretty much hate the guy that's blackmailing you. And that led to a lot of things, like her walking, and eventually damaging her feet, which really sucked.

We learned more about Mediators in this book, the research that Paul's grandfather did, well, yeah, it was really interesting, and I know that it's going to have a pretty big impact for the next book, pretty much the whole plotline!

Right now, all I want to do, is read Twilight! I know most of what is going to happen, I just don't really remember how they got there. So I just want to read it, and go on that journey again! Because it's going to be great, again!

Such a great book, and I need to reread more!

Author: Meg Cabot
Series: The Mediator #5
Read: December 8th, 2012
Source: Bought
Reason Why: Love Meg Cabot's writing, and decided to reread this series (also, so I could have these reviews up on the blog)
Publisher: Avon Books
Published: January 1st 2003
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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