
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Week 51 Review: Kiss Me Deadly

From Goodreads:
For those who thirst for accounts of paranormal romance, Trisha Telep has compiled some of the most thrilling takes of forbidden love in this collection. First crushes and last rites; dark spells and bright magic; forbidden lovers and enchanted beings -- and always, always the hungry games of desire. Pucker up for a darkly sweet collection of ghosts, shape shifters, fairies, unicorns, vampires, and demons in tales from today's biggest writers of the paranormal persuasion.

My Review:
This was such a great collection of YA paranormal romance! And I loved reading every one of them, though there were ones that were more my favourite then others, simply because I liked the author more, from reading their books.

I loved the wide, wide variety of paranormal creatures that there were in this! They were all so fantastic to read about, and some of them were some of the usuals, some were the usuals with unusual takes on them, and some were just completely weird, and I enjoyed all of them!

I love the fact that this is kinda a series of anthologies, because I think that some, or a few, of the stories might continue over from one to the other! The trick, I guess, is reading them in order, because they're not numbered! Maybe publishing order...

Reading this variety of stories, was just a really fantastic experience! They were so amazing and different, from fun to not, and all those differences were what made them different stories and awesome to read!

I loved this anthology, and now I need more!

Authors: Maggie Stiefvater, Becca Fitzpatrick, Rachel Vincent, Karen Mahoney, Diana Peterfreund, Daniel Waters, Carrie Ryan, Justine Musk, Daniel Marks, Sarah Rees Brennan, Michelle Rowen, Michelle Zink, and Caitlin Kittredge.
Series: 13 Tales
Read: December 15th, 2012
Source: Library
Reason Why: Sounded like there were some really great short stories in it, and it's got one by Rachel Vincent!
Publisher: Running Press Teens
Published: July 27th 2010
5/5 Hearts
3/5 Books
3.5/5 Stars

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