
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years!!! 2013 Version

OK, so it's another new year, and while I don't have as many goals as last year, seeing as I'm in college and feeling too busy to write, and not really having inspiration, I have goals:

1. Like last year, just read. For fun, what I want to, and challenges, but if I don't enjoy a book, I put it down before it starts wasting my time. There are so many fantastic books, that if I don't like it, then why shouldn't I move on to the next utterly great book?

2. Blog regularly. Reviews will be a subset. I mean posts, having them up on time, in finished form, not the form of the meme, without the actual content of the day. I will set time out for this, it's important to me.

2. A. Reviews. I'm so behind, it's not even funny. So, goal, is to write at least 2 reviews a day, till caught up, and trying to write the review of the book, the day that I finish the book. That way, my thoughts are nice and new, and I don't have to struggle to remember some character, or some important part of the plot, or funny little details!

3. Find one new thing that I enjoy doing, be it finding more time to play cards, bowling, or whatever, something fun, so I can have what the parents refer to as "balance in my life" or something along the lines that I don't read as much as I do.

4. Catch up. #2 covers the blog, mostly, but another aspect is emails. I'm swamped, with over 200 in one, and I don't know how many in 2 others. School email's caught up, but the rest of them...yeah, they need some work, so I want to have some nice space there!

What are your guys' goals for 2013? Hope you make them! Here's to a great  year, and happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic resolutions Louisa! I'm completely with you; SOOOOO behind, I want to cry because I've read so many amazing books that I'm slowly losing my memory of them >_< -sob-

    Happy New Year, and cheers to a bookish 2013!

    Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian


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