
Saturday, January 5, 2013

My First Reread and Reviewed Book

So I'm going to be doing my first reread post, official, in that I've reviewed it once for the blog, and now I'm going to reread it, and see if my review has changed in the time since I read it last. And this first book is Seraphina by Rachel Hartman. I first read it as a NetGalley ARC, and I really enjoyed it, so when I got some Christmas book money, it was one of the books I got. And I decided that I was going to reread it. Because I'm weird like that! So for the setup, it's going to be like other reviews, but there's going to be a link to the previous review, and there's going to be a comparison, if need be, if my opinion on the book has changed, or grown, or if I have more thoughts, ideas, about what might happen in the next books, or about what happened. Yep. So this is like a blogging milestone for me, and I can't wait! Happy reading!


  1. That's cool! I don't really reread books since I started blogging. But I am thinking of re-reading Divergent as I bought a copy.

  2. Yeah, I'm coming up on my 2 year anniversary, and like the post title says, this is my first reread that I've already reviewed the book on the blog :) And Divergent is a wonderful and excellent choice for a reread!!


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This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!