
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Write on Review-a-Thon December Sign Up

Write On Review-a-Thon

So the December review-a-thon, hosted by The Book Vixen, and yeah, I'm signing up, because yeah, most of 2012 and 2013 reviews still really have to be written! And I have to keep 2014 current!

Review-a-Thon Details:

-Reviews can be of the written variety or in video format.
-This event is not limited to book reviews. If you write/vlog reviews for movies, super cool gadgets, or anything else, you are welcome to participate.
-To participate, create a post on your blog with a list of reviews you need to complete. Don’t forget to grab the official blurb (above) and event button (grab code below). If you don’t have a blog, you can announce your intent to participate via social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.) with a link back to this sign up post so others can join in as well.
-Add the DIRECT LINK to your sign up post to the linky found at the end of this post. The sign up linky will be open until 11:55 pm PDT on 12/20.
-On 12/20, get working on those reviews!
-There will be a wrap-up post linky here on The Book Vixen on 12/22.

Goals: I want to write 20 reviews, again. My goals are any Week 51 reviews, and depending on how many reviews I write between now and the start up, either November 2013 reviews, or March 2012, or both, and reviews for books that I reread this year and had the first review in a year that I didn't post of the above!  And maybe some NetGalley reviews, because I want to get my numbers up! Yep. What about you guys? Happy reading (and writing reviews!)


  1. Good luck and thanks for joining me again!

    1. Again (I think, I think I said this before), thanks for hosting this!

  2. Holy Moly, I thought I was behind!
    Good luck and new follower here.

    Naila Moon @ Reading Authors

    1. I know! I'm so bad! And then there's keeping up with the current stuff!

  3. That's a lot of reviewing. My list is overwhelming me but I hope I can use this weekend to catch up. "See" you then!

    Joy's Book Blog

    1. I know. I was a very lazy blogger for 2 years! Must do better, but I have so many reviews to write, and a lot of tabs open to do so, it's daunting! And see you!


I love comments, so comment away! I'll comment back if you leave a post-specific link for me to visit! If you leave that link, I'll always comment back, even if it's like, a month late!

This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!