
Sunday, January 18, 2015

I Wrote 40 Reviews Today

I wanted to up my New Years goal to 5 reviews a day, and I'd already done that for 2 days. So I just had to write today's reviews early, which I did at 12 in the morning, and then write 15 reviews. Thatw as done around 10 AM. And then I just kept going!

I have almost finished up November 2013, there's 4 reviews that are actually posted in November 2013, the other 12 or so, are rereads, or other books in the series. And then I can move onto March 2012, finally, and then that'll probably be done pretty quickly, seeing as the reviews will be shorter!

I'm tired, after all that writing, but I'm also excited. 40 is a pretty big number, a pretty big dent in the reviews to be written, I mean, I still have to estimate that I have around 1000 left to do, but I know it's less than that. I just have to go through each page of reviews, and write those that I haven't yet, and just keep going! I really think I can make my goal of having all of my reviews up by May!

So these are what I wrote, the ones with more then 2 books are bracketed: Falling Kingdoms, Burning Blue, Stay With Me, Splintered, (Daimon, Half-Blood, Pure, Deity, Elixir, Apollyon, Sentinel), Apollyon, Deity and Elixir, Icons, Unbreakable, Being Nikki and Runaway, Airhead, (Divergent, Free Four, Insurgent, Allegiant), The Wicked Within, A Beautiful Evil, Dirty Little Secret, Just Like Fate, Fates, Shadow of the Mark, High Five, Four to Score, Three to Get Deadly, Two for the Dough, One for the Money, (Vesper, Havoc, Ravage), Havoc, Vesper, (Career Day, I Hunt Killers, Game), United We Spy, Double Crossed and Perfect Scoundrels, Out of Sight, Out of Time, Only the Good Spy Young, Don't Judge a Girl By Her Cover, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You, Uncommon Criminals, Sweet Legacy, Endless Knight, Sweet Shadows, Sweet Venom, Just For Fins.

Yeah. 40 reviews. Plus, I read 2 books, had a nap, and did a job. But it is a weekend day, so I had a lot of free time on my hands! Now time to sleep!

So yeah, tired, but excited! How was your guys' day? Happy reading! And review writing!

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