
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Week 10 Review: The Presence

From Goodreads:
Sometimes closing your eyes doesn't help. . .

Toni MacNally and her friends think they've hit on the ultimate money making plan. Buy an ancient run-down Scottish castle. Turn it into a tourist destination. Sweep visitors into a reenactment that combines fact and fiction, complete with local history, murder and an imaginary laird named Bruce MacNiall.

But when the castle's actual owner - a tall, dark and formidable Scot who shares the fictional laird's name - comes charging in, Toni is shocked. How is it possible he even exists? Toni invented Bruce MacNiall for the performance. . .yet every particle of his being is eerily familiar.

Soon the group is drawn into a real-life murder mystery; young women are being killed, and their bodies dumped nearby. And Toni is having sinister lifelike dreams in which she sees through the eyes of the killer - dreams that suggest a connection to Laird MacNiall. Bruce claims he wants to help catch the murderer. But can Toni trust him. . .especially when his ghostly double wanders the forest in the black of night?

My first review of The Presence
My Review:
I really enjoyed rereading this book, especially since I've read Haunted first, which is Darcy and Matt Stone's book, since they had a brief part in this book! Made things a lot more connected, and I really enjoyed that fact a lot!

I don't know if this is the same copy that I read the first time or not, but this was still a big complaint from last time-the random, and sometimes whole pages worth of italics. It just jarred me, and was annoying, and yeah. I wonder how it ended up being printed that way?

So one thing that I'm wondering about, is that one end of the chapter, that was narrated by Gina, and Ryan was all menacing, "What are we going to do about Toni." And it felt like that was going to be something, and then nothing happened, so yeah, makes me think Ryan could be a bad guy in a future book or something?

Loved that mystery, that pretty much everybody was suspected, Thayer, because of the money, Gina and Ryan because of the husband and wife killing team from the case that Bruce solved, Bruce because he's the Laird and has that loyalty of the town but could be crazy, and Eban, the old, slightly scary old guy!

Favourite lines: "Can't really throw her down the stairway, folks, she might get hurt!" Yeah, that would be bad! "Great. She keeps me around because she's scared." Well, that's not such a good reason to be married! But just kinda teasing, there!

What a great book, great mystery, and I can't wait to read more of the series!

Author: Heather Graham
Series: Harrison Investigation
First Read: June 3rd, 2011
Read: March 6th, 2015
Source: Library
Publisher: Mira
Published: December 28th 2010
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
4/5 Stars

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