
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Week 12 Review: White Space

From Goodreads:
In the tradition of Memento and Inception comes a thrilling and scary young adult novel about blurred reality where characters in a story find that a deadly and horrifying world exists in the space between the written lines.

Seventeen-year-old Emma Lindsay has problems: a head full of metal, no parents, a crazy artist for a guardian whom a stroke has turned into a vegetable, and all those times when she blinks away, dropping into other lives so ghostly and surreal it's as if the story of her life bleeds into theirs. But one thing Emma has never doubted is that she's real.

Then she writes "White Space," a story about these kids stranded in a spooky house during a blizzard.

Unfortunately, "White Space" turns out to be a dead ringer for part of an unfinished novel by a long-dead writer. The manuscript, which she's never seen, is a loopy Matrix meets Inkheart story in which characters fall out of different books and jump off the page. Thing is, when Emma blinks, she might be doing the same and, before long, she's dropped into the very story she thought she'd written. Trapped in a weird, snow-choked valley, Emma meets other kids with dark secrets and strange abilities: Eric, Casey, Bode, Rima, and a very special little girl, Lizzie. What they discover is that they--and Emma--may be nothing more than characters written into being from an alternative universe for a very specific purpose.

Now what they must uncover is why they've been brought to this place--a world between the lines where parallel realities are created and destroyed and nightmares are written--before someone pens their end.

My Review:
So this book really messed with my head. Especially the beginning half, or so, when things were just all over the place, and before they starting coming together. One way I have of describing it, is that it was like we had a few puzzles, getting a few pieces in one, then an other, and as the book went on, those pictures were coming together, and you realize that it's just one big, and disparate but together, puzzle.

Well, another is that they're various characters drawn from various different books, and plopped into the same one. Which is basically what happened. With a lot of weirdness along the way (mainly for Emma, but what was going with the others...yeah.

So loved how Lizzie said it like it was Sign of Sure, which it was actually cynosure, which, seeing as I'm Canadian, and don't have to take the SAT's, didn't learn what it meant. So yeah, that was really great, seeing as it's pretty darned important!

Emma's time that she went down to get a book from the cellar, and how important that was, to the radio talking about a discovery of 8 bodies, and the echoes, and how everything came together, yeah, that was really awesome! And crazy! Lots of fun to read!

I enjoyed this book a lot! The beginning was just a bit hard to get into, but once past that, things went much quicker, and yeah, I just enjoyed it a lot! Can't wait to read the sequel!

Author: Ilsa J. Bick
Series: Dark Passenger #1
Read: March 18th, 2015
Source: NetGalley
Reason Why: Sounded good, and it's a 2015 Dystopia Book and a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2015 Book!
Publisher: EgmontUSA
Published: February 11th 2014
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
4/5 Stars

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