
Friday, April 24, 2015

Demon's Vengeance: Review

From Goodreads:
Now find out what happens to Gage, Bronx, Trixie and all the gang from Low Town as Gage fights not only the control of the Ivory Tower but a pair of psychopathic killers determined to tear his world apart.

What would you sacrifice to protect all that you love?

My Review:
I enjoyed reading this book! It was really awesome, and yeah, I enjoyed it a lot! I really enjoyed reading about these characters, in this world, it was really fantastic, and just really well written! So really good!

So I haven't read the first two books in the series, which I'm going to have to remedy. Reading this book without having read them was a bit difficult, but oh, well. Then there was the fact that this was 3 serials that were combined into one book, was pretty cool!

I really enjoyed reading about these characters, Gage, Bronx, and Trixie, in this world of Low Town, it was interesting, and awesome to read about! I loved how the world was built, it was interesting and intriguing and all that good stuff!

Oh, there was a lot going on in this book! Things just kept piling up, a lot of mysteries to solve, and yeah, when it ended, it was not the best for the characters. I've seen around that others felt like it was missing a few chapters, and I agree, or maybe a whole 'nother book!

I enjoyed this book a ton, it was really great!

Author: Jocelynn Drake
Series: Asylum Tales #3
Read: April 23rd, 2015
Source: Edelweiss/Pump Up Your Book Review Copy
Reason Why: Sounded really great, and it's a End of Series 2015 Book and a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2015 Book!
Publisher: Harper Voyager Impulse
Published: April 14th 2015
5/5 Hearts
4/5 Books
4/5 Stars
The oldest of three kids, Jocelynn grew up and continues to reside in the Cincinnati, Ohio region. She started writing when she was 12, spending all of one summer re-writing the story of Robin Hood in the battered remains of a notebooks. While life has brought many changes and surprises, the love of writing and a good story has been constant. When not writing, she can been found with her nose buried in a good book, wandering through the woods with her camera cradled protectively against her body, traveling to interesting locations, or relaxing with her family, who have also remained in the Cincinnati area.

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