
Friday, April 17, 2015

Emergency Review-a-Thon #4

  • For every review you want to write, you get half a day to write it or an hour for each review (for example with a goal of 3 reviews, you'd have a day and a half to write those reviews or 3 hours)
  • If you write more reviews then your goal in the time frame, then you get a reward that you picked out beforehand (continuing previous example, if you wrote 7 reviews in the day and a half or 3 hours) but you have to write at least 1 more review then your goal, preferably more
  • If you meet your goal, give yourself a pat on the back!
  • If you don't meet your goal, well, next time you go to buy a book, don't because you didn't meet your goal, so if you can't write the current reviews that you need, why would you add another book to read that you'd need to review?
  • Don't underestimate how many reviews you'd like to write, just to get the reward. If it turns out that you did, but you realize this before your time is up, then it'll be like your goal was however many reviews you'd written, in original time frame, and then any reviews written afterwards can count as over the goal reviews that qualify for the reward
  • The reason why there can be either half a day for each review, or an hour, is because some days you're really busy, like weekdays, but some days you have loads of free time on your plate, so you only need an hour, and this'll help from underestimating reviews

So yeah, I've been falling behind in reviews, again! Plus, I'm getting closer to my Birthday End Time, in getting my reviews all caught up, with still about 500 reviews to go! So I need to get cooking!

Goals: so I want to review Week 15-16, for the 10 minutes of part 1, plus the end of June 2013, and the start of August 2012, to get it to 10. Then for the half a day of part 2, the rest of August 2012, May 2013, September 2012, April 2013, and any rereads or other books in the series!

So at 9, I'll start part one, then after I'm done, and do some other stuff, probably around 12, I'll start part 2, which will got till the end of the 24th! For my reward, I'm going to go with something I've already bought. But I'll keep it a secret till it comes it! Happy reading and reviewing! 

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This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!