
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Few Things, the Past, and the Future

Like, why yesterday, I didn't do what I wanted to do. And some upcoming things.

Yesterday's thing was pretty small, but annoying. The internet crapped out. Not the modem, because that was reset multiple times, with no result. Nope, the internet was just gone for the rest of the day till I went to sleep. But I've all caught up on what I wanted to do then! Now for other things!

Today I had my consultation to have my wisdom teeth removed. The date of the surgery is July 24th at 1:30 (which sucks, since no eating after midnight, and no water once it's just 3 hours and less till the surgery. And then there's the recovery time. So just like my ankle, I'm not sure if this is going to have an impact on my reading and blogging, good or bad. But it's on a Friday, so long weekend for me, with recovery!

Another thing that's coming up, is that my family's moving. Not yet, and it's not 100% guaranteed yet, but it's going to happen. Probably mid to late July. So I'm going to be pretty busy there, packing and such. Ah, the various plans that my dad has, that I can't talk about or he'll get mad at me again like he did last time in a non-blogging incident! And then moving back to college for the year. Yeah, a lot of change coming!

So that's some things that are coming my way, and I just wanted to give a heads up, because I'm going to be increasingly busy as all these things are happening!

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