
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Week 23 Review: Rites of Passage

From Goodreads:
Sam McKenna's never turned down a dare. And she's not going to start with the last one her brother gave her before he died.

So Sam joins the first-ever class of girls at the prestigious Denmark Military Academy. She's expecting push-ups and long runs, rope climbing and mud-crawling. As a military brat, she can handle an obstacle course just as well as the boys. She's even expecting the hostility she gets from some of the cadets who don't think girls belong there. What she's not expecting is her fiery attraction to her drill sergeant. But dating is strictly forbidden and Sam won't risk her future, or the dare, on something so matter how much she wants him.

As Sam struggles to prove herself, she discovers that some of the boys don't just want her gone—they will stop at nothing to drive her out. When their petty threats turn to brutal hazing, bleeding into every corner of her life, she realizes they are not acting alone. A decades-old secret society is alive and active… and determined to force her out.
At any cost.

Now time's running short. Sam must decide who she can trust...and choosing the wrong person could have deadly consequences.

My Review:
This book was really fantastic to read! I definitely would not fit in there, what with the rules, and the exercise, and respect and loyalty and chains and stuff-it works as it does for them, but I'm not them-but Sam, she fits into this world, she was born for it!

The unfairness in this book really boiled my blood! I read this book in one sitting, just turning the pages, and telling the world, though only my family could hear me, that it was really unfair, what she went through, and that I wanted to change it!

There were a lot of complications. Like Sam, and the other girls, are the first girls in a previous all-boy military private school. And no dating rules. And all the other stuff, like the secret society who does not want girls to disrupt the status quo!

I enjoyed the ending.  Things were good, like her dad, and things were bad, like the dad of the one guy who were both in the society being a part of the meeting that she had with the higher brass. Good that her group of Alphas got their thing that they were supposed to get in December, bad that she couldn't date Drill for another year. You know, real life!

Really, this was a fantastic book, so enjoyable, and I just loved it to bits!

Author: Joy N. Hensley
Read: May 31st, 2015
Source: Edelweiss
Reason Why: Sounded good, and it's a DAC Book and a SAC 2015 Book!
Publisher: Harper Teen
Published: September 9th 2014
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
4/5 Stars

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