
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Week 41 Review: Ash & Bramble

From Goodreads:
A prince.

A ball.

A glass slipper left behind at the stroke of midnight.

The tale is told and retold, twisted and tweaked, snipped and stretched, as it leads to happily ever after.

But it is not the true Story.

A dark fortress.

A past forgotten.

A life of servitude.

No one has ever broken free of the Godmother's terrible stone prison until a girl named Pin attempts a breathless, daring escape. But she discovers that what seems to be freedom is a prison of another kind, one that entangles her in a story that leads to a prince, a kiss, and a clock striking midnight. To unravel herself from this new life, Pin must choose between a prince and another—the one who helped her before and who would give his life for her. Torn, the only thing for her to do is trade in the glass slipper for a sword and find her own destiny. 

My Review:
This was such a great book! I loved the parts, as Pin/Pen has all these things happen to her, and as she gets out of one, and into another! Such an awesome journey, and with such amazing characters to go along with her!

The idea that people would be kidnapped to live out stories, in the world of Story, helped out by the godmother, is pretty creepy! And that nobody really noticed the people missing, as a whole, is terrifying. Well, they aren't as connected technologically as we are, but still! There were probably hundreds taken!

I really enjoyed the POV's of Pin/Pen, and then of Shoe. Because with the godmother's thimble's abilities to wipe memories, having both of them gave us so much more of the world, and to make sure that things weren't forgotten by the characters as they were going on!

Really, really fantastic ending! Wonderful, amazing, and just awesome that she was able to do that, that after her mom fighting for so long, that her daughter was able to finally take down Story so people could make their own choices! I do wish that Pen could've gotten her own memories back, but she got enough bits and pieces that she could do without.

So fantastic, such a great and wonderful book, and I just really want to read more by Sarah Prinaes!

Author: Sarah Prineas
Read: October 3rd, 2015
Source: Edelweiss
Reason Why: Sounded really awesome, it was up on Edelweiss, and it's a 2015 Retelling Reading Challenge Book, SAC 2015 Book and a WoW Book!
Publisher: Harper Teen
Published: September 15th 2015
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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