
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 46 Review: All In

From Goodreads:
Three casinos. Three bodies. Three days.

After a string of brutal murders in Las Vegas, Cassie Hobbes and the Naturals are called in to investigate. But even with the team's unique profiling talents, these murders seem baffling: unlike many serial killers, this one uses different methods every time. All of the victims were killed in public, yet the killer does not show up on any tape. And each victim has a string of numbers tattooed on their wrist. Hidden in the numbers is a code—and the closer the Naturals come to unraveling the mystery, the more perilous the case becomes.

Meanwhile, Cassie is dealing with an equally dangerous and much more painful mystery. For the first time in years, there's been a break in her mother's case. As personal issues and tensions between the team mount, Cassie and the Naturals will be faced with impossible odds—and impossible choices.

My Review:
Man, oh, man, oh, man! This book was utterly fantastic, each book has been getting so much better than the last, and it was just so plain enjoyable to read! I just zipped right through it, I pretty much devoured it, that was how good it was, and how much I wanted to read it!

So this book has a few moving parts. There's the main investigation of the murders in Vegas, as well as Cassie's mother's case. And as the book goes on, the action ramps up in both, and the mystery becomes deeper and more complex, it was just so great to read!

This is the book where we learn more about Sloane, Las Vegas is her home town, and her family is involved in all of this, and the whole thing just kinda sucks in how her dad treated her and the others, it was pretty horrible! But her half-brother was pretty nice! And then everything happened, and it was just heartbreaking!

How things come together, that was just epic and oh, wow, the fact that there was this group of people that have been murdering people for so long-and Nightshade was one of them-and that Cassie's mom was a part of things, yeah, made things so complex and so great to read!

I am now dying for the next book, because oh, boy, is there a lot of work ahead, because they caught one bad guy, and they have some knowledge behind them, but the bad guys have the numbers! I need more!

Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Series: The Naturals #3
Read: November 9th, 2015
Source: Tuebl
Reason Why: Love her books and this series! And it's a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2015 Book and a WoW Book!
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Published: November 3rd 2015
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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