
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Week 6 Reviews: Human Nature, Blood Magic, Blood Challenge, Death Magic, Human Error

From Goodreads:
An urban fantasy novella from USA Today bestselling author Eileen Wilks's world of the lupi, where the darkest magic will leave its mark…

FBI Agent Lily Yu is turning twenty-nine—a milestone she's decidedly ambivalent about. But her birthday celebration is cut short when the naked, heavily tattooed body of a man is found in a Northern California town. The victim was David Pruitt, and years ago, he was close friends with Rule Turner, prince of the lupi.

At first it seems like a bizarre ritual killing, but there's more than magic afoot: David wasn't human. And the killer isn't finished…

From Goodreads:
Lily Yu and Lupi prince Rule Turner have a bigger problem than their families not accepting their impending human/werewolf mixed marriage. A powerful ancient nemesis of Lily's grandmother has come to San Diego to turn the city into a feeding ground.

From Goodreads:
Lily Yu and Rule Turner's engagement announcement is stirring up ugly passions in the Humans First camp. There's hate mail. Death threats. Lily's car is vandalized. But professionally, things are going smoothly...until a lupus in Tennessee goes on a killing spree.

Then Rule's brother, Benedict, catches a lovely intruder--twice. The first time she's sneaking around the home of the leader of Humans First. The second time, she sneaks into Nokolai Clanhome with a mysterious potion.

It may not be possible to deal with the rapidly escalating situation the way Lily always has: through the law. Especially when she's pulled off the case due to an alleged conflict of interest. Lily's loyalties will be stretched to the breaking point when she discovers that the deaths in Tennessee were only the opening skirmish in an all-out war. 

From Goodreads:
DEATH MAGIC opens with Special Agent Lily Yu in Washington, D.C. with her fiancĂ©--lupi prince Rule Turner—to testify before a Senate subcommittee about her role in the magical collapse of a mountain last month. She is not there to tell them about the strange legacy she carries from that event—or about the arcane bond between her and Rule--or what her boss in Unit Twleve of the FBI's Magical Crimes Division is really up to. She sure won't tell them that the lupi are at war with an Old One who wants to remake humanity in her own image. 

Lily is managing the conflict between her duty as an officer of the law and the need for secrecy pretty well . . . until the rabidly anti-magic senator who chairs that committee is murdered. The line between right and wrong, always so clear to her, becomes hopelessly blurred as events catapult them all towards disaster, and prophecies of a cataclysmic end to the country she loves and serves--and to the entire race of lupi--seem well on their way to being fulfilled.

From Goodreads:
In this urban fantasy novella set in New York Times bestselling author Eileen Wilks's world of the lupi, a family holiday provides respite from an ongoing war—but not without a few skirmishes of its own...

Benedict would do anything to make Arjenie happy, even spend Christmas meeting her large, Wiccan, entirely human family. As a lupi warrior who's lived most of his life at Clanhome, Benedict is more than a little nervous. He isn't used to fitting in with humans, let alone a family who celebrates the Wiccan holiday of Yule. 

Benedict even asked his brother for advice about clothes, hoping to create the right impression. So it's a shame that things go wrong from the moment he steps out of the car . . .

My Review:
Some more really awesome books in this series! I'm enjoying them so much, and Eileen Wilks is now in my favourite authors list because this series is just so fantastic! Love it so much, and I need to start collecting paperbacks of this series!

Loved this time with the gang, and all these developments that were going on! Some things were hard to deal with, what with titles includes words like blood and death, but they worked through the challenges and persevered on towards the next adventure!

We did get to learn about her grandmother in Blood Magic, which was really fantastic, since she's be a pretty pivotal character! And of the latest human agent on earth of Her. And Lily's abilities are explored!

I kinda wish I had a brain that could come up with such plots and then such fantastic solutions! And these characters create plans and battle attacks that work, and they were just so entertaining to read! Plus the fact that won!

This series is so freaking great, and I can't wait to read more!

Author: Eileen Wilks
Series: Lupi #5.5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5
Read: January 1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2016
Source: Tuebl
Reason Why: Love this series, and they're Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2016 Books!
Publisher: Berkley
Published: January 5th 2010, February 2nd 2010, January 4th 2011, November 1st 2011

Human Nature:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Blood Magic:
/5 Hearts
/5 Books
/5 Stars

Blood Challenge:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Death Magic:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Human Error:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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