
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Week 28 Reviews: Black Wings, Black Night, Black Wings Shorts

From Goodreads:
She's an Agent of Death who really needs to get a life.

As an Agent of Death, Madeline Black is responsible for escorting the souls of the dearly departed to the afterlife. It's a 24/7 job with a lousy benefits package.

Maddy's position may come with magical powers and an impressive wingspan, but it doesn't pay the bills. And then there are her infuriating boss, tenant woes, and a cranky, popcorn-loving gargoyle to contend with.

Things start looking up, though, when tall, dark, and handsome Gabriel Angeloscuro agrees to rent the empty apartment in Maddy's building. It's probably just a coincidence that as soon as he moves in demons appear on the front lawn. But when an unholy monster is unleashed upon the streets of Chicago, Maddy discovers powers she never knew she possessed. Powers linked to a family legacy of tarnished halos.

Powers that place her directly between the light of Heaven and the fires of Hell...

From Goodreads:
Madeline Black is an Agent of death, meaning she escorts the souls of people who have died to the afterlife. Of course, not everyone is happy to see her... 

If obstinate dead people were all that Maddy had to worry about, life would be much easier. But the best-laid plans of Agents and fallen angels often go awry. Deaths are occurring contrary to the natural order, Maddy's being stalked by foes inside and outside of her family, and her two loves-her bodyguard, Gabriel, and her doughnut-loving gargoyle, Beezle-have disappeared. But because Maddy is Lucifer's granddaughter, things are expected of her, things like delicate diplomatic missions to other realms. 

From Goodreads:
Short stories from the world of BLACK WINGS written by the Author Christina Henry, released in 2011 on her website:

My Review:
I do wish that I had read these stories before I read the short story in Kicking It. But that short story is why I read these books, so yeah, I'm glad that I read them all, just not the order that I did it in. Because these books were just freaking amazing!

I have read the synopsis' of the rest of the series. So I know bits and pieces of where this series is going. And I can kinda see it, kinda can't. Some of the things are just baffling, like her dad doing something really bad. Or sad, that Gabriel probably dies and leaves her pregnant. Yeah.

This world was really interesting! I really enjoyed everything from the Agents of Death, the Fallen, Fae, and gargoyles! It was different and great to read, and I really enjoyed Christina Henry's take on all of them, and how she brought them all together!

Watching her come into her powers, and how to use them was just fantastic! And it really helped with all the bad guys that she was facing, and a lot of them were related to her, which sucks, but yeah, having Fallen Angels in your family tree, usually means a mostly bad tree, with some good apples like Maddy and Gabriel!

These books were so great, and I can't wait to read more of this series!

Author: Christina Henry
Series: Black Wings #1, 2, 2.5
Read: July 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 2016
Source:, Free
Reason Why: Sounded really great! And they're Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2016 Books!
Publisher: Ace Books
Published: November 1st 2010, July 1st 2011, 2011

Black Wings:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Black Night:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Black Wings Shorts:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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