
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Week 2 Review: Fury on Fire

From Goodreads:
When you live next door to the big bad wolf . . .

After years in prison, North Callaghan is finally free. But the demons haunting him still make him feel like a caged beast. He loses himself in work and hard living, coming up for air only to bed any willing woman to cross his path. So when his new neighbor snares his interest, he decides to add another notch to his bedpost. The only problem? Faith Walters is a white picket fence kind of girl.

Prepare to be devoured.

Faith's new neighbor is the rudest man alive. He'd rather grunt at her than speak and he takes her "welcome-to-the-neighborhood" scones without a thank you. She knows she should run for the hills from the ex-con. If only he weren't so smoldering sexy…if only the sounds of him with other women didn't drift through their shared wall and fill her with longing…and if only he didn't look at her like they were a collision waiting to happen.

My Review:
I loved reading this book! I was so happy that I was approved to read it, I started reading it the day that I got it-well past 1 AM! Which is why I read it on January 10th instead of 9th! Yeah, it was just a fantastic read!

This is North's book, and one we've been waiting on, since Knox and Reid got their stories! And yeah, it's the end of the series, which is kinda sad, but yeah, it's been so excellent and I absolutely loved reading it!

Faith's family is in law enforcement-her dad was the sheriff who arrested Knox and North, in front of Katie. Yeah. And now her brother is the current sheriff! So yeah, that's something of an obstacle in their relationship!

I loved how these two didn't actually see each other face to face until a little further into the book than usual. They were next door neighbours and it was pretty cute! My only little complaints is that we didn't see Reid and Grace, or see how she ending things with the guy she was kinda dating!

Yeah, this was a really fantastic book, and a great ending to the series, and I just loved reading it!

Author: Sophie Jordan
Series: Devil's Rock #3
Read: January 10th, 2017
Source: Edelweiss
Reason Why: Love her writing and this series! And it's End of Series 2017 Book, Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2017 Book and a WoW Book!
Publisher: Avon
Expected Publication: January 31st 2017
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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