
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Week 12 Reviews: The Unlikeable Demon Hunter, Slay

From Goodreads:
Bridesmaids meets Buffy with a dash of the seven deadly sins.

The age-old story of what happens when a foul-mouthed, romance impaired heroine with no edit button and a predilection for hot sex is faced with her worst nightmare–a purpose.

Ari Katz is intelligent, driven, and will make an excellent demon hunter once initiated into the Brotherhood of David. However, this book is about his twin Nava: a smart-ass, self-cultivated hot mess, who is thrilled her brother is stuck with all the chosen one crap.

When Nava half-drunkenly interrupts Ari's induction ceremony, she expects to be chastised. What she doesn't expect is to take her brother's place among the–until now–all-male demon hunters. Even worse? Her infuriating leader is former rock star Rohan Mitra.

Too bad Rohan's exactly what Nava's always wanted: the perfect bad boy fling with no strings attached, because he may also be the one to bring down her carefully erected emotional shields. That's as dangerous as all the evil fiends vying for the bragging rights of killing the only female ever chosen for Demon Club.

Odds of survival: eh.

Odds of having a very good time with Rohan before she bites it: much better. 

My Review:
I loved reading these stories! Nava was an amazing narrator, and I just loved her journey! The thing is, is that she's pretty hilarious! I mean, the situations that she gets into! She doesn't make the best of decisions in the beginning, but it's more of an active choice to make bad decisions! And she learns and grows!

I empathize with her situation. Her twin brother is the goody two shoes one. She's the screw up, and people expect that. But then she becomes a Rasha, and yeah, things are turned on their sides! I think, when all is said and done, she dealt with things better than the Brotherhood did!

Of course being the only female in the ranks vs. being support for the Brotherhood is a tough gig. And that she's a highly sexual creature with all these males, yeah, hijinks were bound to follow! I really enjoyed her with Rohan!

The training that she went through-that these guys have had all their lives, while she's having it crammed in during this time, was very interesting! And she had to use it, and I can't wait to see her continue to use it!

Such a fantastic series, and I can't wait for the sequel, I need more!

Author: Deborah Wilde
Series: Nava Katz #1, 1.5
Read: March 23rd, 23rd, 2017
Source: NetGalley, Free
Reason Why: Sounded really good, and they're Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2017 Books!
Publisher: Ta Da Media, Deborah Wilde
Expected Publication: April 18th 2017

The Unlikeable Demon Hunter:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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