
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Week 9 Review: Undecided

From Goodreads:
Nora Kincaid has one goal for her second year of college: be invisible. Last year's all-party-no-study strategy resulted in three failed classes and two criminal charges, and if she messes up again she'll lose her scholarship. But there's one problem with her plan for invisibility, and his name is Crosbie Lucas: infamous party king, general hellraiser…and her new roommate's best friend.

Crosbie's reckless reputation and well-known sexcapades aren't part of Nora's studious new strategy, but as she's quickly learning, her new plan is also really boring. When Crosbie's unexpected gestures of friendship pull her head out of her books long enough to see past his cocky veneer, she's surprised to find a flawed and funny guy beneath it all. The muscles don't hurt, either.

But as Nora starts to fall for Crosbie, the weight of one of last year's bad decisions grows even heavier. Because three failing grades and two misdemeanors are nothing compared to the one big secret she's hiding… 

My Review:
Loved reading this book! It was an awesome NA romance, and so enjoyable, too! I'm so glad that I got approved to read the 2nd book, because otherwise, I never would've known about this one! And yeah, it was just so great to read!

The first few chapters, I wasn't sure who she was going to end up with. Then I read the synopsis and realized that yeah, it as Crosbie, not her roommate, Kellan, who'll be getting the next book! I'm glad how it all worked out, because Crosbie and Nora was really cute and awesome together!

This was the story of Nora, who didn't know how to balance being a good girl and being a bad girl, she had to go to the extreme. Kinda like a ping pong. All her life till the first year of college, good girl. First year of college, bad girl. Second year of college, good girl again. And yeah, it was so great to read!

And she was hiding something. She'd hooked up with Kellan just before she got arrested. But he forgot until a combination of factors, that he remembered hooking up with a girl in a red corset, and her babbling about the periodic table! But yeah, I'm glad that she and Crosbie worked out!

This was a nice and fun book, and I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait to read Undeclared!

Author: Julianna Keyes
Series: Burnham College #1
Read: March 3rd, 2017
Reason Why: Sounded really great and I got the 2nd book from NetGalley, and it's a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2017 Book!
Publisher: Julianna Keyes
Published: April 4th 2016
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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