
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Week 13 Review: Front Lines

From Goodreads:
Perfect for fans of The Book Thief and Code Name Verity, New York Times bestselling author Michael Grant unleashes an epic, genre-bending, and transformative new series that reimagines World War II with girl soldiers fighting on the front lines.

World War II, 1942. A court decision makes women subject to the draft and eligible for service. The unproven American army is going up against the greatest fighting force ever assembled, the armed forces of Nazi Germany.

Three girls sign up to fight. Rio Richlin, Frangie Marr, and Rainy Schulterman are average girls, girls with dreams and aspirations, at the start of their lives, at the start of their loves. Each has her own reasons for volunteering: Rio fights to honor her sister; Frangie needs money for her family; Rainy wants to kill Germans. For the first time they leave behind their homes and families—to go to war.

These three daring young women will play their parts in the war to defeat evil and save the human race. As the fate of the world hangs in the balance, they will discover the roles that define them on the front lines. They will fight the greatest war the world has ever known. 

My Review:
Loved reading this book! It did take me awhile to get around to reading it, but hey, now I have a copy of the 2nd book, and I think I can find the two novellas around there, so yeah, less waiting now, after this book! Which is nice!

I read in a review of this book somewhere that there were women who served during World War Two. But the thing is, in this book, women were also drafted, as well as they enlisted. Which means that there were many more of them. I think. I'm not that great with history what with my memory!

I enjoyed reading about Rio, Frangie and Rainy. They all had different backgrounds, Rio was a middle income white girl, Frangie a lower income African American, and Rainy was a very smart Jewish girl. They all had their own perspectives, they came from different places, and I loved reading about them!

War is never pretty. And this war was one of the worst ones in that it was very devastating and widespread. And these girls see this. Because no matter that it was thought that they wouldn't see the front lines...they did.

This book was absolutely fantastic, and I can't wait to read more!

Author: Michael Grant
Series: Solider Girl #1
Read: March 31st, 2017
Source: Edelweiss
Reason Why: Love his books, and it's a Historical Fiction 2017 Book, Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2017 Book and a WoW Book!
Publisher: Katherine Tegan Books
Published: January 26th 2016
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars


  1. I've heard great things about this book, so I'm thrilled to see you confirm them :) The reason I didn't read it yet is because it's so huge . . . I was intimidated XD Wonderful review! :D

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

    1. Yeah :) It was a great book, as well as very long! Aw, thanks! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!


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