
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Week 28 Review: My Summer Job

From Goodreads:
Siobhan Murphy is an average teenager: smart, hardworking, ambitious… and a bit of smart aleck. She has a terrific family and great friends. She also has out of control curly red hair, freckles on top of her freckles and a less than model like body. Siobhan has decided that this is her year to land the perfect summer job—a job that pays a ton of money, is a lot of fun, and will give her valuable experience to add to her resume. 

After a chance encounter with the very stylish Natasha Romanoff, Siobhan is offered a job as her assistant. What she doesn't realize, until she actually starts work, is that the very stylish Natasha runs an escort service.

Her job is pretty uncomplicated: type letters, book appointments, walk Natasha's massive pair of Great Danes… the usual. But then Natasha and Lucius—her former husband and current business associate – ask Siobhan to befriend a couple of the escorts whom they suspect of indulging in a little hanky-panky on the side. Strictly against agency rules, BTW. Always game for an adventure Siobhan puts on her Sherlock Holmes hat and befriends the girls, but what Siobhan—along with her bestie and fellow sleuth, Marcy—discover is that there's an awful lot more than just hanky-panky going on. 

My Review:
Oh, this was a really awesome book! I mean, the synopsis was very intriguing, but there's only so much you can put in it! And yeah, this book had a whole ton load of things going for it! Such a great read, I just loved it!

First off, the cover. It reminds me a lot of the cover for The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis, with the yellow background and the various objects! And that was a good comparison, they're both YA contemporary mysteries! And both great, enjoyable books!

Siobhan was pretty hilarious! I mean, the situations that she gets into! Sure, she needed a summer job, and then everything happened, the escort service, and the and then there was the mystery of what was going on...yeah. Just so funny!

I really enjoyed the pieces coming together! There were a few places that this book could go, and I wasn't expecting where it did go, so well done! Things fit neatly-not too neatly, but naturally! It was a fantastic ending!

This was a really great book, and I'm really glad that it's a series!

Author: Margaret Cioffi
Series: Siobhan Murphy Mystery #1
Read: July 13th, 2017
Source: YA Bound Review Copy
Reason Why: Sounded really good, and it's a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2017 Book!
Publisher: City Lights Press
Published: May 3rd 2017
5/5 Hearts
4/5 Books
4.5/5 Stars


  1. Ooh I love the synopsis! I'll be adding this one to my TBR!

    1. Yeah, it sounds and it was so awesome! Yeah, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!


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