
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Week 2 Review: Aliens Abroad

From Goodreads:
With the human population growing and alien refugees pouring in from around the galaxy, Earth is becoming too overcrowded to sustain itself--and the solar system is filling up with the alien overflow. Advanced technology from the Alpha Centauri and Vatusan systems offers one possible solution. It's time to explore new planets and see if any uninhabited ones can be claimed. 

The President and First Lady, aka Jeff and Kitty Katt-Martini, aren't supposed to be on this mission, but what looks like a snafu during a political photo op on the newly christened Distant Voyager spaceship turns out to be a call for help from a planet that might be Earth's salvation...or its destruction. 

The discovery of a world at the opposite end of the galaxy that seems like it could be a twin to Earth creates the usual issues for Kitty & Company. It also raises questions of Z'porrah and Ancient influence--not to mention cloning, the multiverse, and, scariest of all, whether or not the Black Hole Universe Police are starting to take too much of an interest in this particular universe.

My Review:
Oh, wow, this book was just freaking amazing! I think it's the longest yet in the series, and yeah, so much was packed into it! It was like a series of mini-adventures, all giving Kitty a piece of the puzzle of what the heck was going on! It was just so freaking great to read!

First off, I have two things to say. 1st, I love the cover, and how she's standing in front of a poster advertising the Distant Voyager, and it's starting to come apart with the gunshots. 2nd, we get Kitty's name for the events in ALient Education-Operation Fundraiser! Yeah! And that it's about 1 1/2 years since that happened, which, boo, we missed parts of their lives, but yeah, they didn't have anything threatening the world!

This is the 2nd book to mostly not take place on Earth, besides Alien Separation, they mostly stay on Earth, Universal Alien doesn't count, because while it's a different universe, it's still Earth! So yeah, that was new, and there was so much that was explored! So that was really cool!

Of course things can't go easily for the gang, so when the ship takes off before it's supposed to, with a bunch of random people-or maybe not so random after all-and with a rebellious AI, that of course Kitty names, it's an adventure in and of itself!

It was so interesting to see more of our corner of space, though they do go to the edges, the less travelled, even more so than Earth is. They meet some very interesting people, and have a lot of adventures, and when the time comes, brings everything that they've learned from the adventures, and I loved how it all came together!

The ending was just pure evil! I mean, they won, things were good, and while there was that darkness earlier, well, now it seems to be a problem! And it just ends! Evil cliffhanger ending! I need more, I'm desperate for it!

I just absolutely loved this book, it was just so freaking great, and I can't wait for the next one! 

Author: Gini Koch
Series: Katherine "Kitty" Katt #16
Read: January 8th, 2018
Source: NetGalley
Reason Why: Love this series and her writing so much! And it's a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2018 Book and a WoW Book!
Publisher: DAW Books
Expected Publication: February 6th 2018
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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