
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Week 28 Review: Shadow's Bane

From Goodreads:
Half-human, half-vampire Dorina Basarab is back--and facing her biggest challenge yet in the next urban fantasy in the New York Times bestselling series.

Dorina Basarab is a dhampir--half-human, half-vampire. As one of the Vampire Senate's newest members, Dory already has a lot on her plate. But then a relative of one of Dory's fey friends goes missing. They fear he's been sold to a slaver who arranges fights--sometimes to the death--between different types of fey.

As Dory investigates, she and her friends learn the slavers are into something much bigger than a fight club. With the Vampire Senate gearing up for war with Faerie, it'll take everything she has to defeat the slavers--and deal with the entirely too attractive master vampire Louis-Cesare....

My Review:
Wow, this book was spectacular! With all the difficult with Reap the Wind and then Ride the Storm, it's been about 6 years since we last had a Dory full length novel. It was well worth the wait, this book, so much happens, some hilarious like the game pieces, some not so much, like slavery. Oh, an the action scenes! Awesome!

After Fury's Kiss, I really wanted to know more about Dorina. And I got that in spades in this book, from scenes that she narrated (now that we know what that was, unlike previously!) and the memories from their dad around the time that he built the wall, events which were informative to the plot of what was going on now, so those did double duty, yeah!

One thing that this book deals with is her relationship with Louis-Cesare. I thought that they'd resolved of the issues that would keep them together, inside and out, but apparently not. Well, I guess with Dorina, they flared up again. To have a side of you that could hurt the person you love? Not fun!

You know that in complex, big series like this one, where they mention what happened in the previous book, the big overarching plot, but it's all simple and you're like, oh, yeah, that's what happened, that's what the characters were trying to do? This book had that combined with how long its been been since I read Fury's Kiss and my memory's that bad. So yeah, that was great!

I have a few questions at the end, some bigger than others. Like some could be answered with a quick sentence. Others, I think will play a pretty significant part in the books to come (because there has to be books to come!) For example, her mom and the gift Dorina displays in this book. Otherwise, this book ended really well, and I'm anticipating more from these amazing two series!

This book was so awesome, and I enjoyed reading it so much! It's a fantastic book!

Author: Karen Chance
Series: Dorina Basarab #4
Read: July 10th, 2018
Source: NetGalley
Reason Why: Love her writing and this series, and it's a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2018 Book and a WoW Book!
Publisher: Berkley
Expected Publication: July 31st 2018
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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