
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Wheel of TBR #10, August 2nd

I saw Codie's Book Corner doing the Wheel of TBR, and I thought that sounded like a great way to pick what to read from your TBR. So thanks to her! I'll only do 3 spins, because I'm doing this every week, and so it won't make up my total TBR of the week, but it'll be a start!

1. On the first week of the month, I'll do 12 spins, for books that I'll have all month to read. For each week for the rest of the month, I'll do 3 spins each week to read each week though I do have the rest of the month to read them. Once a prompt is used, I'll randomly choose one from the list, keeping track of how often a colour comes up. If colour comes up 4 or more times in a month, I'll do another spin once it comes up 4 times.
2. If I don't read a book that week or at least start it, then for my next week of spins, I have to add a punishment for each book unread. I'll roll for each unread book, and have to apply each and every punishment chosen to the week.

This week, the first week of the month, I'm just going to do 3 spins today, because honestly, between the N.E.W.T's and ARC August, and how many books I've been trying to read before the end of July, I need to slow down. But I decided that after I'd already done 12 spins. So I'm going to take those 12 spins, move them to really the start of September, though the post is for August 30th, and put them there. I'll take out any of the books that I did read in August, since some of them are on my N.E.W.T's TBR. And I'll take the prompts for next week from that, and work that from here, and then put the last of August's prompts into Wheel of TBR #14. Also because of this, if the colour totals get to 3 or more, once I get 3, I'll have to do an extra spin. Ok, onto regular content!

Of the books from the last week, I read Steadfast, Sorceress, The Cruel Prince, The New Improved Sorceress, and I started Sky Without Stars. So I didn't read Master of None yet. So I'll have to take a punishment. Another punishment came up, but my mom's not here right now. So again, going with book fits 2 prompts because I like the challenge! Which kinda defeats the purpose of a punishment, but it's another book!

This week I read the past wheel picks of Truel1f3, The Guinevere Deception, Blood Red Road, Red Sister, so I have 20 past spins left. And of those, 4 aren't ARC's, so while I almost certainly won't read those non-ARC's, besides the one that's a 1st book in the series where I did get an ARC, the ARC's I'll hopefully read, what with ARC August and everything!

Prompts Used This Week:
ARC-NetGalley, Travel, 2nd Chance

ARC-NetGalley-Magenta-Dragon Unleashed by Grace Draven-I got this book from NetGalley, so it works!

Travel-Cyan-The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi-Takes place in either France or Russia, so Europe and Asia, not North America, so it works!

2nd Chance-Red-Bombshell by Rowan Maness-I started reading this book, I got it as an ARC (and it's ARC August, so glad that this works) and I started it, but only got a few pages in before putting it down. And I want to read it!

Book Fulfills Two Prompts-Newly Published-Chartreuse-ARC-Edelweiss-Rose-The Silent Wife by Karin Slaughter-This come out in 2 days, and I got it as an ARC, so yeah, these two prompts work really well together!

Colour Totals:
Red: 1
Orange: 0
Yellow: 0
Chartreuse: 1
Green: 0
Spring Green: 0
Cyan: 1
Azure: 0
Blue: 0
Violet: 0
Magneta: 1
Rose: 0

Prompts for Next Week:
DAC Book-Chartreuse
Genre-Spring Green
Genre Most Read-Azure
One Word Title-Violet
Series Number-Magenta

So those are some of the books I'm going to try to read this week. What about you guys? Happy reading!

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