
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Week 1 Review: Always Forever Maybe

From Goodreads:
When Betts meets Aiden at the candy store where she works, their connection is like a sugar rush to the heart. Betts already knows the two of them are infinite. Inevitable. Destined to become an us.

Betts has only ever kept one secret from her best friend, Jo, but suddenly there's a long list of things she won't tell her, things Jo wouldn't understand. Because Jo doesn't see how good Aiden is for Betts. She finds him needy. Possessive. Controlling.

She's wrong. With a love like this, nothing else matters. 

My Review:
This was a fantastic story about a horrible topic. Abuse is not cool, and just because you had a crappy childhood doesn't mean you get to take that out on your partner. An to keep it secret from your best friend, well, there's not a lot of good choices. 

I did read her 2nd YA book first. So from the synopsis, I was kinda expecting something different, that there was something underhanded about the whole situation, that there was some stalker vibes coming from that synopsis. Boy was I off the mark, but in a good way. I really enjoyed Bett's story! 

Her relationship with Jo was one of my favourite parts of this book! I loved how strong their bond was, and Betts needed it, and Jo was there. We love to see girls supporting girls! That Jo was there for Betts to confide in, to help her see that it was a bad relationship, was really great!

This book got harder to read as it went on, because at first, things are almost normal, but they aren't, and the verbal abuse turns to physical. No one should have to go through that. I wasn't sure how things were going to end-and how their relationship would end, because it had to-but yeah, I'm satisfied where it left off! 

This was a really great read, and I'm so glad that Bett's got that ending! 

Author: Anica Mrose Rissi
Read: January 2nd, 2021
Source: Edelweiss
Reason Why: Sounded really good, and it's a SAC 2021 Book!
Publisher: Harper Teen
Published: June 5th 2018
5/5 Hearts
3/5 Books
3/5 Stars

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