
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Week 20 Review: Dead Girls Walking

From Goodreads:
Temple Baker knows that evil runs in her blood. Her father is the North Point Killer, an infamous serial killer known for how he marked each of his victims with a brand. He was convicted for murdering 20 people and was the talk of countless true crime blogs for years. Some say he was possessed by a demon. Some say that they never found all his victims. Some say that even though he's now behind bars, people are still dying in the woods. Despite everything though, Temple never believed that her dad killed her mom. But when he confesses to that crime while on death row, she has no choice but to return to his old hunting grounds to try see if she can find a body and prove it.

Turns out, the farm that was once her father's hunting grounds and her home has been turned into an overnight camp for queer, horror-obsessed girls. So Temple poses as a camp counselor to go digging in the woods. While she's not used to hanging out with girls her own age and feels ambivalent at best about these true crime enthusiasts, she tries her best to fit in and keep her true identity hidden.

But when a girl turns up dead in the woods, she fears that one of her father's "fans" might be mimicking his crimes. As Temple tries to uncover the truth and keep the campers safe, she comes to realize that there may be something stranger and more sinister at work—and that her father may not have been the only monster in these woods.

My Review:
Oh, I had such a great time listening to this book! The synopsis had me hooked, and listening to it play out was so entertaining! I felt for Temple, whose dad killed a lot of people, who is prison on death row-but the question is, did he kill her mom?

I loved watching Temple go to her childhood home, but the area is now a camp, so she finds her way to join them, so she can find out what happened to her mom. It was really interesting to see her put up her walls, protecting herself from the campers, which as things got more and more dangerous, started to come down, which was great to read.

The big mystery of what happened to her mom was a big part of this book, especially as the bodies started piling up, and more family history came to life. It was pretty shocking, just how much history there was. And finding out just what was going on-and how to solve it, and survive-was tense.

The way that things ended, yeah, that was really satisfying to read! To see where these characters left off, what they learned, what they survived, it was really good, and I'm glad for that. After all that they went through, that was a great ending! 

This was really great and I can't wait to read more by Sami Ellis! 

Author: Sami Ellis 
Read: May 15th, 2024 
Source: NetGalley 
Reason Why: Sounded really great, and it's a DAC Book and a SAC 2024 Book! 
Publisher: RB Media
Published: March 26th 2024
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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