
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Wheel of TBR #209, May 26th

I saw Codie's Book Corner doing the Wheel of TBR, and I thought that sounded like a great way to pick what to read from your TBR. So thanks to her! I'll only do 3 spins, because I'm doing this every week, and so it won't make up my total TBR of the week, but it'll be a start!

1. For each week of the month, I'll do 3 spins each week to read each week though I do have the rest of the month to read them. Once a prompt is used, I'll randomly choose one from the list, keeping track of how often a colour comes up. If colour comes up 3 or more times in month, I'll do another spin once it comes up 3 times.
2. If I don't read a book that week or at least start it before the end of the month, then for my next week of spins, I have to add a punishment for each book unread. I'll roll for each unread book, and have to apply each and every punishment chosen to the week.
3. Each month I'll get a prompt from my Binge Read Wheel (either specifically picking the prompt, or spinning the wheel) and I have to read at least 9 books, though I can read more!

Of the books from the last week, I read Lore Olympus: Volume 6 by Rachel Smythe, Cry of the Banshee by Heather Graham, Five Broken Blades by Mai Corland.

Binge Read Wheel:
For this month, I chose ARC. I read To Love a Dark Lord by Kathryn Ann Kingsley, The City in Glass by Nghi Vo, Sisters of Fortune by Anna Lee Huber, Lady of Steel and Straw by Erica Ivy Rodgers, Darker by Four by June CL Tan, Zhara by S. Jae-Jones, Girls Like Her by Melanie Sumrow, Mistress of Lies by K.M. Enright, True Love and Other Impossible Odds by Christina Li, so I've read 34/9+.

For next month, the wheel chose Ebook TBR.

Prompts Used This Week:
Reading Challenge Prompt, Reread, DAC Book, Page Count, Treat Yo' Shelf, Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2022-Magenta.

Reading Challenge Prompt-Spring Green-Read a new to you author-The Dinosaur Four by Geoff Jones-This was a prompt in SeasonAthon Academy Fall 2023, so I'm using it!

Reread-Blue-Beastly by Alex Flinn-I've read this book before, so that counts! 

DAC Book-Orange-The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon-This is Thea Guanzon's first published book, so I'm going with it! 

Bonus Spin for Spring Green-Page Count-Cyan-311-Knot So Lucky by Trilina Pucci-This book has 308 pages, so I'm counting that! 

Bonus Spin for Violet-Treat Yo' Shelf-Cyan-A Crane Among Wolves by June Hur-OK, I've actually bought this book, but I just bought it, and I just want to read it! 

Bonus Spin for Cyan-Series Continued and Unfinished/Current 2022-Magenta-Fate Breaker by Victoria Aveyard-I continued and stayed current of the Realm Breaker series in 2022, so that works! 

Colour Totals:
Red: 1
Orange: 1
Yellow: 1
Chartreuse: 0
Green: 2
Spring Green: 3
Cyan: 3
Azure: 2
Blue: 1
Violet: 3
Magenta: 1
Rose: 0

Prompts for Next Week:
RR Book-Orange
ARC Book to Read in 2024-Yellow
Booktuber Read-Chartreuse
Physical Book to Read in 2022-Green
Variety Prompt-Spring Green
Series I Read in 2022 But Not in 2023-Cyan
Steal a Book-Azure
Start the Series-Blue
Holly Pick-Violet
2024 Purchase-Magenta
WTC Book-Rose

So those are some of the books I'm going to try to read this week. What about you guys? Happy reading!

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