
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Clear Your S**t Readathon Update 1

I read my first book for the Clear Your S**t Readathon, and it was Hell Followed With Us which is for the prompt A book that is your favorite genre, and I'll be reading The Duke and I next! 

My Reading Journey:

Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
Prompt Fulfilled: A book that is your favorite genre
Started On: June 5th
Finished On: June 5th, 7:36 PM
Pages Read: 417

The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
Prompt Fulfilled: A book you got because of other media
Started On: June 6th
Currently On: Page 0 of 417

Prompts Left: A book with a white or sparkly cover, A book with drama, A book you have low expectations for, A book with a map, Free space, A Book someone recommended, Read a book that is a part of a series
Books Read: 1
Pages Read: 417

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This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!