
Friday, August 19, 2016

Apologizes and Explanations

So I've fallen a bit behind-about 8 Show the Books Showcases posts don't have everything, mostly, the "what's interesting" part. And I have about 2 weeks of review posts that don't have reviews. And I'm sorry.

To explain, well, I got behind on SBS because I was experiencing hands-on learning experience, and I didn't have internet most of the time, and then I just haven't managed to catch up yet. The reviews, well, my family is changing. My parents have moved to a different place, and left me and my brother behind, yet they still have a bunch of their stuff here, so there's that slow process to get that out. And because both places are on the same lot, they're moving the internet and cable. Tomorrow. I might have internet afterwards, I might not. It depends on how everything goes tomorrow.

If I don't have internet, the posts are scheduled-they just don't have content. I'll try my best to catch up, since without internet, I'll be able to focus on the things that require all of my attention, and then update it when I do get internet, or go get it. Yeah. Hopefully!

Thanks for sticking with me! Happy reading!

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This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!