Saturday, April 27, 2024

Week 17 Review: The Confidence Games

From Goodreads:
Two female con artists must pull off the ultimate heist in this rollicking caper from a dazzling new voice. Emma Oxley and Nellie Yarrow have been inseparable their whole lives. Ever since they reinvented themselves, changing their names and wiping clean their digital footprints, they have made a game of following wherever the next adventure leads and challenging themselves to thefts, street cons, and mind games. 

Adhering to only two rules—they will only swindle men, and only ones who deserve it—Emma and Nellie are secure in their reputation as the most trustworthy swindlers on the European black market. Until suddenly, they must play to save their own lives. Blackmailed into stealing a priceless bracelet from a high-security exhibit, Emma will re-examine everything she believed to be true. This heist takes her far beyond her comfort zone...and she and Nellie will need allies among the glitzy bejeweled gathering in London in order to survive. Will they be able to do the right thing before it's too late?

My Review:
I just loved reading this book! The synopsis sounded really good, and reading the book, yeah, it was thrilling and it  was such a great adventure! I'm so glad that I read it, it was such a delight, watching all these plots and schemes going on with these heists! 

Emma and Nellie are best friends who, after Emma had a bad breakup, get into the business of swindling men who deserve it, and boy do they deserve it! I mean, technically not, but really, they were asshole human beings, so why not? 

Of course things go wrong and they end up put into a situation where they're not in control, and I loved seeing everything play out! There was a lot of clever moments, and a lot of tense moments, and it really kept the momentum of the plot going! 

Yeah, that ending was pretty epic! I love how it all came together, and how they dealt with with things. I was really happy to see all of them together, this little unit, which was really sweet, and as such a wonderful and delightful ending! 

This was such an enjoyable read and I can't wait to read more by Tess Amy! 

Author: Tess Amy
Read: April 24th, 2024
Source: NetGalley 
Reason Why: Sounded really great, and it's a DAC Book, SAC 2024 Book and a WoW Book! 
Publisher: Berkley 
Expected Publication: July 9th 2024
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

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