Request Reviews-A Policy

Words I Write Crazy is the blog of someone who loves books, Louisa. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to shut down review requests for the time being. I have a ton of books in my back log! Thanks for your consideration, though!

Because of that, I welcome publishers and/or authors to contact me (through the blog, or the email below) to review the offered book (s).

I am willing to, besides reviews, author interviews, host giveaways, and promote the book (s) on sites that I frequent. I use Goodreads to keep track of what I am currently reading, and to have a quick notes review before my review on my blog. When requested, I will try to post to Barnes and Noble, and whatever site that might be requested, but if I'm unable, I'm perfectly willing to send over the review to be used as would be liked.

I can by contacted by email: or you can post a comment here with your email and details about the book (s) that are up for review by the publisher and/or author.

The books I am willing to review include all but non-fiction, religion-unless religion is a sub-genre, and erotica. If the book is a sequel, or part of a series, then if I have not read the the previous books to the up for review  novel, I ask that I am given either time to find the early books from sources at my disposal, or some form of them from the provider of the book to be reviewed, in some form, book, ebook (PDF or epub) so I know the story up to the point in the book to be reviewed. I accept ARC's and eARC's, but whenever possible, finished copies, because I hear that it costs more to make ARC's, and I just really would like to read the books!

Thank you very much for your time and your consideration that I may read your book (s). At this time, I do still accept review novels, but due to my recent lack of time with computers, I have a backlog of electronic novels to read, so it may take up to 4 months for me to read the books (and I'm hopefully overestimating the time to get to them.)

And now I'd like to smile, because that sounds a bit formal, and formal shouldn't be for books-books are supposed to be for fun! Yep.