
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Rae Carson Author Page

The Story: I love YA. And yeah, it's the majority of what I read. So yeah, it's no wonder that most of these author pages are telling the story of how I got started reading them, and YA! And for Rae Carson, that book was The Girl of Fire and Thorns, which I got from the library-which I remember, because when I returned it, I didn't look through it, and returned it with a bookmark that I'd bought in Arizona just a couple months ago. Which was annoying, on my part. But yeah, that had no bearing on the book, just what I remember around the circumstances of reading it, because the book, I loved! And I loved the whole series! And yeah, I can't wait to read her new trilogy!


Series: Fire and Thorns, The Goldscryer Saga.

Fire and Thorns: The Shadow Cats and my review, my rereadThe Shattered Mountain and my review, my rereadThe King's Guard and my review, my rereadThe Girl of Fire and Thorns and her site, my review, my reread, my third reviewThe Crown of Embers and her site, my review, my reread, my third reviewThe Bitter Kingdom and her site, my review, my reread, The Empire of Dreams and my review.

The Goldscryer Saga: Walk on Earth a Stranger and my review, my rereadLike a River Glorious and my review, Into the Bright Unknown and my review.

Stand Alone's: Dangerous Voices and my review, Any Sign of Life and my review.

Anthologies: Three Sides of a Heart and my review.

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