
Monday, September 30, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading #121, September 30th

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week...and anything in between! This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as never know where that next "must read" book will come from!

What happened in the past week:

Weekly Memes:
It's Monday! What Are You Reading #120
Teaser Tuesday #128
WWW Wednesday #128
WOW #125
Will the Time Come #121
Third Sentence Thursday #111
Random Reads #96
First Lines Friday #116
The Reward Challenge Round 83 Part 1
Follow Friday #99

Week 39 Reviews:
Dark Predator
Dark Storm
Dark Lycan
The Arrivals
Born of Fire
OK, so I got 25 posts in 7 days, and yeah, just a great week! And another is coming up, and I can't wait! What about you guys? Happy reading!!!

So this week I want to read Born of Silence, Cloak & Silence, Unchained, Animal Instincts, Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker, Fifty Shades Freed, Through the Zombie Glass, Boy Meets Girl, Every Boy's Got One, Truly, Madly, Deadly, Pawn, Rogue, Jinx, Four to Score, Black Order, City of Fallen Angels, Crash Into You, Living With the Dead, These Broken Stars, Time Between Us, and Lair of the Lion.
One of the fiercest soldiers the Phrixians have ever produced, Maris Sulle has been an outsider the whole of his life. He grew up with a secret that cost him everything- His birthright, his family and his military career. In all his life, he’s only had one love and he has sacrificed his own happiness to see his best friend reunited with the woman he loves. But now that his good deed is done, he feels lost and adrift. Even though they do their best to include him in their new family, he’s once again on the outside looking in.

Ture has spent his life hiding from everyone around him while trying desperately to fit in. His family, the world, you name it. Badly hurt by everyone he’s ever known, he trusts no one except his own best friend. And honestly, he can’t understand why he trusts her. Nor can he believe her when she describes a loyalty between friends the likes of which he’s never seen.

But when he is in his darkest hour, he’s saved by a hero he thought only existed in novels. A man who is every bit as scarred and mistrusting as he is. One who has no interest in being dragged into another relationship with anyone.

Having spent his life as a living study of doomed relationships, Maris is well aware of the courtship and fiasco that invariably follows. Still, there is something about Ture he can’t resist. Something that won’t let him walk away when he knows he should.

But when old enemies return to threaten them both, they either have to stand together or die alone.
Between the pissed off creatures that want demon-hunter Lily Marks dead and the fallen angel who just...wants her, Lily is about ready to trade in forever for a comfy job in a cubicle farm.

The fact that she and Julian are civil to one another is enough to have her thrown out of the Sanctuary, but she can't shake her not-so-angelic stalker or how he brings her dangerously close to ecstasy.

Her forbidden relationship with Julian provides the perfect fuel for suspicion when a traitor is discovered to be working within the Sanctuary. Lily quickly finds herself hunted by well, everyone.

Her only hope is to discover the real traitor before she loses everything--and she'll need Julian's help. That is, if Julian is really there to help her...and not destroy her.

Yeah, being a Nephilim isn't everything it's cracked up to be.
Inspired by the childhood classic Alice in Wonderland, this harrowing and romantic story features teen zombie slayer Alice Bell who has lost so much—family, friends, her home. After a strange new zombie attack, Alice fears she may be losing her mind as well. A terrible darkness blooms inside her, urging her to do wicked things. The whispers of the dead assault her ears and mirrors seem to come frighteningly to life. She’s never needed her team of zombie slayers more—including her boyfriend, Cole—than she does now. But as Cole strangely withdraws and the zombies gain new strength, Ali knows one false step may doom them all.
They Said It Was An Accident...

Sawyer Dodd is a star athlete, a straight-A student, and the envy of every other girl who wants to date Kevin Anderson. When Kevin dies in a tragic car crash, Sawyer is stunned. Then she opens her locker to find a note:

You're welcome.

Someone saw what he did to her. Someone knows that Sawyer and Kevin weren't the perfect couple they seemed to be. And that someone—a killer—is now shadowing Sawyer's every move...

For Kitty Doe, it seems like an easy choice. She can either spend her life as a III in misery, looked down upon by the higher ranks and forced to leave the people she loves, or she can become a VII and join the most powerful family in the country.

If she says yes, Kitty will be Masked—surgically transformed into Lila Hart, the Prime Minister's niece, who died under mysterious circumstances. As a member of the Hart family, she will be famous. She will be adored. And for the first time, she will matter.

There's only one catch. She must also stop the rebellion that Lila secretly fostered, the same one that got her killed …and one Kitty believes in. Faced with threats, conspiracies and a life that's not her own, she must decide which path to choose—and learn how to become more than a pawn in a twisted game she's only beginning to understand.
Okay, so cats don't always land on their feet.

I know that better than most. Since rejoining the Pride, I've made big decisions and even bigger mistakes: the kind paid for with innocent lives. As the first and only female enforcer, I have plenty to prove to my father, the Pride, and myself. And with murdered toms turning up in our territory, I'm working harder than ever, though I always find the energy for a little after-hours recreation with Marc, my partner both on- and off-duty.

But not all of my mistakes are behind me. We're beginning to suspect that the dead are connected to a rash of missing human women and that they can all be laid at my feet--two or four, take your pick. And one horrible indiscretion may yet cost me more than I can bear...
It's not easy being Jinx.

The only thing Jean Honeychurch hates more than her boring name (not Jean Marie, or Jeanette, just...Jean) is her all-too-appropriate nickname, Jinx. Misfortune seems to follow her everywhere she goes—which is why she's thrilled to be moving in with her aunt and uncle in New York City. Maybe when she's halfway across the country, Jinx can finally outrun her bad luck. Or at least escape the havoc she's caused back in her small hometown.

But trouble has definitely followed Jinx to New York. And it's causing big problems for her cousin Tory, who is not happy to have the family black sheep around. Beautiful, glamorous Tory is hiding a dangerous secret—one that she's sure Jinx is going to reveal.
Jinx is beginning to realize it isn't just bad luck she's been running from. It's something far more sinister...and the curse Jinx has lived under since the day she was born might just be the only thing that can save her life.
The girl with straight As, designer clothes and the perfect life-that's who people expect Rachel Young to be. So the private-school junior keeps secrets from her wealthy parents and overbearing brothers...and she's just added two more to the list. One involves racing strangers down dark country roads in her Mustang GT. The other? Seventeen-year-old Isaiah Walker-a guy she has no business even talking to. But when the foster kid with the tattoos and intense gray eyes comes to her rescue, she can't get him out of her mind.

Isaiah has secrets, too. About where he lives, and how he really feels about Rachel. The last thing he needs is to get tangled up with a rich girl who wants to slum it on the south side for kicks-no matter how angelic she might look.

But when their shared love of street racing puts both their lives in jeopardy, they have six weeks to come up with a way out. Six weeks to discover just how far they'll go to save each other.
The Beast . . .

Rumor said the powerful Nicolai DeMarco could command the heavens, that the beasts below did his bidding . . . and that he was doomed to destroy the woman he took as wife. It was whispered he was not wholly human—as untamed as his tawny mane and slashing amber eyes.

The Beauty . . .

Impoverished aristocrat Isabella Vernaducci would defy death itself to rescue her imprisoned brother. She’d even brave the haunted, accursed lair of the lion—the menacing palace of legendary, lethal Don Nicolai DeMarco.

The Bargain . . .

Then Isabella met a man whose growl was velvet, purring heat, whose eyes held dark, all-consuming desire. And when the don commanded her to become his bride, she went willingly into his muscled arms, praying she’d save his tortured soul . . . not sacrifice her life.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week 39 Review: Stray

From Goodreads:
There are only eight breeding female werecats left . . .And I'm one of them.

I look like an all-American grad student. But I am a werecat, a shape-shifter, and I live in two worlds.

Despite reservations from my family and my Pride, I escaped the pressure to continue my species and carved out a normal life for myself. Until the night a Stray attacked.

I'd been warned about Strays -- werecats without a Pride, constantly on the lookout for someone like me: attractive, female, and fertile. I fought him off, but then learned two of my fellow tabbies had disappeared.

This brush with danger was all my Pride needed to summon me back . . . for my own protection. Yeah, right. But I'm no meek kitty. I'll take on whatever -- and whoever -- I have to in order to find my friends. Watch out, Strays -- 'cause I got claws, and I'm not afraid to use them . . .

My first review of Stray
My Review:
Ah, I loved rereading this book so much! It has been a while since I read it the first time, so yeah, the little details were gone, but the broad strokes weren't, so I had a foundation to lay my re-found knowledge on!

Just loved to get to know these characters again, it was just so great! And their relationships! Just so awesome! The back and forth between her and Marc, and their history, yeah, some not so good history, but also some good history! Though the bad history is more recent!

So the idea that guys would kidnap girls because girls are the only ones that can continue the family, yeah. That's just wrong! So yeah, Faythe just gives them exactly what they deserve, at least, some of them. It just kinda sucks that one of said bad guys is her brother, who was roped in, and unwilling, but still cooperating!

Yeah, when Faythe breaks out, then goes to help the upcoming kidnap victim, yeah, that just shows how strong, and how stubborn she is! So great, really enjoyed that, and getting her, and some of the other victim's families getting some revenge!

Enjoyed this book so thoroughly, and I can't wait to reread more!

Author: Rachel Vincent
Series: Shifters #1
First Read: November 16th, 2011
Read: September 27th, 2013
Source: Own
Reason Why: Rereading!!!
Publisher: Mira
Published: January 1st 2007
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 39 Review: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

From Goodreads:
You stop fearing the devil when you're holding his hand…

Nothing much exciting rolls through Violet White's sleepy, seaside town…until River West comes along. River rents the guest house behind Violet's crumbling estate, and as eerie, grim things start to happen, Violet begins to wonder about the boy living in her backyard. 

Is River just a crooked-smiling liar with pretty eyes and a mysterious past? Or could he be something more?

Violet's grandmother always warned her about the Devil, but she never said he could be a dark-haired boy who takes naps in the sun, who likes coffee, who kisses you in a cemetery... who makes you want to kiss back. 

Violet's already so knee-deep in love, she can't see straight. And that’s just how River likes it.

My Review:
For me, the synopsis is a bit misleading. It makes River out to be the devil. He's not. He's just a boy with some special powers. And he's not even the bad guy! So a little annoyed with the synopsis, but oh, well! It was a really great book!

So first off, there was the romance between Violet and River, which was really great! It was a bit creepy, what with everything that was going on, and her suspicions, but there was still that romance there, and it was great!

Then there was the mystery of who was doing this, and it turns out that there was a deeper mystery in that, that I really enjoyed! And between River and Neely, River's brother, well, there was a lot of mystery there!

That ending was totally unexpected for me! I was really thinking that it was either River, Neely, or Violet's brother who was the bad guy. Nope, turns it was someone else entirely, but who's connected to almost all of them! Such a great ending!

I enjoyed this book a lot, I just wish that the synopsis fit in with the book more!

Author: April Genevieve Tuckolke
Series: Between #1
Read: September 27th, 2013
Source: Tuebl
Reason Why: Sounded good, and it's a DAC Book!
Publisher: Dial
Published: August 15th 2013
5/5 Hearts
4/5 Books
4/5 Stars

Week 39 Review: Insomnia

From Goodreads:
Her eyes saved his life.
Her dreams released his darkness.

After four years of sleeplessness, high school junior Parker Chipp can't take much more. Every night, instead of sleeping, he enters the dreams of the last person he's made eye contact with. If he doesn't sleep soon, Parker will die.

Then he meets Mia. Her dreams, calm and beautifully uncomplicated, allow him blissful rest that is utterly addictive. But what starts out as a chance meeting turns into an obsession; Parker's furious desire for what he needs pushes him to extremes he never thought he'd go. And when someone begins to terrorizing Mia with twisted death threats, Parker's memory blackouts leave him doubting his own innocence.

My Review:
I can't imagine four years of sleeplessness. This is me, who has a hard time pulling all-nighters, let along years of that! But Parker is different. Just not different for this to start causing him some trouble, after all, he thinks he's dying in the opening!

So you'd think that the girl who's dreams that Parker sees would be the love interest. But nope, it's the ability for him to sleep in her dreams that makes her important to Parker! And that's a pretty great reason! It's just not the norm, so that was a great twist!

Then there's the whole thing with the guy that's stalking Mia. Because with Parker's blackouts, he's a viable suspect. Which is not something that you want to think about yourself! But Parker deals with it a pretty good fashion!

There were a few questions that Parker tried to solve, besides the above, which are, why does he have this power and can it hurt him? Where's his dad? And will he ever be done with these dreams, and live a normal ish life?

I enjoyed this book a lot, it was really great and entertaining and unique and lots of great twists! Can't wait for more!

Author: J.R. Johansson
Series: The Night Walkers #1
Read: September 26th, 2013
Source: Tuebl/Netgalley
Reason Why: Sounded good and it's a DAC Book!
Publisher: Flux
Published: June 8th 2013
5/5 Hearts
4/5 Books
4/5 Stars

Week 39 Review: Taste of Darkness

From Goodreads:
She's fought death and won. But how can she fight her fears?

Avry knows hardship and trouble. She fought the plague and survived. She took on King Tohon and defeated him. But now her heart-mate, Kerrick, is missing, and Avry fears he's gone forever.

But there's a more immediate threat. The Skeleton King plots to claim the Fifteen Realms for his own. With armies in disarray and the dead not staying down, Avry's healing powers are needed now more than ever. Torn between love and loyalty, Avry must choose her path carefully. For the future of her world depends on her decision.

My Review:
Oh, goodness, this was such an amazing book! I loved it so much, and I'm so sad that the series is over! I still want more! But the world, and the characters, are left in some pretty great places, with Kerrick and Avry taking over Tohon's old realm, seeing as he passed his own over to his brother! And I just loved the name that they picked!

This book is very different then what I was expecting. Like for example, Tohon isn't out of the count. But while he's the main bad guy to face, he isn't really until later in the book. The beginning of the book, is for worry about Kerrick, freeing the girls from the purity place, and the Skeleton King. Yeah. Lots going on!

This is the book where everything that's happened in the first 2 books, meant something. From the lady that helped them in the first book, and how they returned the favour, and how their gang comes back together, that was just really special, and I loved it so much!

The bond between her and Kerrick, between Avry and Tohan, and the one between Kerrick and the forest, those are all things that really led up to the ending, plus with the plan of Prince Ryne, that was just mean, but it was effective! And lead to a really great ending! I just didn't like that he manipulated her like that! But oh, well. It's done, and they are over that!

Loved this book, like words can't describe how much I really loved this book, and while I'm sad it's over and I have to say goodbye to these characters, now we're going to get more books from the Study series! Yeah! So awesome!

Author: Maria V. Snyder
Series: Healer #3
Read: September 26th, 2013
Source: NetGalley
Reason Why: Must read this book because it's a Maria V. Snyder book, and it's a Sequel Challenge 2013 Book and a End of Series 2013 Book!
Publisher: Harlequin Mira
Expected Publication: December 31st 2013
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 39 Review: Infatuate

From Goodreads:
Haven Terra is still recovering from an internship that brought her literally to the brink of hell when a trip to New Orleans leads to more trouble. Graduating early from high school leaves the spring semester free, so Haven and her friends Dante and Lance head to the Big Easy to volunteer with community service projects. But their true mission becomes clear when they run across an enclave of devils known as the Krewe. New Orleans is a free-for-all for these shape-shifting devils, who are more reckless and vicious than any Haven, Lance, and Dante have encountered. And they soon discover their French Quarter housemates are also angels-in-training, and together they must face off with the Krewe in their quest for wings. But Haven’s resolve is tested when Lucian, the repentant devil with whom she was infatuated, resurfaces and asks her for help escaping the underworld. Can he be trusted? Or will aiding him cost Haven her angel wings—and her life? Thrilling, romantic, and full of surprises, this gripping sequel to Illuminate takes the battle of good and evil to the next level.

My Review:
I enjoyed this book a lot! It has been a while since I read Illuminate, but I remembered the ending pretty well, and this book was such an excellent sequel! It was really great being with these characters, and the world expanded, bit by bit!

I'll be honest, I don't like Lucian. He might've been the love interest, but he's the bad guy, and after the end of Illuminate, it seemed that there was a new love interest. And that possibility, if felt wrecked that Haven would consider helping Lucian.

Going to New Orleans, that was really awesome. I've never been there-and I probably never will, considering my finances-but books like these take me there in spirit, and that was really great! And that we get to read about other angels-in-training was really great!

I wasn't expecting that ending at all! It was really fantastic and interesting, and just full of twists! Overall, this book was much better then the first one, tighter writing, and a smooth and steady pace of increasing the tension and there was never a dull moment! And the ending used all of that! So good!

I enjoyed this book so much, and now I really want the 3rd (and probably final) book now!

Author: Aimee Agresti
Series: Gilded Wings #2
Read: September 24th, 2013
Source: Tuebl/NetGalley
Reason Why: Loved book 1, and it's a Sequel Challenge 2013 Book!
Publisher: Harcourt Children's Books
Published: March 5th 2013
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 39 Review: The Program

From Goodreads:
In Sloane’s world, true feelings are forbidden, teen suicide is an epidemic, and the only solution is The Program.

Sloane knows better than to cry in front of anyone. With suicide now an international epidemic, one outburst could land her in The Program, the only proven course of treatment. Sloane’s parents have already lost one child; Sloane knows they’ll do anything to keep her alive. She also knows that everyone who’s been through The Program returns as a blank slate. Because their depression is gone—but so are their memories.

Under constant surveillance at home and at school, Sloane puts on a brave face and keeps her feelings buried as deep as she can. The only person Sloane can be herself with is James. He’s promised to keep them both safe and out of treatment, and Sloane knows their love is strong enough to withstand anything. But despite the promises they made to each other, it’s getting harder to hide the truth. They are both growing weaker. Depression is setting in. And The Program is coming for them.

My Review:
This book was so freaky! I mean, I know that adults don't want teens killing themselves, and that in this book, the numbers have risen, but to go to the extent of deleting memories from troubled teens minds? That's just not the solution!

I really enjoyed Sloane and James relationship! It was what kept them strong, till the end, when the program first got him, then her, and yeah, even through that, they ended up back together, not remembering, yeah, but playing out their relationship again, the maybe hiding his clothes and finding the ring, and him asking if he could kiss her. That was just so sweet!

For me, the idea of the program, I don't remember much, anyways. So it'd kinda be hard in that way, but easy in another-I don't have any friends, never dated, and really the only people who know me, are my family. So that part wouldn't be so bad. But the whole thing of memories being wiped? I wouldn't want that at all, I want to keep the ones I remember, thank you very much!

The whole thing with Realm, and the cards, and the group there? That was kinda freaky, and I didn't trust him-and it turns out I was right, seeing as he was a part of the program! And from the epilogue, I think that Tabitha, and the 2 guys, are the same, seeing as they're still with the program, and Tabitha still asks to join the game, and the same story was given there! And yeah, that sucked for both Sloane, and the new girl, Ally!

This was a really great book, and yeah, I can't wait for the sequel, knowing books, Sloane's going to help take down the program, and yeah, I can't wait for that!

Author: Suzanne Young
Series: The Program #1
Read: September 24th, 2013
Source: Tuebl
Reason Why: Sounded good! And it's a 2013 Dystopia Book!
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Published: April 30th 2013
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 39 Review: Catch a Mate

From Goodreads:
Jillian Greene is always getting caught in the act--it's her job Working at Catch A Mate, Jillian gets paid by suspicious wives to smile, flirt and prove that no man can be trusted around the opposite sex. Her only ground rule? She never gets physical. Until a heart-stoppingly gorgeous male walks in... Marcus Brody has just been hired as bait to test female fidelity. But the last thing Jillian needs is a partner...especially an infuriating, irresistible man who's got her fantasizing about tearing off his clothes.

Can a savvy modern woman find happiness with the most tempting man she's ever known? "Is" there such a thing as a totally monogamous male?

My Review:
Oh, I remember the first time I read this book! It was just utterly hilarious! And it was just as good this time! I loved reading it-and the cheesy pick up lines at the beginning of the chapters were really hilarious-it's such a great book!

Jillian was so awesome! She things guys are awful, her mom almost killed herself because she found out her husband was cheating on her-so she works for Catch A Mate, which exposes cheating guys. She wants to buy the business-but then Marcus Brody does. And that creates a lot of conflict-because there's sparks flying between them!

Marcus's rules, they were really hilarious! And then that when he was talking about them, he got distracted, and the girls questioned him, and it was all mixed up, that was really hilarious! And it's all because of Jillian!

And then there's Jillian's friend, who's in love with Jillian's brother. And how that causes her to break down, cut her hair, and because of the contract, lose her job. But in the end, it doesn't matter because the two of them end together, and it's all good!

Yeah, this was a really fantastic book, bringing two people who don't believe that the other sex can be faithful, together! And I really hope that Marcus's friend gets a book and a happy ending, because that's been mentioned as a posiblity! That'd be awesome!

Author: Gena Showalter
Read: September 25th, 2013
Source: Own
Reason Why: Rereading! And it's a SAC Book!
Publisher: Harlequin Books
Published: June 1st 2007
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 39 Review: Another Little Piece

From Goodreads:
The spine-tingling horror of Stephen King meets an eerie mystery worthy of Sara Shepard's Pretty Little Liars series in Kate Karyus Quinn's haunting debut.

On a cool autumn night, Annaliese Rose Gordon stumbled out of the woods and into a high school party. She was screaming. Drenched in blood. Then she vanished.

A year later, Annaliese is found wandering down a road hundreds of miles away. She doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know how she got there. She only knows one thing: She is not the real Annaliese Rose Gordon.

Now Annaliese is haunted by strange visions and broken memories. Memories of a reckless, desperate wish . . . a bloody razor . . . and the faces of other girls who disappeared. Piece by piece, Annaliese's fractured memories come together to reveal a violent, endless cycle that she will never escape—unless she can unlock the twisted secrets of her past.

My Review:
This was a really fantastic book! I loved all the elements in it-the mystery, the horror, the supernatural, and the romance! They all came together in the mixing pot that is the YA umbrella genre! I just love YA!

So to have been missing for a year, but with no memories of her family, and only flashes of some pretty creepy and horrible things, well, Annaliese has some things to investigate! But not alone! because there's someone to help her!

Well, the real Annaliese, she makes a poor decision. She sells her soul, to have sex with the hot guy at school. But she didn't know that it was her soul she was selling, because that wasn't specified-she wasn't told what she was trading in exchange for this wish. Which was not smart of her!

This whole world of wish fulfilment at a cost, and living forever, it was interesting and scary! And in the end, the girl that replaced Annaliese, well, I think she made the right choice in the end! And while there is still some mystery with the 4, well, that's OK! Makes for some inquiring questions after reading!

This was a really fantastic book, and I can't wait to check out Kate Karyus Quinn's next book!

Author: Kate Karyus Quinn
Read: September 24th, 2013
Source: Tuebl
Reason Why: Sounded really good, and it's a DAC Book and a SAC Book!
Publisher: Harper Teen
Published: June 11th 2013
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 39 Review: Their Little Girl

From Goodreads:
The last eight months of Erica's life haven't been easy. She's been struggling to keep her grades up and dealing with the fact that her mother abandoned her, leaving her all alone with two gorgeous men, Daddy and David – Erica's stepfather and his adopted son.

The last thing Erica wants is to be a burden on either of them, so she keeps up with her studies, and does her best to make sure their home is clean and tidy.

Now that it's time for Erica's high school graduation, Daddy and David have planned a graduation gift for Erica, a very special reward their little girl will never forget – the chance to be with two men at the same time.

My Review:
So yeah, this is a short story erotica. But it sounded interesting, and it was a really quick story, so I enjoyed it. In fact, I had to reread it, because I wanted to make sure I got all the details, as things came together.

So it does have a bit of a back and forth beginning, it starts with Erica's graduation, then goes back to when she found David's film porn that he created, and her interest in it, and then being caught having it. And yeah, that was a bit awkward.

I'm not sure how her interest in the film made them think that it'd be a good graduation gift to give her, but oh, well, she seemed to enjoy it, though it does seem like it'd be awkward! But I'm not her, so oh, well.

That ending, when it's mentioned that they could do it again, at school, and maybe film it, well, that's not something that I personally would want, but this is Erica, and she seems like she'd be open to that idea! And then spending more time with David, who is not related to her! Neither of them are.

Yeah, this was a good short story, but it does have a very select audience who'd enjoy it!

Author: L.J. Anderson
First Read: September 23rd, 2013
Second Read: September 23rd, 2013
Read: September 23rd, 2013
Source: Tuebl
Reason Why: Sounded good, and it's a SAC 2013 Book!
Publisher: Mayhem Erotica
Published: October 22nd 2013
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 39 Reviews: Born of Fire, Born of Shadows

From Goodreads:
In a universe where assassins make the law, everyone lives in fear - except for Syn. Born of an illicit scandal that once rocked a dynasty, he always knew how to survive on the bloodthirsty streets. But that was then, and the future is now...

He takes no prisoners.

Syn was raised as a tech-thief until his livelihood uncovered a truth that could end his life. He tried to destroy the evidence, and has been on the run ever since. Now trained as an assassin, he allows no one to threaten him. Ever. He is the darkness that swallows his enemies whole.

She offers no escape.

Shahara Dagan is the best bounty hunter in the universe. When Syn comes back on the radar, she’s the only one who can bring him to justice. There’s only one problem: Syn is a close family friend who’s helped out the Dagans countless times. But if she saves him, both of their lives will be on the line. Is Syn’s protection worth the risk? The only hope Shahara has is to find the evidence he buried long ago. Now it’s kill or be killed - and they, the predators, have just become the hunted...

From Goodreads: 
In a world where the League and its assassins rule, where betrayal and treachery are everywhere...the only survivors are those ones who are...


For Caillen Dagan, a defiant soldier of fortune, survival isn't a right, it's a brutal daily battle. Moving through the Ichidaian universe like a wraith, his brushes with the law and death are legendary. But when an act of rare heroism reveals his hidden birthright, he's forced into a world much more dangerous and cold-hearted than the bloody streets where he was raised - one of obscene wealth and lethal politics.

Ferocious and determined, Desideria serves as an official bodyguard for her queen. Born of questionable genetics, she will do anything to prove herself worthy of the weapons she carries and the position she's won by combat. But when she uncovers a ruthless plot to assassinate the queen and overthrow her country's government, Desideria is caught in the crosshairs.

With assassination contracts out on both of them, Caillen and Desideria must learn to fight together or die alone. And if they fail, their governments will fall into the hands of an unimaginable evil.

My first review of Born of Shadows
My Review:
I loved to read these! I mean, Shahara and Caillen were raised as siblings, their stories are pretty close together, and yeah, I just really loved reading them! They were just as good as the first times I've read them!

Born of Fire, it actually sparked an idea for me, for writing. Because Syn wears so many hats, from Doctor to robot builder, to fighter, and above all, survivor. He's been through a lot. And now it holds a very special place in my heart, because I really like this book idea! I really want to write it!

In both books, there's, of course, romance, and the mystery, whether in the form of racing away from the bad guy, to finding and following clues. And these elements combined just made for some really great moments in these books!

Loved how they wrapped up, happy and together, and while Born of Ice doesn't quite fit in the time line of Born of Night in the reissues, well, it doesn't matter, because they're just so good, and it's hard to find those points where they don't fit!

I loved rereading these books, and now I can't wait to continue on!

Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon
Series: The League: Generation 1 #2, 3
First Read: February 3rd, 2012
Read: September 22nd, 22nd, 2013
Source: Own
Reason Why: Rereading! And they're Sequel Challenge 2013 Book and a 2013 Dystopia Book!
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, Grand Central Publishing
Published: November 3rd 2009, April 26th 2011

Born of Fire:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Born of Shadow:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars