
Monday, October 6, 2014

Danielle L. Jensen Author Page

The Story: I got Stolen Songbird from NetGalley, and it sounded so really great, and yeah, read it, and now it's one of my most favourite books of 2014! That's how much I loved it, and yeah, I can't wait to read more of this series!


Series: The Malediction Trilogy, The Bridge Kingdom, Dark Shores, Saga of the Unfated.

The Malediction Trilogy: The Broken Ones and her site, my review, my rereadThe Songbird's Overture and her site, my review, my rereadStolen Songbird and her site, my review, my reread, my third reviewHidden Huntress and her site, my review, my reread, my third reviewWarrior Witch and her site, my review, my reread.

The Bridge Kingdom: The Bridge Kingdom and her site, my review, The Traitor Queen and her site, my review, The Inadequate Heir and her site, my review, The Calm Before the Storm and her sitemy review, The Endless War and her site, my review.

Dark Shores: Tarnished Empire and her site, my reviewDark Shores and her site, my review, Dark Skies and her site, my review, Gilded Serpents and her site, my review.

Saga of the Unfated: A Fate Inked in Blood and her site, my review.

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