
Friday, March 31, 2023

Magical Readathon: Orilium Update 3

So I read my next book for Magical Readathon: Orilium, and it was Nightshade which was for the prompt Shapeshifting, and I'll be reading Secret Project #2 next!

My Reading Journey:

The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter
Prompt Fulfilled: Astronomy
Started On: March 29th
Finished On: March 29th, 9:40 PM
Pages Read: 502

The Last Changeling by Chelsea Pitcher
Prompt Fulfilled: Animal Studies
Started On: March 30th
Finished On: March 30th, 4:53 PM
Pages Read: 360

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
Prompt Fulfilled: Shapeshifting
Started On: March 31st
Finished On: March 31st, 4:49 PM
Pages Read: 454

Secret Project #2 by Brandon Sanderson
Prompt Fulfilled: Conjuration
Started On: April 1st
Currently On: Page 0 of ?

Prompts Left: Alchemy, Inscription, Artificery, Spells & Incantations, Art of Illusion, Conjuration, Elemental Studies, Restoration, Astronomy, Inscription, Psionics & Divination, Restoration, Conjuration, Demonology, Lore, Animal Studies, Demonology, Restoration, Spells & Incantations, Astronomy, Alchemy, Art of Illusion, Spells & Incantations, Psionics & Divination, Conjuration, Lore, Alchemy, Restoration, Shapeshifting, Art of Illusion, Psionics & Divination 
Read: 3
Pages Read: 1316

21 Books to Read in 2021 Update 32

Yeah, I read my next book for the 21 Books to Read in 2021 Challenge! 

So I read The Last Changeling by Chelsea Pitcher from the NetGalley List! 

Yep. Happy reading!

Here's the link to this year's post with my journey.

But to recap, I wanted to do a version of These Books Will Self Destruct in 12 months without the self destruct. I wanted to read books that I've had for a while, that I really needed to get read, but maybe I forgot about them or that I had them. So I made 3 lists, one for each way I have them, as physical books, as an NetGalley ARC, and as an Edelweiss ARC.   

Last Letter, First Letter Reading Challenge Update 85

So I read my next LLFL Book, and the first of the year! 
I read Of Neptune! 

Yep. Happy reading!

Here's the link to this year's post with my journey.

What it is:

You pick a book, read it. Then you look at the last letter of the title, for example, "The Adventures of Tom Saywer." Then you take that last letter, and search you TBR piles for a book starting with the last letter, so continuing the example, someone could read "Rotters" next, and then a title that starts with "s."

1. Have fun!
2. Read!
3. The last letter of the book you read must be the first letter of the next book you read.
4. Words like "the," "a," "and," and those such don't count as the first letter.
5. If a letter becomes overused, like d, e, l, w, ext., and you run out of books that you really want to read for this challenge, cycle in letters that don't often get used like a, b, i, k, p, ext, and note what you cycle in, where! 

Monthly ARC's Update 33

So I read my next book for Monthly ARC's and it was It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison and Delicious Monsters by Liselle Sambury from the February list.

Here's the link to this month's post with my journey.

How it Works: 
This is my monthly ARC accountability challenge, to list out the books that I have as ARC's that are being published in the coming month, rounding them up at the start of the month, and seeing how well I did at the end, as well as rounding up the next month's books.  

Book Blogger Hop #286, March 31st

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer from Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer's permission, Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the meme on February 15, 2013. Check out the hop here

Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.

The Question of the week is: What apps/websites do you use to make your social media posts? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

I use Buffer, which posts my links to my twitter, and my blog's facebook page, and then I post directly to my It's Monday, What Are You Reading, which has the links to all of my posts during the week, to my tumblr, and my personal facebook page. What about you guys? Happy reading! 

First Lines Friday #620, March 31st

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. We encourage all of our fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.

-Grab your current read(s)
-Share the first line(s)
-Include the title and author so that other FLF participants can add the book to their TBR Lists!

"I'd always welcomed war, but in battle my passion rose unbidden.The bear's roar filled my ears. Its hot breath assaulted my nostrils, fueling my bloodlust. Behind me I could hear the boy's ragged gast. The desperate sound made my nails dig into the earth. I snarled at the larger predator again, daring to try to get past me."-Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Well, that sounds pretty intense! Must read more again! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Magical Readathon: Orilium Update 2

So I read my next book for Magical Readathon: Orilium, and it was The Last Changeling which was for the prompt Animal Studies, and I'll be reading Nightshade next!

My Reading Journey:

The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter
Prompt Fulfilled: Astronomy
Started On: March 29th
Finished On: March 29th, 9:40 PM
Pages Read: 502

The Last Changeling by Chelsea Pitcher
Prompt Fulfilled: Animal Studies
Started On: March 30th
Finished On: March 30th, 4:53 PM
Pages Read: 360

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
Prompt Fulfilled: Shapeshifting
Started On: March 31st
Currently On: Page 0 of 454

Prompts Left: Alchemy, Inscription, Artificery, Spells & Incantations, Art of Illusion, Conjuration, Elemental Studies, Conjuration, Restoration, Astronomy, Inscription, Psionics & Divination, Restoration, Conjuration, Demonology, Lore, Animal Studies, Demonology, Restoration, Spells & Incantations, Astronomy, Alchemy, Art of Illusion, Spells & Incantations, Psionics & Divination, Conjuration, Lore, Alchemy, Restoration, Shapeshifting, Art of Illusion, Psionics & Divination 
Read: 2
Pages Read: 862

Book Battle April 2023 TBR

Well it's time to choose my April TBR for Book Battle. So here are the books that I've picked this month: 
5pts-Book that makes you curious-The Frugal Wizard’s Guide for Surviving Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson
5pts-Set in a fictional place-Nightblood by Elly Blake
5pts-Book about exploring-Semiosis by Sue Burke
5pts-Under 200 pages-Falling for the Gravekeeper by Gena Showalter and Jill Monroe
5pts-Book with a cat in it-A Trip With Trouble by Diane Kelly 
5pts-Mentions being late-The Late Mrs. Willoughby by Claudia Gray 
5pts-CRITERIA CHOICE 1-"In" in the title-Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken
5pts-CRITERIA CHOICE 2-A person's name in the title-Nigeria Jones by Ibi Zoboi
10pts-CLUB READ 1-A Venom Dark and Sweet by Judy I. Lin
10pts-CLUB READ 2-The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake
10pts-Book with a tea party in it-A Magic Steeped in Poison by Judy I. Lin
10pts-Character named Alice-Through the Zombie Glass by Gena Showalter
10pts-Book that isn't about a birthday-Moon Called by Patricia Briggs 
15pts-Alice in Wonderland retelling-Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter
20pts-Book with a team in it*-Queen-The Iron Warrior by Julie Kagawa

How did I do last month?
5pts-Book that taught you something new-Counting Down With You by Tashie Bhuiyan-Read!
5pts-Archaeologist main character-MageQuest by Catilus 1-10-Read!
5pts-Book that mentions a museum-Reawakened by Colleen Houck-Read!
5pts-Set in the past-Magic Touch by A.S. Fenichel-Read!
5pts-CRITERIA CHOICE 1-Set in the desert-The Stolen Throne by Abigail Owen-Read!
5pts-CRITERIA CHOICE 2-Book with hieroglyphs in it-Wardens of Eternity by Courtney Allison Moulton-Read!
10pts-CLUB READ 1-Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett-Read!
10pts-CLUB READ 2-A Master of Djinn by P Djèlí Clark-Read!
10pts-Set in Egypt-Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine-Read!
15pts-Egyptian deity in the title-Anubis: Dog of Death by SindrElf 1-10-Read!
20pts-Book with a team in it*-Isis-The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White-Read!

Yeah, I read really amazing books this month, I finished this TBR in a reasonable time, given all the TBRs that I have. Can't wait for this coming month! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

Random Reads #593, March 30th

Random Reads is a monthly meme (that I'm going to do weekly) hosted by I'm Loving Books to read some books that have been on our TBR piles for a long time. Using, I got 4134 which turned out to be The Ivies by Alexa Donne! It's been on my TBR pile since January 22nd, 2020, and I added it because I love her writing and it sounded really great! What about you guys? Happy reading!

Third Sentence Thursday #607, March 30th

Create your own banner at!

Third Sentence Thursday is a weekly meme which likes to watch fireworks especially while eating a cookie!
1) Take the book you are currently reading and open it to a random page. Share the third full sentence on that page. (If there isn't a third one – like at the end of a chapter or a blank page – you can share the third sentence of the book or just choose another random page.) Feel free to share more than one sentence, if you feel the need to do so.
2) Review this sentence anyway you want (funny and silly reviews encouraged)
3) Post a link to your sentence at Words I Write Crazy (This Blog)
4) Visit one or two of the other blogs to check out their third sentences!

"I eased out of his death grip." -The Last Changeling by Chelsea Pitcher, page 12.

Well, that there's a death grip, that doesn't sound good! Must read more now! What are your guy's 3rd lines? Link up below!

Will the Time Come #617, March 30th

Every Thursday I am going to list a book which I really want to read/keep meaning to get to. These are mostly books which have been on my shelf for awhile now but don't have to be, maybe you got it two weeks ago and really want to read it! Thanks to Jodie from Books for Company for this meme!
Want to Join?
-Pick a book you have been meaning to read
-Do a post telling us about the book    
-Link the post up in the linky  
-Visit the other blogs

Since Witches came out of the broom-closet in the early 21st century, they have worked alongside humans as police officers, healers, stock traders, and more. But they aren’t the only paranormal entities in our world…

Police officer and Witch Donata Santori spends her days interrogating dead witnesses by summoning their spectral forms. Normally the job is little more than taking statements and filing reports. But when she’s called in on the case of a murdered art restorer, she finds herself suddenly in possession of a mystical portrait that both the human and paranormal communities would kill to get their hands on.

Unable to take on the forces hunting her alone, Donata seeks help from two unlikely and attractive allies: a reluctant shape-changer and a half-dragon art forger. But as the three of them hurry to uncover the truth about the powerful painting, Donata realizes that she’s caught in the middle of not one but two wars—one for possession of the painting’s secrets and one for possession of her heart…

Why the time hasn't come yet...
I don't know, it's the start of the series, and I haven't been reminded of it yet. But I want to read it! What about you guys? Happy reading! 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Magical Readathon: Orilium Update 1

So I read my first book for Magical Readathon: Orilium, and it was The Darkest Seduction which was for the prompt Astronomy, and I'll be reading The Last Changeling next!

My Reading Journey:

The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter
Prompt Fulfilled: Astronomy
Started On: March 29th
Finished On: March 29th, 9:40 PM
Pages Read: 502

The Last Changeling by Chelsea Pitcher
Prompt Fulfilled: Animal Studies
Started On: March 30th
Currently On: Page 0 of 360

Prompts Left: Alchemy, Inscription, Artificery, Spells & Incantations, Art of Illusion, Conjuration, Elemental Studies, Shapeshifting, Conjuration, Restoration, Astronomy, Inscription, Psionics & Divination, Restoration, Conjuration, Demonology, Lore, Animal Studies, Demonology, Restoration, Spells & Incantations, Astronomy, Alchemy, Art of Illusion, Spells & Incantations, Psionics & Divination, Conjuration, Lore, Alchemy, Restoration, Shapeshifting, Art of Illusion, Psionics & Divination 
Read: 1
Pages Read: 502

Waiting on Wednesday #620, March 29th

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating!
Ghostly Game by Christine Feehan
Expected Publication: May 2nd, 2023
From Goodreads:
Gideon "Eagle" Carpenter is used to rolling with the punches life has thrown at him. It's the only thing that's kept him alive. He and his team of GhostWalkers have seen and experienced it all. He does his best to live with all the sins written on his soul. Then he hears the laughter of a woman with the ability to erase--even for a few previous moments--the darkness of his past.

Laurel "Rory" Chappel has always been a nomad. She's accustomed to taking care of herself, despite the physical challenges she lives with. She thinks she's too weak to find real love, but that doesn't stop her interest in Gideon from turning into a full-on addiction. He's all rough edges and danger contrasted with a tenderness that makes her feel safe. Still, after a life spent in motion, she's not sure she knows how to stay in one place.

Gideon hopes he can persuade Rory to take a chance on him with every electric touch. But soon, life conspires against him, forcing the GhostWalker to risk everything to protect the woman he loves....

The Stolen Throne by Abigail Owen
Expected Publication: May 2nd, 2023
From Goodreads:
My twin sister is the true queen of Aryd. She survives, hiding and clinging to life in the desert, while I reign as the false queen alongside the monstrous King Eidolon. There’s only one escape from this gilded prison: Reven. My Shadowraith. My heart. Only the shadows that he struggles to control are growing more sinister, more powerful.

It’s just a matter of time before they turn on him…and on me.

Even escape doesn’t mean true freedom, though, when we’re still on the run from Eidolon’s unstoppable armies. And when we discover there’s a traitor among us, I have no choice…I must become the queen I was never meant to be.

Because as one evil hunts me, the other loves me more than himself.

And my fate lies with both.

Spring's Arcana by Lilith Saintcrow
Expected Publication: May 2nd, 2023
From Goodreads:
American Gods vs. Baba Yaga in this Russian-inspired contemporary fantasy Spring's Arcana, by New York Times bestseller Lilith Saintcrow.

Nat Drozdova is desperate to save a life. Doctors can do little for her cancer-ridden mother, who insists there is only one cure—and that Nat must visit a skyscraper in Manhattan to get it.

Amid a snow-locked city, inside a sleek glass-walled office, Nat makes her plea and is whisked into a terrifying new world. For the skyscraper holds a hungry winter goddess who has the power to cure her mother…if Nat finds a stolen object of great power.

Now Nat must travel with a razor-wielding assassin across an American continent brimming with terror, wonder, and hungry divinities with every reason to consume a young woman. For her ailing mother is indeed suffering no ordinary illness, and Nat Drozdova is no ordinary girl. Blood calls to blood, magic to magic, and a daughter may indeed save what she loves...

…if it doesn’t consume her first.

This is the way to the Dead God’s Heart.

The Isle of the Gods by Amie Kaufman
Expected Publication: May 2nd, 2023
From Goodreads:
Magic, romance, and slumbering gods clash in the start of a riveting fantasy series that spans gangsters' dens, forgotten temples, and the high seas from the New York Times bestselling author of the Aurora Cycle and the Illuminae Files.

Selly has salt water in her veins. So when her father leaves her high and dry in the port of Kirkpool, she has no intention of riding out the winter at home while he sails off to adventure. But any plans to follow him are dashed when a handsome stranger with tell-tale magician's marks on his arm commandeers her ship. He is Prince Leander of Alinor  and he needs to cross the Crescent Sea without detection so he can complete a ritual on the sacred Isles of the Gods. Selly has no desire to escort a spoiled prince anywhere, and no time for his entitled demands or his good looks. But what starts as a leisure cruise will lead to acts of treason and sheer terror on the high seas, bringing two countries to the brink of war, two strangers closer than they ever thought possible and stirring two dangerous gods from centuries of slumber...

Four Found Dead by Natalie D. Richards
Expected Publication: May 2nd, 2023
From Goodreads:
At the movie theater where Jo works, the last show has ended. But the nightmare is just beginning.

Tonight, Tempest Theaters is closing forever, the last remaining business in a defunct shopping mall. The moviegoers have left, and Jo and her six coworkers have the final shift, cleaning up popcorn and mopping floors for the last time.

But after an unexpected altercation puts everyone on edge, the power goes out. Their manager disappears, along with the keys to the lobby doors and the theater safe, where the crew's phones are locked each shift. Then, the crew's tension turns to terror when Jo discovers the dead body of one of her co-workers.

Now their only chance to escape the murderer in their midst is through the dark, shuttered mall. With its boarded-up exits and disabled fire alarms, the complex is filled with hiding places for both pursuer and pursued. In order to survive this night, Jo and her friends must trust one another, navigate the sprawling ruins of the mall, and outwit a killer before he kills again.

Lying in the Deep by Diana Urban
Expected Publication: May 2nd, 2023
From Goodreads:
Perfect for readers of Natasha Richards, E. Lockhart, and Karen McManus, a juicy mystery of jealousy, love, and betrayal set on a Semester at Sea-inspired cruise ship, with a diverse cast of delightfully suspicious characters who’ll leave you guessing with every jaw-dropping twist.

After being jilted by her ex-boyfriend and best friend, Jade couldn't be more ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime—11 countries in 4 months, all from the luxurious Campus on Board ship—and to wedge an entire globe between her and the people who broke her heart.

But when Jade discovers the backstabbing couple are also setting sail, her obsession with them grows and festers, leading to a shocking murder. And as their friends begin to drop like flies, Jade and her new crush must race to clear her name and find the killer they’re trapped at sea with….before anyone else winds up in body bags.

Oh wow, some really great books coming out at the start of my birthday month, and I can't wait for these books to come out, I'e read a few and they were so great! What about you guys? Happy reading!

WWW Wednesday #624, March 29th

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you'll read next?

Thanks to MizB of Should Be Writing now A Daily Rhythm for starting this meme! And thanks now to Taking on a World of Words for reviving it! 

I'm currently reading The Darkest Surrender, and I'm really enjoying it again! 
I read The Iron Traitor, and had such a great time reading it again! 
I'm going to be reading The Darkest Seduction again, and I can't wait! 

What about you guys? Happy reading!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Spring Into Reading-A-Thon Update 25 and Wrap Up

So I read my final book for Spring Into Reading-A-Thon, and it was The Gargoyle's Captive which was for the prompt Wet T-Shirt Contest! I had a great time, I read some really amazing books, and I can't wait for the next round!  

My Reading Journey:

The Stolen Throne by Abigail Owen
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Break
Started On: March 2nd
Finished On: March 2nd, 9:05 PM
Pages Read: 460

Magic Touch by A.S. Fenichel
Prompt Fulfilled: Love Is In The Air
Started On: March 3rd
Finished On: March 3rd, 2:32 PM
Pages Read: 300

Counting Down With You by Tashie Bhuiyan
Prompt Fulfilled: Tiptoe Through The Tulips
Started On: March 5th
Finished On: March 5th, 4:03 PM
Pages Read: 464

Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Prompt Fulfilled: Women's March
Started On: March 5th
Finished On: March 5th, 8:50 PM
Pages Read: 358

Daughters of the Dawn by Sasha Nanua and Sarena Nanua
Prompt Fulfilled: Flower Power
Started On: March 6th
Finished On: March 6th, 8:06 PM
Pages Read: 560

The Queen's Price by Anne Bishop
Prompt Fulfilled: Luck of the Irish
Started On: March 7th
Finished On: March 7th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 544

A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Claire Legrand
Prompt Fulfilled: New Beginnings
Started On: March 8th
Finished On: March 8th, 7:20 PM
Pages Read: 560

The Quarantine Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Prompt Fulfilled: Prom Queen
Started On: March 10th
Finished On: March 10th, 12:50 PM
Pages Read: 336

Raven's Shadow by Patricia Briggs
Prompt Fulfilled: Refresh Your TBR
Started On: March 12th
Finished On: March 12th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 337

A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
Prompt Fulfilled: Stormy Weather
Started On: March 13th
Finished On: March 13th, 8:45 PM
Pages Read: 880

A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross
Prompt Fulfilled: Let it Shine
Started On: March 15th
Finished On: March 15th, 9:14 PM
Pages Read: 512

Of Triton by Anna Banks
Prompt Fulfilled: Read Like An Aires
Started On: March 16th
Finished On: March 16th, 9:36 PM
Pages Read: 246

Blood Price by Vela Roth
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Fashion
Started On: March 17th
Finished On: March 17th, 8:48 PM
Pages Read: 300

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren
Prompt Fulfilled: Read the group book
Started On: March 19th
Finished On: March 19th, 8:48 PM
Pages Read: 433

Blood Bonds by Yasmine Galenorn
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Cleaning
Started On: March 20th
Finished On: March 20th, 10:01 PM
Pages Read: 254

Sadie by Courtney Summers
Prompt Fulfilled: April Showers
Started On: March 23rd
Finished On: March 23rd, 3:43 PM
Pages Read: 304

By the Book by Jasmine Guillory
Prompt Fulfilled: Over The Rainbow
Started On: March 23rd
Finished On: March 23rd, 8:36 PM
Pages Read: 325

It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison
Prompt Fulfilled: Road Trip
Started On: March 24th
Finished On: March 24th, 3:33 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Forward
Started On: March 24th
Finished On: March 24th, 7:24 PM
Pages Read: 442

Recreated by Colleen Houck
Prompt Fulfilled: Friendship Bracelets
Started On: March 26th
Finished On: March 26th, 12:02 PM
Pages Read: 416

Queen of Volts by Amanda 
Prompt Fulfilled: Rewind
Started On: March 27th
Finished On: March 27th, 7:58 PM
Pages Read: 640

Dark Sun by Melissa Marr
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Court
Started On: March 28th
Finished On: March 28th, 2:35 PM
Pages Read: 299

The Gargoyle's Captive by Katee Robert
Prompt Fulfilled: Wet T-Shirt Contest
Started On: March 28th
Finished On: March 28th, 5:54 PM
Pages Read: 192

Prompts Left: None Left!
Read: 23
Pages Read: 9762

Spring Into Reading-A-Thon Update 24

So I read my next book for Spring Into Reading-A-Thon, and it was Dark Sun which was for the prompt Spring Court, and I'll be reading The Gargoyle's Captive next! 

My Reading Journey:

The Stolen Throne by Abigail Owen
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Break
Started On: March 2nd
Finished On: March 2nd, 9:05 PM
Pages Read: 460

Magic Touch by A.S. Fenichel
Prompt Fulfilled: Love Is In The Air
Started On: March 3rd
Finished On: March 3rd, 2:32 PM
Pages Read: 300

Counting Down With You by Tashie Bhuiyan
Prompt Fulfilled: Tiptoe Through The Tulips
Started On: March 5th
Finished On: March 5th, 4:03 PM
Pages Read: 464

Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Prompt Fulfilled: Women's March
Started On: March 5th
Finished On: March 5th, 8:50 PM
Pages Read: 358

Daughters of the Dawn by Sasha Nanua and Sarena Nanua
Prompt Fulfilled: Flower Power
Started On: March 6th
Finished On: March 6th, 8:06 PM
Pages Read: 560

The Queen's Price by Anne Bishop
Prompt Fulfilled: Luck of the Irish
Started On: March 7th
Finished On: March 7th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 544

A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Claire Legrand
Prompt Fulfilled: New Beginnings
Started On: March 8th
Finished On: March 8th, 7:20 PM
Pages Read: 560

The Quarantine Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Prompt Fulfilled: Prom Queen
Started On: March 10th
Finished On: March 10th, 12:50 PM
Pages Read: 336

Raven's Shadow by Patricia Briggs
Prompt Fulfilled: Refresh Your TBR
Started On: March 12th
Finished On: March 12th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 337

A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
Prompt Fulfilled: Stormy Weather
Started On: March 13th
Finished On: March 13th, 8:45 PM
Pages Read: 880

A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross
Prompt Fulfilled: Let it Shine
Started On: March 15th
Finished On: March 15th, 9:14 PM
Pages Read: 512

Of Triton by Anna Banks
Prompt Fulfilled: Read Like An Aires
Started On: March 16th
Finished On: March 16th, 9:36 PM
Pages Read: 246

Blood Price by Vela Roth
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Fashion
Started On: March 17th
Finished On: March 17th, 8:48 PM
Pages Read: 300

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren
Prompt Fulfilled: Read the group book
Started On: March 19th
Finished On: March 19th, 8:48 PM
Pages Read: 433

Blood Bonds by Yasmine Galenorn
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Cleaning
Started On: March 20th
Finished On: March 20th, 10:01 PM
Pages Read: 254

Sadie by Courtney Summers
Prompt Fulfilled: April Showers
Started On: March 23rd
Finished On: March 23rd, 3:43 PM
Pages Read: 304

By the Book by Jasmine Guillory
Prompt Fulfilled: Over The Rainbow
Started On: March 23rd
Finished On: March 23rd, 8:36 PM
Pages Read: 325

It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison
Prompt Fulfilled: Road Trip
Started On: March 24th
Finished On: March 24th, 3:33 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Forward
Started On: March 24th
Finished On: March 24th, 7:24 PM
Pages Read: 442

Recreated by Colleen Houck
Prompt Fulfilled: Friendship Bracelets
Started On: March 26th
Finished On: March 26th, 12:02 PM
Pages Read: 416

Queen of Volts by Amanda 
Prompt Fulfilled: Rewind
Started On: March 27th
Finished On: March 27th, 7:58 PM
Pages Read: 640

Dark Sun by Melissa Marr
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Court
Started On: March 28th
Finished On: March 28th, 2:35 PM
Pages Read: 299

The Gargoyle's Captive by Katee Robert
Prompt Fulfilled: Wet T-Shirt Contest
Started On: March 28th
Currently On: Page 0 of 192

Prompts Left: None Left!
Read: 22
Pages Read: 9570

Teaser Tuesday #624, March 28th

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Ambrosia of The Purple Booker. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Today's teaser comes from Dark Sun by Melissa Marr, page 14.

"So single forever, that was to be her fate. It could work. Really."

Oh, the tone of this was so great to read! Must read more now! What about you guys? Happy reading!

Monday, March 27, 2023

Spring Into Reading-A-Thon Update 23

So I read my next book for Spring Into Reading-A-Thon, and it was Queen of Volts which was for the prompt Rewind, and I'll be reading Dark Sun next! 

My Reading Journey:

The Stolen Throne by Abigail Owen
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Break
Started On: March 2nd
Finished On: March 2nd, 9:05 PM
Pages Read: 460

Magic Touch by A.S. Fenichel
Prompt Fulfilled: Love Is In The Air
Started On: March 3rd
Finished On: March 3rd, 2:32 PM
Pages Read: 300

Counting Down With You by Tashie Bhuiyan
Prompt Fulfilled: Tiptoe Through The Tulips
Started On: March 5th
Finished On: March 5th, 4:03 PM
Pages Read: 464

Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Prompt Fulfilled: Women's March
Started On: March 5th
Finished On: March 5th, 8:50 PM
Pages Read: 358

Daughters of the Dawn by Sasha Nanua and Sarena Nanua
Prompt Fulfilled: Flower Power
Started On: March 6th
Finished On: March 6th, 8:06 PM
Pages Read: 560

The Queen's Price by Anne Bishop
Prompt Fulfilled: Luck of the Irish
Started On: March 7th
Finished On: March 7th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 544

A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Claire Legrand
Prompt Fulfilled: New Beginnings
Started On: March 8th
Finished On: March 8th, 7:20 PM
Pages Read: 560

The Quarantine Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Prompt Fulfilled: Prom Queen
Started On: March 10th
Finished On: March 10th, 12:50 PM
Pages Read: 336

Raven's Shadow by Patricia Briggs
Prompt Fulfilled: Refresh Your TBR
Started On: March 12th
Finished On: March 12th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 337

A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
Prompt Fulfilled: Stormy Weather
Started On: March 13th
Finished On: March 13th, 8:45 PM
Pages Read: 880

A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross
Prompt Fulfilled: Let it Shine
Started On: March 15th
Finished On: March 15th, 9:14 PM
Pages Read: 512

Of Triton by Anna Banks
Prompt Fulfilled: Read Like An Aires
Started On: March 16th
Finished On: March 16th, 9:36 PM
Pages Read: 246

Blood Price by Vela Roth
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Fashion
Started On: March 17th
Finished On: March 17th, 8:48 PM
Pages Read: 300

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren
Prompt Fulfilled: Read the group book
Started On: March 19th
Finished On: March 19th, 8:48 PM
Pages Read: 433

Blood Bonds by Yasmine Galenorn
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Cleaning
Started On: March 20th
Finished On: March 20th, 10:01 PM
Pages Read: 254

Sadie by Courtney Summers
Prompt Fulfilled: April Showers
Started On: March 23rd
Finished On: March 23rd, 3:43 PM
Pages Read: 304

By the Book by Jasmine Guillory
Prompt Fulfilled: Over The Rainbow
Started On: March 23rd
Finished On: March 23rd, 8:36 PM
Pages Read: 325

It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison
Prompt Fulfilled: Road Trip
Started On: March 24th
Finished On: March 24th, 3:33 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Forward
Started On: March 24th
Finished On: March 24th, 7:24 PM
Pages Read: 442

Recreated by Colleen Houck
Prompt Fulfilled: Friendship Bracelets
Started On: March 26th
Finished On: March 26th, 12:02 PM
Pages Read: 416

Queen of Volts by Amanda 
Prompt Fulfilled: Rewind
Started On: March 27th
Finished On: March 27th, 7:58 PM
Pages Read: 640

Dark Sun by Melissa Marr
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Court
Started On: March 28th
Currently On: Page 0 of 299

Prompts Left: Wet T-Shirt Contest
Read: 21
Pages Read: 9271

It's Monday! What Are You Reading #616, March 27th

It's Monday! What Are You Reading is a weekly meme hosted by Book Date where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week...and anything in between! This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as never know where that next "must read" book will come from!
What happened in the past week:

Weekly Memes:
It's Monday! What Are You Reading #615
Teaser Tuesday #623
WWW Wednesday #623
WOW #619
Will the Time Come #616
Third Sentence Thursday #606
Random Reads #592
First Lines Friday #619
Book Blogger Hop #285
22 Books to Read in 2022 Update 12
The Reward Challenge Update #601
Wheel of TBR #148
How Well I Stuck to It #453
Wrote that Review Update #450

Week 12 Reviews:
Spring's Arcana

Magical Readathon: Orilium: 
Update 21

Spring Into Reading-A-Thon: 

OK, so I got 31 posts in 7 days, and yeah, it was a decent week, it was quite, I read a good number of books, and I have a number to read before the end of the month. Wish me luck! What about you guys? Happy reading!

So this week I want to read The Gargoyle's Captive!

Grace is a monster hunter who went into her demon deal with eyes wide open. Years ago, her mother made the same choice and was never seen again, and the answers Grace seeks can only be found in the demon realm.

She doesn't care that she’s auctioned off to a gargoyle. She doesn't plan to stay with him longer than strictly necessary.

Unfortunately, she didn't read the small print of her contract.

Every time she tries to escape, she's transported back into Bram's tender care. He never hurts her, never punishes her, just meets her fury with an easy charm she doesn't know how to fight.

She doesn't mean to give in, to stop fighting. But the moment she does, she starts to forget what brought her to this place and what her goals are. After a life starved of pleasure, she's all willing to let Bram seduce her again and again…

At least until the past comes calling.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Spring Into Reading-A-Thon Update 22

So I read my next book for Spring Into Reading-A-Thon, and it was Recreated which was for the prompt Friendship Bracelets, and I'll be reading Dark Sun next! 

My Reading Journey:

The Stolen Throne by Abigail Owen
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Break
Started On: March 2nd
Finished On: March 2nd, 9:05 PM
Pages Read: 460

Magic Touch by A.S. Fenichel
Prompt Fulfilled: Love Is In The Air
Started On: March 3rd
Finished On: March 3rd, 2:32 PM
Pages Read: 300

Counting Down With You by Tashie Bhuiyan
Prompt Fulfilled: Tiptoe Through The Tulips
Started On: March 5th
Finished On: March 5th, 4:03 PM
Pages Read: 464

Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Prompt Fulfilled: Women's March
Started On: March 5th
Finished On: March 5th, 8:50 PM
Pages Read: 358

Daughters of the Dawn by Sasha Nanua and Sarena Nanua
Prompt Fulfilled: Flower Power
Started On: March 6th
Finished On: March 6th, 8:06 PM
Pages Read: 560

The Queen's Price by Anne Bishop
Prompt Fulfilled: Luck of the Irish
Started On: March 7th
Finished On: March 7th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 544

A Crown of Ivy and Glass by Claire Legrand
Prompt Fulfilled: New Beginnings
Started On: March 8th
Finished On: March 8th, 7:20 PM
Pages Read: 560

The Quarantine Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Prompt Fulfilled: Prom Queen
Started On: March 10th
Finished On: March 10th, 12:50 PM
Pages Read: 336

Raven's Shadow by Patricia Briggs
Prompt Fulfilled: Refresh Your TBR
Started On: March 12th
Finished On: March 12th, 7:15 PM
Pages Read: 337

A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
Prompt Fulfilled: Stormy Weather
Started On: March 13th
Finished On: March 13th, 8:45 PM
Pages Read: 880

A Fire Endless by Rebecca Ross
Prompt Fulfilled: Let it Shine
Started On: March 15th
Finished On: March 15th, 9:14 PM
Pages Read: 512

Of Triton by Anna Banks
Prompt Fulfilled: Read Like An Aires
Started On: March 16th
Finished On: March 16th, 9:36 PM
Pages Read: 246

Blood Price by Vela Roth
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Fashion
Started On: March 17th
Finished On: March 17th, 8:48 PM
Pages Read: 300

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren
Prompt Fulfilled: Read the group book
Started On: March 19th
Finished On: March 19th, 8:48 PM
Pages Read: 433

Blood Bonds by Yasmine Galenorn
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Cleaning
Started On: March 20th
Finished On: March 20th, 10:01 PM
Pages Read: 254

Sadie by Courtney Summers
Prompt Fulfilled: April Showers
Started On: March 23rd
Finished On: March 23rd, 3:43 PM
Pages Read: 304

By the Book by Jasmine Guillory
Prompt Fulfilled: Over The Rainbow
Started On: March 23rd
Finished On: March 23rd, 8:36 PM
Pages Read: 325

It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison
Prompt Fulfilled: Road Trip
Started On: March 24th
Finished On: March 24th, 3:33 PM
Pages Read: 400

The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Forward
Started On: March 24th
Finished On: March 24th, 7:24 PM
Pages Read: 442

Recreated by Colleen Houck
Prompt Fulfilled: Friendship Bracelets
Started On: March 26th
Finished On: March 26th, 12:02 PM
Pages Read: 416

Dark Sun by Melissa Marr
Prompt Fulfilled: Spring Court
Started On: March 
Currently On: Page 0 of 299

Prompts Left: Wet T-Shirt Contest, Rewind
Read: 20
Pages Read: 8631

Wrote that Review Update #450, March 26th

Create your own banner at!
If you want to participate, set a certain amount of reviews to write, and once you make that goal, you can get a reward!

My reviews to reward is writing all of the reviews of the week, and I motivated myself to write my review for Spring's Arcana, Love and Other Words, Blood Bonds, Wardens of Eternity, A Dead Djinn in Cairo, The Angel of Khan el-Khalili, The Haunting of Tram Car 015, A Master of Djinn, Sadie, By the Book, More Than Meets the Eye, It's One of Us, The Darkest Lie and The Darkest Secret, so I have 10 of 10 reviews written!

And as always, I want to review this week's reviews!

What about you guys? Happy reading! 

How Well I Stuck to It #453, March 26th

So I decided that I should have accountability on sticking to what should be in a week, so I'm doing How Well I Stuck to It every Sunday, because my schedule should be fixed in by now!

Week 13:
The Gargoyle's Captive by Katee Robert

Review Books: NA.

NetGalley: NA.

Edelweiss: NA.

New Books: 1. Check.

A really quick week, since this book is under 200 pages, but I really want to read this book! 

Week 12:
Nothing Planned! 


Spring's Arcana by Lilith Saintcrow, Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren, Blood Bonds by Yasmine Galenorn, Wardens of Eternity by Courtney Moulton, A Dead Djinn in Cairo by P. Djèlí Clark, The Angel of Khan el-Khalili by P. Djèlí Clark, The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P. Djèlí Clark, A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark, Sadie by Courtney Summers, By the Book by Jasmine Guillory, More Than Meets the Eye by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen, It's One of Us by J.T. Ellison, The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter, The Darkest Secret by Gena Showalter 

I had a free week, and I read a pretty decent amount of books, I tried to take it easy, but then I needed to fit a lot of books in at the end of the week, opps! But I can't wait for next week! What about you guys? Happy reading!

Wheel of TBR #148, March 26th

I saw Codie's Book Corner doing the Wheel of TBR, and I thought that sounded like a great way to pick what to read from your TBR. So thanks to her! I'll only do 3 spins, because I'm doing this every week, and so it won't make up my total TBR of the week, but it'll be a start!

1. For each week of the month, I'll do 3 spins each week to read each week though I do have the rest of the month to read them. Once a prompt is used, I'll randomly choose one from the list, keeping track of how often a colour comes up. If colour comes up 3 or more times in month, I'll do another spin once it comes up 3 times.
2. If I don't read a book that week or at least start it before the end of the month, then for my next week of spins, I have to add a punishment for each book unread. I'll roll for each unread book, and have to apply each and every punishment chosen to the week.
3. Each month I'll get a prompt from my Binge Read Wheel (either specifically picking the prompt, or spinning the wheel) and I have to read at least 9 books, though I can read more!

Of the books from the last week, I read A Master of Djinn by P Djèlí Clark, Delicious Monsters by Liselle Sambury, The Darkest Secret by Gena Showalter.

Binge Read Wheel:
For this month, the picked Ebook TBR. I read Reignited by Colleen Houck, Blood Bonds by Yasmine Galenorn, The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P. Djèlí Clark, By the Book by Jasmine Guillory, More Than Meets the Eye by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen, so I've read 20/9+.

For this coming month, the week picked Reread.

Prompts Used This Week:
NetGalley Book to Read in 2021, Catch Up With Author, Series Not Touched in 2023.

NetGalley Book to Read in 2021-Chartreuse-The Last Changeling by Chelsea Pitcher-This is one of the few remaining on this list, so that works!

Catch Up With Author-Azure-Nightblood by Elly Blake-This is Elly Blake's last currently published book that I need to read, which will catch me up with her books, so that works! 

Series Not Touched in 2023-Yellow-Nightshade by Andrea Cremer-I haven't read from this series since 2012, so that works! 

Colour Totals:
Red: 1
Orange: 2
Yellow:  2
Chartreuse: 2
Green: 2
Spring Green: 1
Cyan: 0
Azure: 2
Blue: 1
Violet: 1
Magenta: 1
Rose: 0

Prompts for Next Week:
A-Z Random-Red
My Initials-Orange
Physical Book-Yellow
More Than 1000 Ratings-Green
Year-Spring Green
Coin Toss-Azure
Owned Pre-2020-Violet
Edelweiss Book to Read in 2021-Magenta
Louisa Pick-Rose

So those are some of the books I'm going to try to read this week. What about you guys? Happy reading!

The Reward Challenge Update #601, March 26th

The Reward Challenge is almost the complete opposite to a book buying ban as you'll end up buying lots of new books throughout the challenge but only after you've completed a certain amount of reading. It was hosted by Good Golly Miss Holly, so thanks to her for starting it!

OK, so I read Spring's Arcana which counts 4 times as a NetGalley Book, Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book and a WoW Book, Love and Other Words which counts twice as a SAC 2023 Book, Blood Bonds which counts 4 times as a End of Series 2023 Book, Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book and a WTC Book, Wardens of Eternity which counts 4 times as a Historical Fiction 2023 Book, SAC 2023 Book and a WoW Book, A Dead Djinn in Cairo which counts 3 times as a Historical Fiction 2023 Book and Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book, The Angel of Khan el-Khalili which counts 3 times as a Historical Fiction 2023 Book and Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book, The Haunting of Tram Car 015 which counts 3 times as a Historical Fiction 2023 Book and Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book, A Master of Djinn which counts 3 times as a Historical Fiction 2023 Book and Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book, Sadie which counts twice as a SAC 2023 Book, By the Book which counts 3 times as a 2023 Retelling Reading Challenge 2023 Book and a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book, More Than Meets the Eye which counts 3 times as a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book and a WoW Book, It's One of Us which counts 4 times as a Edelweiss Book, SAC 2023 Book and a WoW Book, The Darkest Lie which counts twice as a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book, The Darkest Secret which counts twice as a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book.

So I have 42 counts which translates to $21 this week! I'll use it to buy books!

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Week 12 Reviews: The Darkest Lie, The Darkest Secret

From Goodreads:
In this riveting new installment of New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter's Lords of the Underworld series, Gideon, keeper of the Demon of Lies, fights to uncover the truth….

Forced to his knees in agony whenever he speaks the truth, Gideon can recognize any lie—until he captures Scarlet, a demon-possessed immortal who claims to be his long-lost wife. He doesn't remember the beautiful female, much less wedding — or bedding — her. But he wants to . . . almost as much as he wants her.

But Scarlet is keeper of Nightmares, too dangerous to roam free, and a future with her could mean ultimate ruin. Especially as Gideon's enemies draw closer . . . and the truth threatens to destroy all he's come to love . . .

From Goodreads:
In this sexy new installment of Showalter's bestselling Lords of the Underworld series, the haunted Amun meets a woman who tempts him like no other...

Keeper of the demon of Secrets, Amun can manipulate the darkest thoughts of anyone nearby. But when the immortal warrior is chained and isolated to protect those he loves, death is his only hope of release—until he meets Haidee, a fellow prisoner whose beauty and hidden vulnerability draw him into a reckless test of his loyalty.

Haidee is a demon-assassin, raised to despise Amun's kind. Yet how can she hate the man whose touch sets her aflame? But to save him, she must give herself body and soul...and face the wrath of a powerful adversary sworn to destroy her.

My first review of The Darkest LieThe Darkest Secret
My second review of The Darkest Secret
My Review
Oh, I really enjoyed reading these books again! I just love this series, and it was a blast to see these characters fall in love again! The Darkest Secret was the first book in tis series that I read since I first started blogging, which is wild, but holds a special place in my heart!

It's funny since Secret is more recent then Lie, but I remembered more about The Darkest Lie then the Darkest Secret. I mean, there were a few things, from Secret, about Haidee/Hadiee, but the things that Scarlet's aunt did to them, that I remembered, which was so awful! 

Gideon's story was set up in the previous books, with his injury, and with Scarlet's capture. But watching them fall in love, knowing that her memories of him are almost entirely made up, that they were building something new, but together, yeah, I really enjoyed their story! 

Then there's Amun and Haidee. I'd totally forgotten how her whole thing worked, or how tightly her history was intertwined with the Lords, besides her being the one and only Bait that actually ended up getting a Lord killed. But oh, their journey though Hell, and meeting William's children, falling in love, it was such a great story! 

These were such great reads, and I can't wait to continue on with my reread! 

Author: Gena Showalter
Series: Lords of the Underworld #6, 7 
First Read: 2010, April 13th, 2011
Second Read: June 15th, 2013, June 24th, 2013
Read: March 24th, 24th, 2023 
Source: Own
Reason Why:  Rereading, and they're Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book!
Publisher: Mira
Published: July 2nd 2010, March 29th 2011

The Darkest Lie:
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books

5/5 Stars

The Darkest Secret: 
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 12 Review: It's One of Us

From Goodreads:
Everybody lies. Even the ones you think you know best of all . . .

Olivia Bender designs exquisite home interiors that satisfy the most demanding clients. But her own deepest desire can't be fulfilled by marble counters or the perfect rug. She desperately wants to be a mother. Fertility treatments and IVF keep failing. And just when she feels she's at her lowest point, the police deliver shocking news to Olivia and her husband, Park.

DNA results show that the prime suspect in a murder investigation is Park's son. Olivia is relieved, knowing this is a mistake. Despite their desire, the Benders don't have any children. Then comes the confession. Many years ago, Park donated sperm to a clinic. He has no idea how many times it was sold—or how many children he has sired.

As the murder investigation goes deeper, more terrible truths come to light. With every revelation, Olivia must face the unthinkable. The man she married has fathered a killer. But can she hold that against him when she keeps such dark secrets of her own?

This twisting, emotionally layered thriller explores the lies we tell to keep a marriage together--or break each other apart . . .

My Review:
Oh man, this book was such an incredible read! I've loved J.T. Ellison's books from the beginning, but I knew that this was a personal subject for her, that she's had her own infertility journey. The pain that these characters deal with is very clear to see in these pages. 

To be honest, I don't want kids, I don't want the crushing responsibility of raising another human being. So while I can't understand the want to have them, I can feel for the pain of having trouble in the process of trying to have them. Especially in cases like this, with fertility treatments that crank up the hormones and result in so many hopes dashed. 

The whole concept of this book-of a couple dealing with infertility, when it comes out that his son-because he was a sperm bank donor-left his DNA at a crime scene, is a suspect in a crime? Yeah, that's a pretty difficult and compelling idea! 

I really enjoyed the way this was told, with all of these various perspectives, the wife, the husband, the donor, the brother, even the murderer on occasion. It brought the whole depth of the story, of all the twists and turns in the mystery, including some pretty shocking reveals! Plus that script write out for the documentary at the end was pretty cool!

This was an utterly incredible read, and I can't wait to read more by J.T. Ellison! 

Author: J.T. Ellison 
Read: March 24th, 2023 
Source: Edelweiss/Library
Reason Why: Love her writing and it sounded really great, and it's a SAC 2023 Book and a WoW Book! 
Publisher: MIRA 
Published: February 21st 2023
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 12 Review: More Than Meets the Eye

From Goodreads:
New York Times bestselling authors Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen team up for another electrifying thriller that pits a serial killer against Kendra Michaels' heightened powers of deduction.

After scoring a plea deal in a high-profile murder trial, serial killer James Michael Barrett leads a grim parade of law enforcement officers to the body of his last victim. At the alleged burial site, the officers swing their shovels down and are met with a strange metallic sound they weren't expecting. In a blink, a terrific explosion rocks the woods, killing Barrett and most of the officers instantly.

The detonation is only the beginning of a shocking case for FBI consultant Kendra Michaels—a string of heinous murders in the style of the very-dead Barrett mysteriously continue, and it becomes clear that he may not have been working alone. As the crimes accelerate, Kendra reluctantly accepts help from college student Tricia Walton, the only survivor of Barrett's attacks. But the killer has a terrifying plan that Kendra and her team are only beginning to understand.

My Review:
This was a really great read, and such a great sequel! I love this series so much, I love watching Kendra investigate, and her relationship with Lynch. This latest case with a caught serial killer turning out to having a partner, yeah, it was so great to read! 

This latest case, with a convicted killer taking agents to one of his undiscovered bodies, and then that place being a trap and killing most that where there? Yeah, this case was pretty personal, since Metcalf was there, and was injured, and I couldn't put it down! 

This book focused a lot on Tricia, the only known person to escape Barrett. As this case got more complicated, with alphas and betas, and getting into that world, the threat to Tricia increased-and focused on Kendra as well, which wasn't great! 

Her relationship with Lynch really got some screen time in this book, between him not giving up, and some helpful time given by Tricia. I really enjoyed watching it play out, and hopefully, this time, they won't backslide, that they'll stay together! 

I had a really great time reading this book, and I can't wait to read more! 

Authors: Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen 
Series: Kendra Michaels #10
Read: March 24th, 2023
Reason Why: Love their writing and this series, and it's a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book and a WoW Book! 
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Published: February 7th 2023
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars

Week 12 Review: By the Book

From Goodreads:
Sometimes to truly know a person, you have to read between the lines.

Isabelle is completely lost. When she first began her career in publishing after college, she did not expect to be twenty-five, still living at home, and one of the few Black employees at her publishing house. Overworked and underpaid, constantly torn between speaking up or stifling herself, Izzy thinks there must be more to this publishing life. So when she overhears her boss complaining about a beastly high-profile author who has failed to deliver his long-awaited manuscript, Isabelle sees an opportunity to prove her worth and finally get the recognition she deserves. All she has to do is go to the author's Santa Barbara mansion and give him a quick pep talk or three. How hard could it be?

But Izzy quickly finds out she is in over her head. Beau Towers is not some celebrity lightweight writing a tell-all memoir. He is jaded and withdrawn and—it turns out—just as lost as Izzy. But despite his standoffishness, Izzy needs Beau to deliver, and with her encouragement, his story begins to spill onto the page. They soon discover they have more in common than either of them expected, and as their deadline nears, Izzy and Beau begin to realize there may be something there that wasn't there before.

Best-selling author Jasmine Guillory's reimagining of a beloved fairy tale is a tale as old as time . . . for a new generation.

My Review:
This was such a great read! Beauty and the Beast is one of my top favourite Disney movies, and this modern retelling did justice to the story! I loved Izzy and Beau, and their book-filled lives, and I had such a great time reading their story!

I haven't read anything else by Jasmine Guillory, so I don't know what her other books are like, but like the first book in this series, this was a romantic modern day retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and I just loved seeing this setting with these story beats! 

Isabelle is not where she expected to be when she first started, the positivity and optimism from the prologue is quickly gone in the first chapter. That there's so few Black employees there, that's not a good sign, neither is the fact that she keeps not getting promoted despite her hard work. 

Beau has a reason why he hasn't written his memoir, and it's for the same reason that he wanted to write it in the first place. But those issues are still keeping him from writing it. I loved watching Izzy come in, and help motivate him, as they both healed from the past! It was so adorable! 

This was a fantastic read, and I can't wait to continue the series! 

Author: Jasmine Guillory
Series: Meant to Be #2
Read: March 23rd, 2023
Reason Why:  Love this series and it sounded really great, and it's a 2023 Retelling Reading Challenge 2023 Book and a Prequel & Sequel Challenge 2023 Book! 
Publisher: Hyperion Avenue
Published: March 3rd 2022
5/5 Hearts
5/5 Books
5/5 Stars