Monday, April 28, 2014

Maria V. Snyder Author Page

The Story: Well, I technically read Inside Out first, but that was back in 2010, before I started blogging, and using Goodreads, and and while it I enjoyed it, Poison Study, the real first book that I read, was my favourite, which I got as my first RAK. I was utterly captivated by Yelena and Valek, and their world, and I wanted to read more!!! Poison Study was the book that got my hooked on Maria V. Snyder's writing. And this is my author page for her. I've read all of Maria V. Snyder's full length published novels that are currently out.  And I've reread the majority of them. Yep.


Series: Chronicles of IxiaStudy, The Study Chronicle's: Valek's AdventuresGlass, SoulfindersInsidersHealer, Sentinels of the Galaxy, Archives of the Invisible Sword.

Chronicles of Ixia: Poison Study and her sitemy reviewmy rereadmy third review, my fourth reviewAssassin Study and her sitemy reviewmy reread, my third review, (Part of *The Study Chronicles*), Magic Study and her sitemy reviewmy rereadmy third review, my fourth reviewFire Study and her sitemy reviewmy rereadmy third review, my fourth reviewPower Study and her sitemy reviewmy reread, my third review, (Part of *The Study Chronicles*), Storm Glass and her sitemy reviewmy rereadmy third review, my fourth reviewSea Glass and her sitemy reviewmy reread, my third reviewIce Study and her sitemy reviewmy reread, my third review, (Part of *The Study Chronicles*), Spy Glass and her sitemy reviewmy reread, my third reviewShadow Study and her sitemy review, my rereadNight Study and her sitemy review, my rereadShattered Glass and her sitemy review, my reread, (Part of *The Study Chronicles*), Dawn Study and her sitemy review, my reread, Diaper Study and her site, my review, (Part of *The Study Chronicles*), The Study of Poisons and her site, my review, The Study of Magic and her site, my review

Study: Poison Study, Assassin Study, Magic Study, Fire Study, Power Study, Ice Study, Shadow Study, Night Study, Dawn Study, Diaper Study, The Study of Poisons, The Study of Magic.

The Study Chronicle's: Valek's Adventures: The Study of Poisons, The Study of Magic. 

Glass: Storm Glass, Sea Glass, Spy Glass, Shattered Glass.

Soulfinders: Shadow Study, Night Study, Dawn Study, Diaper Study. 

Diamond Study, Assassin Study, Power Study, Ice Study, Shattered Glass, Diaper Study, Wedding Study, and After Study are 8 short stories in The Study Chronicles, and her site, my review.

Insiders: Inside Out and her site, my review, my reread, my third reviewOutside In and her site, my review, my reread, my third review.

Healer: Touch of Power and her site, my review, my reread, my third reviewScent of Magic and her site, my review, my reread, my third reviewTaste of Darkness and her site, my review, my reread.

Sentinels of the Galaxy: Navigating the Stars and her site, my review, my rereadChasing the Shadows and her site, my review, my reread, Defending the Galaxy and her site, my review.

The Archives of the Invisible Sword: The Eyes of Tamburah and her site, my review, my rereadThe City of Zirdai and her site, my review, The King of Koraha and her site, my review.

Anthologies: Brave New World and her sitemy review, The Eternal Kiss and her sitemy review, Up for the Challenge and her site, my review.

her site

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This is an award free blog! Thanks for thinking of me but I just don't have the time to pass it along!