Sunday, March 9, 2025

Wheel of TBR #250, March 9th

I saw Codie's Book Corner doing the Wheel of TBR, and I thought that sounded like a great way to pick what to read from your TBR. So thanks to her! I'll only do 3 spins, because I'm doing this every week, and so it won't make up my total TBR of the week, but it'll be a start!

1. For each week of the month, I'll do 3 spins each week to read each week though I do have the rest of the month to read them. Once a prompt is used, I'll randomly choose one from the list, keeping track of how often a colour comes up. If colour comes up 3 or more times in month, I'll do another spin once it comes up 3 times.
2. If I don't read a book that week or at least start it before the end of the month, then for my next week of spins, I have to add a punishment for each book unread. I'll roll for each unread book, and have to apply each and every punishment chosen to the week.
3. Each month I'll get a prompt from my Binge Read Wheel (either specifically picking the prompt, or spinning the wheel) and I have to read at least 9 books, though I can read more!

Of the books from the last week, I read Necrobane by Daniel M. Ford, Advocate by Daniel M. Ford, Shadow's Heart by Kresley Cole. 

Binge Read Wheel:
For this month, the wheel picked Genre. I read Steel by Carrie Vaughn, so I've read 1/9+.

This week I read the past wheel picks of , so I have  past spins left,

Prompts Used This Week:
Genre, The Bookworm Revolution, ARC Book to Read in 2024, Book to Read in 2023.

Genre-Green-Mystery-Pride or Die by CL Montblanc-This is logged as a mystery, the 2nd one after YA, so that works! 

The Bookworm Revolution-Spring Green-His Mortal Demise by Vanessa Le-This is one of the books that I have on my Bookwork Revolution TBR, so I'll read that! 

ARC Book to Read in 2024-Red-The Disappearance of Sloane Sullivan by Gia Cribbs-This is on my Edelweiss ARC list for 2024! 

Bonus Spin for Spring Green-Book to Read in 2023-Chartreuse-The Body Market by Donna Freitas-This was on my Edelweiss ARC List for 2023!

Colour Totals:
Red: 1
Orange: 0
Yellow: 0
Chartreuse: 1
Green: 1
Spring Green: 3
Cyan: 1
Azure: 0
Blue: 0 
Violet: 0
Magenta: 0
Rose: 0

Prompts for Next Week:
End the Series-Red
No Article Words Title-Orange
Newly Published-Yellow
Author As Last Read-Chartreuse
Adaptation-Spring Green
2024 Purchase-Cyan
Reading Now-Azure
NetGalley Book to Read in 2021-Blue
ARC Book to Read in 2023-Violet
Series Started and Unfinished/Current 2023-Magenta
ARC Book to Read in 2025-Rose

So those are some of the books I'm going to try to read this week. What about you guys? Happy reading!

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